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European Broadcasting Union facts for kids

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European Broadcasting Union
Union européenne de radio-télévision
European Broadcasting Union logo.svg
Logo used since 2012
EBU Member Elliptic.svg
Countries with one or more members are in dark blue. Associated members in light blue.
Predecessor International Broadcasting Union
Formation 12 February 1950; 75 years ago (1950-02-12)
Type Union of broadcasting organisations
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
  • 112 member organisations
  • (in 54 countries)
Official language
English, French
Delphine Ernotte
Noel Curran

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU; French: Union européenne de radio-télévision, UER) is an alliance of public service media organisations whose countries are within the European Broadcasting Area or who are members of the Council of Europe. As of 2023, it is made up of 113 member organisations from 56 countries, and 31 associate members from a further 20 countries. It was established in 1950, and has its administrative headquarters in Geneva.

The EBU owns and operates the Eurovision and Euroradio telecommunications networks on which major television and radio broadcasts are distributed live to its members. It also operates the daily Eurovision news exchange in which members share breaking news footage. In 2017, the EBU launched the Eurovision Social Newswire, an eyewitness and video verification service. Led by Head of Social Newsgathering, Derek Bowler, the service provides members of the EBU with verified and cleared-for-use newsworthy eyewitness media emerging on social media.

The EBU, in co-operation with its members, produces programmes and organises events in which its members can participate, such as the Eurovision Song Contest, its best known production, or the Eurovision Debates between candidates for president of the European Commission for the 2014 and 2019 parliamentary elections. The Director-General is Noel Curran since 2017.

General description

Eurovision old logo
The classic opening ident that preceded all Eurovision network transmissions until 1993. The logotypes of both the sending and receiving companies were shown in the middle. This sample shows the old logo of the BBC.
Debate of lead candidates for the European Commission presidency (40894703423)
European Commission presidency candidates at Eurovision Debate (May 2019). Left to right: Zahradil, Cué, Keller, Vestager, Timmermans, Weber.

EBU members are public service media (PSM) broadcasters established by law but are non-partisan, independent and run for the benefit of society as a whole.

EBU members come from as far north as Iceland and as far south as Egypt, from Ireland in the west and Azerbaijan in the east, and almost every nation from geographical Europe in between. Associate members from the United States include ABC, CBS, NBC, CPB, NPR, APM and the only individual station, Chicago-based classical music radio WFMT.

Membership is for media organisations whose countries are within the European Broadcasting Area, as defined by the International Telecommunication Union, or who are members of the Council of Europe.

Members benefit from:

  • Access to content ranging from exclusive sports rights to exchanges for news, music and children's programs.
  • Representatives in Brussels, and in other international arenas, lobbying for PSM and ensuring the optimal legal and technical framework for broadcasters.
  • Opportunities for sharing, learning and collaborating through conferences, working groups, training, and dedicated advice and guidance.
  • A centre for learning and sharing new technology and innovation with a team of experts providing strategic advice and guidance.

The EBU's highest-profile production is the Eurovision Song Contest. The EBU also organises the Eurovision Dance Contest, the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, the Eurovision Young Dancers competition, and other competitions which are modeled along similar lines.

Radio collaborations include Euroclassic Notturno—an overnight classical music stream, produced by BBC Radio 3 and broadcast in the United Kingdom as Through the Night—and special theme days, such as the annual Christmas music relays from around Europe. The EBU is a member of the International Music Council.

Most EBU broadcasters have group deals to carry major sporting events including the FIFA World Cup and the inaugural European Championships. Another annually recurring event which is broadcast across Europe through the EBU is the Vienna New Year's Concert.

Eurovision Media Services is the business arm of the EBU and provides media services for many media organisations and sports federations around the world.


The theme music played before and after every EBU broadcast is Marc-Antoine Charpentier's Prelude to Te Deum. It is well known to Europeans as it is played before and after the Eurovision Song Contest and other important events.


EBU logo
EBU's previous logo used from 1994 to 17 June 2012.

The EBU was a successor to the International Broadcasting Union (IBU) that was founded in 1925 and had its administrative headquarters in Geneva and technical office in Brussels. It fostered programming exchanges between members and mediated technical disputes between members that were mostly concerned with frequency and interference issues. It was in effect taken over by Nazi Germany during the Second World War, and thereafter the Allies viewed it as a compromised organisation that they could not trust.

In the spring of 1946, representatives of the Soviet radio committee proposed forming a new organisation; however, at the same time preparations were being made for an inter-governmental "European Broadcasting Conference" in Copenhagen in 1948 to draw up a new plan for frequency use in the European Broadcasting Area. It was considered necessary to have an organisation that could implement the "Copenhagen Wavelength Plan" but there was disagreement among broadcasters and particularly a fear expressed by the BBC that a new association might be dominated by the USSR and its proposal to give each of its constituent states one vote. France proposed that it would have four votes with the inclusion of its North African colonies. The United Kingdom felt it would have little influence with just one vote.

On 27 June 1946, the alternative International Broadcasting Organisation (IBO) was founded with 26 members and without British participation. The following day the IBU met in General Assembly and an attempt was made to dissolve it but failed; though 18 of its 28 members left to join the IBO. For a period of time in the late 1940s both the IBU and IBO vied for the role of organising frequencies but Britain decided to be in involved in neither. The BBC attempted but failed to find suitable working arrangements with them. However, for practical purposes, the IBO rented the IBU technical centre in Brussels and employed its staff. The BBC then proposed a new solution based on the IBO changing its constitution so there will be only one member per International Telecommunication Union (ITU) country, thus ensuring a Western majority over the USSR and its satellite states. In August 1949 a meeting took place in Stresa, Italy but it resulted in disagreement between delegates on how to resolve the problems. One proposal was for the European Broadcasting Area to be replaced by one that would exclude Eastern Europe, the Levant and North Africa.

After Stresa, a consensus emerged among the Western Europeans to form a new organisation and the BBC proposed it be based in London. Meetings in Paris on 31 October and 1 November 1949 sealed the fate of the IBU and IBO, but it was decided not to allow West Germany to be a founder of the new organisation. On 13 February 1950 the European Broadcasting Union had its first meeting with 23 members from the ITU defined European Broadcasting Area at the Imperial Hotel in Torquay, England, United Kingdom. The first president was Ian Jacob of the BBC who remained at the helm for 10 years while its operation was largely dominated by the BBC due to its financial, technical and staff input. The most important difference between the EBU and its predecessors was that EBU membership was for broadcasters and not governments. Early delegates said EBU meetings were cordial and professional and very different from the abrupt tone of its predecessors. West Germany was admitted in 1951 and a working relationship forged with the USSR's Organisation for International Radio and TV (OIRT) which existed in parallel with the EBU until its merger on 1 January 1993.

In 1967, the first concert in the International Concert Season of the European Broadcasting Union was broadcast from the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London.

Technical activities

The objective of the EBU's technical activities is simply to assist EBU Members (see below) in this period of unprecedented technological changes. This includes the provision of technical information to Members via conferences and workshops, as well as in written form (such as the EBU Technical Review, and the EBU tech-i magazine).

The EBU also encourages active collaboration between its Members on the basis that they can freely share their knowledge and experience, thus achieving considerably more than individual Members could achieve by themselves. Much of this collaboration is achieved through Project Groups which study specific technical issues of common interest: for example, EBU Members have long been preparing for the revision of the 1961 Stockholm Plan.

The EBU places great emphasis on the use of open standards. Widespread use of open standards (such as MPEG-2, DAB, DVB, etc.) ensures interoperability between products from different vendors, as well as facilitating the exchange of programme material between EBU Members and promoting "horizontal markets" for the benefit of all consumers.

EBU Members and the EBU Technical Department have long played an important role in the development of many systems used in radio and television broadcasting, such as:

  • The AES/EBU digital audio interface, formally known as AES3;
  • Serial and parallel interfaces for digital video (ITU-R Recommendations 601 and 656);
  • RDS – the radio data system used on FM broadcasting.
  • The EBU Loudness Recommendation R 128 and 'EBU Mode' meters (EBU Tech 3341)

The EBU has also actively encouraged the development and implementation of:

  • Digital radio (DAB) through Eureka Project 147 and the WorldDAB Forum.
  • DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) through the DVB Project and DigiTAG.
  • Digital radio in the bands currently used for AM broadcasting through Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM).
  • Standardisation of PVR systems through the TV-Anytime Forum.
  • Development of other content distribution networks on the internet through P2PTV; EBU Project Group D/P2P, from November 2007 to April 2008, with a trial of selected member channels, thanks to Octoshape's distribution platform. The EBU is also part of the European P2P-Next project.


European Broadcasting Union members map
Map of EBU members in Europe (as of September 2022)
EBU enlargement animation
Countries with active EBU membership coloured in order of accession from 1950.

As of March 2024, the list of EBU members comprises the following 68 broadcasting companies from 56 countries.

Current members

Country Broadcasting organisation Abbr. Year
 Albania Albanian Radio-Television (Radio Televizioni Shqiptar) RTSH 1999
 Algeria Public Establishment of Television (المؤسّسة العمومية للتلفزيون, Établissement public de télévision) EPTV 1970
National Sound Broadcasting Company (المؤسسة العمومية للبث الإذاعي, Entreprise nationale de radiodiffusion sonore) ENRS
Algerian Broadcasting Company (البث الإذاعي والتلفزي الجزائري, Télédiffusion d'Algérie) TDA
 Andorra Radio and Television of Andorra (Ràdio i Televisió d'Andorra) RTVA 2002
 Armenia Public Television Company of Armenia (Հայաստանի Հանրային Հեռուստաընկերություն, Hayastani Hanrayin Herrustaynkerut'yun) ARMTV
Public Radio of Armenia (Հայաստանի Հանրային Ռադիո, Hayastani Hanrayin Radio) ARMR
 Austria Österreichischer Rundfunk ORF 1953
 Azerbaijan İctimai Televiziya və Radio Yayımları Şirkəti:
  • İctimai Televiziya (İctimai Television, İTV)
  • İctimai Radio (İR)
 Belgium Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie VRT 1950
Radio-Télévision Belge de la Communauté Française RTBF
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Radio and Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosanskohercegovačka radiotelevizija) BHRT 1993
 Bulgaria Bulgarian National Radio (Българско национално радио, Bǎlgarsko nacionalno radio) BNR
Bulgarian National Television (Българска национална телевизия, Balgarska natsionalna televizia) BNT
 Croatia Croatian Radiotelevision (Hrvatska radiotelevizija) HRT 1993
 Cyprus Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (Ραδιοφωνικό Ίδρυμα Κύπρου, Radiofonikó Ídryma Kýprou, Kıbrıs Radyo Yayın Kurumu) CyBC
 Czechia Český rozhlas ČRo 1993
Česká televize ČT
 Denmark Danmarks Radio DR 1950
TV2 Danmark DK/TV2 1989
 Egypt National Media Authority (الهيئة الوطنية للإعلام) NTU 1985
 Estonia Eesti Rahvusringhääling:
  • Eesti Raadio (ER)
  • Eesti Televisioon (ETV)
ERR 1993
 Finland Yleisradio (Rundradion) Yle 1950
 France Groupe de Radiodiffusion Française:
  • France Télévisions (FTV)
  • Radio France (RF)
  • France Médias Monde (FMM)
GRF 1950
 Georgia Georgian Public Broadcaster (საქართველოს საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებელი, sakartvelos sazogadoebrivi mauts'q'ebeli) GPB
 Germany Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (The Working Group of Public Broadcasters in the Federal Republic of Germany, ARD):
  • Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting: BR)
  • Hessischer Rundfunk (Hessian Broadcasting: HR)
  • Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (Central German Broadcasting: MDR)
  • Norddeutscher Rundfunk (Northern German Broadcasting: NDR)
  • Radio Bremen (RB)
  • Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting: RBB)
  • Saarländischer Rundfunk (Saarland Broadcasting: SR)
  • Südwestrundfunk (Southwest Broadcasting: SWR)
  • Westdeutscher Rundfunk (West German Broadcasting: WDR)
  • Deutsche Welle (German Wave: DW)
  • Deutschlandradio (Radio Germany: DLR)
ARD 1952
Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (Second German Television) ZDF 1963
 Greece Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (Ελληνική Ραδιοφωνία Τηλεόραση, Ellinikí Radiofonía Tileórasi) ERT 1950–2013,
 Hungary Médiaszolgáltatás-támogató és Vagyonkezelő Alap (Media Support and Asset Management Fund):
  • Duna Médiaszolgáltató (Duna Media Service Provider)
MTVA 2014
 Iceland Ríkisútvarpið RÚV 1956
 Ireland Raidió Teilifís Éireann RTÉ 1950
TG4 TG4 2007
 Israel Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation (תַּאֲגִיד הַשִׁיְדּוּר הַיִשְׂרָאֵלִי, Taʾăḡid HaŠidûr HaYiśrāʾēli) (هَيْئَة اَلْبَثّ اَلْإِسْرَائِيلي, Hayʾat al-Baṯṯ al-Isrāʾīlī) KAN 2017
 Italy RAI – Radiotelevisione Italiana RAI 1950
 Jordan Jordan Radio and Television Corporation (مؤسسة الإذاعة والتلفزيون الأردني) JRTV 1970
 Latvia Public Broadcasting of Latvia (Latvijas Sabiedriskie mediji):
  • Latvijas Televīzija (LTV)
  • Latvijas Radio (LR)
LSM 1993
 Lebanon Télé Liban (تلفزيون لبنان) TL 1950
 Libya Libya National Channel (قناة ليبيا الوطنية) LNC 2011
 Lithuania Lithuanian National Radio and Television (Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija) LRT 1993
 Luxembourg RTL Group RTL 1950
Établissement de Radiodiffusion Socioculturelle du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg ERSL 1996
 Malta Public Broadcasting Services PBS 1970
 Moldova Compania Națională "Teleradio-Moldova" TRM 1993
 Monaco Monaco Media Diffusion MMD 1994
TVMonaco TVM 2024
 Montenegro Radio i televizija Crne Gore (Радио и телевизија Црне Горе) RTCG
 Morocco Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision (الشَرِكَة الوَطَنِيَّة لِلْإِذَاعَة وَالتَلْفَزَة, ⵜⴰⵎⵙⵙⵓⵔⵜ ⵜⴰⵏⴰⵎⵓⵔⵜ ⵏ ⵓⵏⵣⵡⴰⵢ ⴷ ⵜⵉⵍⵉⴼⵉⵣⵢⵓⵏ) SNRT 1950
 Netherlands Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (Dutch Public Broadcaster):
  • Evangelische Omroep (Evangelical Broadcasting: EO)
  • Humanistische Omroep (Humanist Broadcasting: HUMAN)
  • MAX
  • Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (Dutch Broadcasting Foundation: NOS)
  • NTR
  • Ongehoord Nederland [nl] (Unheard Netherlands: ON)
  • PowNed
  • Stichting Ether Reclame (Foundation for Ether Advertisement: STER)
  • VPRO
  • WNL
  • Omroep Zwart (Broadcaster Black)
NPO 1950
 North Macedonia Macedonian Radio Television (Македонска Радио Телевизиjа, Makedonska radio televizija) MRT
 Norway Norsk Rikskringkasting NRK 1950
TV 2 Group (TV 2 Gruppen) NO/TV2 1993
 Poland Telewizja Polska TVP 1993
Polskie Radio PR
 Portugal Rádio e Televisão de Portugal RTP 1950
 Romania Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune ROR 1993
Societatea Română de Televiziune RO/TVR
 San Marino San Marino RTV SMRTV 1995
 Serbia Radio-televizija Srbije (Радио-телевизија Србије) RTS 2006
 Slovakia Radio and Television of Slovakia (Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska) RTVS 2011
 Slovenia Radiotelevizija Slovenija RTVSLO 1993
 Spain Radiotelevisión Española RTVE 1955
 Sweden Sveriges Rundradiotjänst: SRT 1950
 Switzerland Swiss Broadcasting Corporation:
  • Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
  • Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS)
  • Radiotelevisione svizzera (RSI)
  • Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha (RTR)
SRG SSR 1950
 Tunisia Établissement de la Radio Tunisienne (مؤسسة الإذاعة التونسية) RTT 2007
Établissement de la Télévision Tunisienne (مؤسسة التلفزة التونسية)
 Turkey Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu TRT 1950
 Ukraine National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine (Національна суспільна телерадіокомпанія України, Natsionalna Suspilna Teleradiokompaniya Ukrayiny) SU 1993
 United Kingdom British Broadcasting Corporation BBC 1950
United Kingdom Independent Broadcasting:
  • ITV plc
  • STV Group
  • Channel Four Television Corporation
  • S4C Authority
UKIB 1981
 Vatican City Vatican Radio (Radio Vaticana, Statio Radiophonica Vaticana) VR 1950

Suspended members

Country Broadcasting organisation Abbr. Year Suspension
 Belarus National State TV and Radio Company of the Republic of Belarus BTRC 1993 2021 (indefinite)
 Russia Channel One Russia C1R 1995 2022 (indefinite)
All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company VGTRK 1993
Radio Dom Ostankino:
  • Radio Mayak (MK)
  • Radio Orpheus (OP)
RDO 1996

Past members

Country Broadcasting organisation Abbr. From To
 Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Television (Československá televize) ČST 1991 1992
Finland Finland MTV3 FI/MTV 1993 2019
France France Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française RTF 1950 1964
Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française ORTF 1964 1975
Télédiffusion de France TDF 1975 1982
TF1 TF1 1975 2018
Europe 1 E1 1978 2022
Organisme Français de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision OFRT 1983 1992
Canal+ C+ 1984 2018
Greece Greece New Hellenic Radio, Internet and Television (Νέα Ελληνική Ραδιοφωνία, Ίντερνετ και Τηλεόραση, Néa Ellinikí Radiofonía, Ínternet kai Tileórasi) NERIT 2014 2015
Hungary Hungary Duna TV Duna 2013 2015
Magyar Rádió MR 1993
Magyar Televízió MTV
Israel Israel Israel Broadcasting Authority (רָשׁוּת השִּׁדּוּר, Rashút HaShidúr) IBA 1957 2017
 Libya Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation (الجماهيرية اللّيبيّة) LJBC 1974 2011
 Malta Maltese Broadcasting Authority MBA 1970 2003
 Monaco Groupement de Radiodiffuseurs Monégasques:
  • Radio Monte Carlo (RMC)
  • Télé Monte-Carlo (TMC)
GRMC 1950 2021
Telemontecarlo (now La7) TMC 1981 2001
 Russia Channel One Ostankino [ru] (Первый канал Останкино) C1O 1994 1995
 Serbia and Montenegro Udruženje javnih radija i televizija (Alliance of Public Radio and Television) UJRT 2001 2006
Slovakia Slovakia Slovenský rozhlas SRo 1993 2011
Slovenská televízia STV
Spain Spain Antena 3 Radio A3R 1986 1993
Radio Popular SA COPE COPE 1998 2019
Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión SER 1982 2020
Sweden Sweden TV4 SE/TV4 2004 2019
Tunisia Tunisia Établissement de la radiodiffusion-télévision tunisienne (Tunisian Radio and Television Establishment) ERTT 1990 2007
United Kingdom United Kingdom Independent Television Authority ITA 1959 1972
Independent Television Companies Association ITCA 1959 1981
Independent Broadcasting Authority IBA 1972 1981
Commercial Radio Companies Association (now Radiocentre) CRCA 1981 2006
 Yugoslavia Yugoslav Radio Television (Југославенска радиотелевизија, Jugoslavenska radiotelevizija) JRT 1950 1992

Associate members

EBU Associate Members
Countries with Associate EBU Membership.

Any group or organisation from an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) member country, which provides a radio or television service outside of the European Broadcasting Area, is permitted to submit applications to the EBU for Associate Membership.

It is also noted by the EBU that any country that is granted Associate Member status does not gain access into Eurovision events with the notable exceptions of Australia, who have participated in the Eurovision Song Contest and the Junior Eurovision Song Contest since 2015, Canada in Eurovision Young Dancers between 1987 and 1989 and Kazakhstan, who have participated in Junior Eurovision since 2018, all of which were individually invited.

The list of Associate Members of EBU comprised the following 31 broadcasting companies from 20 countries as of December 2023.

Country Broadcasting organisation Abbr. Year
 Australia Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC 1950
FreeTV Australia Free 1962
Special Broadcasting Service SBS 1979
 Bangladesh National Broadcasting Authority of Bangladesh NBAB 1974
 Brazil TV Cultura (Fundação Padre Anchieta) FPA 2012
 Canada Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Société Radio-Canada) CBC 1950
 Chile Canal 13 C13 1971
 China China Media Group (中央广播电视总台) CMG 2010
Shanghai Media Group (上海文化廣播影視集團有限公司) SMG 2016
 Cuba Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión) ICRT 1992
 Georgia Teleimedi TEME 2004
Rustavi 2 (რუსთავი 2) RB 2003
 Hong Kong Radio Television Hong Kong RTHK 1983
 Iran Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (صدا و سيمای جمهوری اسلامی ايران) IRIB 1968
 Japan Nippon Hoso Kyokai NHK 1951
TBS Holdings (TBSホールディングス) TBS 2000
 Kazakhstan Khabar Agency ("Хабар" Агенттігі, Агентство «Хабар») KA 2016
 Malaysia Radio Television of Malaysia (Radio Televisyen Malaysia, راديو تيليۏيشن مليسيا‎) RTM 1970
 Mauritius Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation MBC 1980
 Nepal Association of Community Radio Broadcasters Nepal ACORAB 2023
 New Zealand Radio New Zealand (Te Reo Irirangi o Aotearoa) RNZ 1950
Television New Zealand (Te Reo Tātaki o Aotearoa) TVNZ 1980
 Oman Public Authority for Radio and TV of Oman PART 1976
 South Korea Korean Broadcasting System (한국방송공사) KBS 1974
 Syria General Organization of Radio and TV
(Organisation de la Radio-Télévision Arabe Syrienne, الهيئة العامة للإذاعة والتلفزيون – سورية)
ORTAS 1978
 United States American Broadcasting Company ABC 1959
American Public Media APM 2004
Columbia Broadcasting System CBS 1956
National Public Radio NPR 1971
National Broadcasting Company NBC 1953
WFMT Radio Network WFMT 1980

Past associate members

The list of past associate members of EBU comprises the following 85 broadcasting companies from 48 countries and 1 autonomous territory.

Country Broadcasting organisation Abbr. From To
 Argentina Canal 7 C7 1970
El Trece C13 1973
 Australia Australian Fine Music Network AFMN 2008 2010
 Barbados Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation BB/CBC 1971 2005
 Benin Radiodiffusion du Dahomey RD 1975
 Bolivia Bolivia TV TVB 1970
 Brazil Associação Brasileira das Emissoras de Rádio e Televisão ABERT
Diários Associados DA
Emissoras Unidas de Rádio e Televisão [pt] EURT 1969
TV Globo GLOBO 1970
Network of Independent Broadcasters (Rede de Emissoras Independentes) REI 1974
Rádio Nacional RN 1974
 Canada CTV Television Network CTV 1969
 Chad Chadian National Radio (Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne) RNT
 Chile Televisión Nacional de Chile TVN 1970
 Colombia Instituto Nacional de Radio y Televisión Inravisión 1970
 Congo Radiodiffusion Télévision Congolaise RTC 1974
 Costa Rica Telesistema Nacional S.R.L. TSN 1969 1971
 Gabon Radiodiffusion-Télévision Gabonaise RTG
 Gambia Gambia Radio & Television Service GRTS 2010
 Ghana Ghana Broadcasting Corporation GBC
 Greenland Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa (Greenlandic Broadcasting Corporation) KNR 2011
 Haiti Service des Télécommunications 1969
 Honduras Televisora de Honduras, S.A. TH 1969 1971
 Hong Kong Asia Television (亞洲電視有限公司) ATV 2010
Television Broadcasts Limited TVB 1973 2012/2013
 India All India Radio AIR 1979 2021
 Indonesia Radio Republik Indonesia RRI 1973
Televisi Republik Indonesia TVRI 1973
 Ivory Coast Radiodiffusion Television Ivoirienne RTI
 Jamaica Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation JBC 1970
 Japan Mainichi Broadcasting System (株式会社毎日放送, Kabushiki-gaisha Mainichi Hōsō) MBS 1970
TV Asahi ANB 2009
Fuji Television FTN 1969 2012/2013
National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan NACB 2012/2013
Nippon Television Network Corporation (日本テレビ放送網株式会社, Nihon Terebi Hōsōmō kabushiki gaisha) NTV 2009
Tokyo FM TFM 1986 2021
 Kenya The Voice of Kenya VK
 Kuwait Kuwait Broadcasting and Television Service KBTS 1970
 Liberia Liberian Broadcasting Corporation LBC
 Madagascar Radiodiffusion-Télévision de Madagascar RTM 1971
 Malawi Malawi Broadcasting Corporation MBC
 Mauritania Television of Mauritania MR/TVM 2003 2013
 Mexico Telesistema Mexicano TSM 1973
Televisión Independiente de México (Mexican Independent Television) TIM 1969 1973
Tele-Cadena Mexicana TCM 1969 1973
Televisa SA de CV TVA 1973 2005
Corporación Mexicana de Radio y Televisión CMRT 1973
 Nepal Nepal Television (नेपाल टेलिभिजन) NTVC 2010
 Niger Office de radiodiffusion et Télévision du Niger ORTN
 Nigeria Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation NBC
 Pakistan Radio Pakistan (ریڈیو پاکستان) RP 1974
Pakistan Television Corporation (پاکستان ٹیلی وژن نیٹ ورک) PK/PTV 1971 2010
 Palestine Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (هيئة الإذاعة والتلفزيون الفلسطينية) PBC 2002 2014
 Peru Teledos T2 1969 1971
Compañía Peruana de Radiodifusión AMÉRICA 1969
Panamericana Televisión PANTEL 1969
 Qatar Qatar Television and Broadcasting Service QTBC 1973
Al Jazeera Children's Channel JCC 2008 2013
Qatar Radio (إذاعة قطر‎) QR 2009 2009
 Senegal Radiodiffusion Télévision Sénégalaise RTS 1973 2006
 Sri Lanka Ceylon Broadcasting Corporation CBC 1973
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (ශ්‍රී ලංකා ගුවන් විදුලි සංස්ථාව, Shrī Lankā Guvan Viduli Sansthāva) (இலங்கை ஒலிபரப்புக் கூட்டுத்தாபனம், Ilangkai Oliparappuk Kūṭṭuttāpaṉam) SLBC 2007 2010
 South Africa South African Broadcasting Corporation SABC 1951 2022
 South Korea Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (주식회사문화방송) MBC 2009
 Tanzania Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation TBC
 United Arab Emirates Emirates Media Inc. EMI 2006
United Arab Emirates Radio And Television – Dubai UAERTVD 2006
 United States National Association of Educational Broadcasters NAEB 1981
Time Life Television TIME 1970
United States Information Agency USIA
National Educational Television NET 1970
Educational Broadcasting Corporation EBC 1971
Corporation for Public Broadcasting CPB 1972
International Broadcasting Bureau IBB 2007
Minnesota Public Radio MPR 2004 2007
New York Public Radio NYPR 2012 2016
WGBH Educational Foundation WGBH 2014 2014
 Upper Volta Radiodiffusion-Télévision Voltaïque RTV
 Uruguay Sociedad Televisora Larrañaga (Tele 12) C12 1970
 Venezuela Teleinversiones S.A. 1969 1970
Corporación Venezolana de Televisión CVTV 1973
Radio Caracas Televisión RCTV 2010
Radio Caracas Radio RCR 2010
 Zaire Radiodiffusion National Congolaise RNC
 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation ZBC 2010

Approved participant members

Any groups or organisations from a country with International Telecommunication Union (ITU) membership, which does not qualify for either the EBU's Active or Associate memberships, but still provide a broadcasting activity for the EBU, are granted a unique Approved Participants membership, which lasts approximately five years. An application for this status may be submitted to the EBU at any given time, providing an annual fee is paid.

The following seven EBU broadcast members had status as Approved Participants in May 2022.

Broadcasting Organisation Abbr.
Catalunya Música CAT
JP Makedonska Radiodifuzija JP MRD
Radio Television of Vojvodina RTV
TV5Monde TV5

The following members previously had status as Approved Participants.

Broadcasting Organisation Abbr.
Antenna Hungária [hu] AH
Abertis Telecom S.A. ALBERTIS
International Radio and Television Union (Université radiophonique et télévisuelle internationale) URTI
MBC Limited – Middle East Broadcasting Centre MEBC
Retevisión RETE
Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network RTRN
Sentech SNTC

Organised events

The EBU in co-operation with the respective host broadcaster organises competitions and events in which its members can participate if they wish to do so. These include:

Eurovision Song Contest

A replica of the Eurovision Song Contest trophy on display in Rotterdam, host city of the 2021 edition.

The Eurovision Song Contest (French: Concours Eurovision de la chanson) is an annual international song competition between EBU members, that was first held in Lugano, Switzerland, on 24 May 1956. Seven countries participated – each submitting two songs, for a total of 14. This was the only contest in which more than one song per country was performed: since 1957, all contests have allowed one entry per country. The 1956 contest was won by the host nation, Switzerland. The most recent host city was Malmö, Sweden.

Let the Peoples Sing

Let the Peoples Sing is a biennial choir competition, the participants of which are chosen from radio recordings entered by EBU radio members. The final, encompassing three categories and around ten choirs, is offered as a live broadcast to all EBU members. The overall winner is awarded the Silver Rose Bowl.

Jeux sans frontières

Jeux sans frontières (English: Games without frontiers, or Games Without Borders) was a Europe-wide television game show. In its original conception, it was broadcast from 1965 to 1999 under the auspices of the EBU. The original series' run ended in 1982, but was revived in 1988 with a different composition of nations and was hosted by smaller broadcasters.

Eurovision Young Musicians

The Eurovision Young Musicians is a competition for European musicians that are between the ages of 12 and 21 years old. It is organised by the EBU and is a member of EMCY. The first competition was held in Manchester, United Kingdom on 11 May 1982.

The televised competition is held every two years, with some countries holding national heats. Since its inaugural edition in 1982, it has become one of the most important music competitions on an international level.

Eurovision Young Dancers

The Eurovision Young Dancers was a biennial dance showcase broadcast on television throughout Europe. The first competition was held in Reggio Emilia, Italy on 16 June 1985.

It uses a format similar to the Eurovision Song Contest. Every participating country has the opportunity to send a dance act to compete for the title of "Eurovision Young Dancer". The competition is for solo dancers, and all contestants must be between the ages of 16 and 21, and not professionally engaged.

Euroclassic Notturno

Euroclassic Notturno is a six-hour sequence of classical music recordings, assembled by BBC Radio from material supplied by EBU members and streamed back to those broadcasters by satellite for use in their overnight classical-music schedules. The recordings used are taken not from commercial CDs, but from earlier (usually live) radio broadcasts.

Junior Eurovision Song Contest

The Junior Eurovision Song Contest (French: Concours Eurovision de la Chanson Junior) is an annual international song competition that was first held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 15 November 2003. Sixteen countries participated in the inaugural edition, with each submitting one song, for a total of 16 entries. The inaugural contest was won by Croatia. The winner of the most recent contest, which took place in Nice, France, is France.

Eurovision Dance Contest

The Eurovision Dance Contest (not to be confused with the Eurovision Young Dancers Competition) was an international dancing competition that was held for the first time in London, United Kingdom, on 1 September 2007. The competition was repeated in 2008 when it was held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, but has not been held since.

Eurovision Magic Circus Show

The Eurovision Magic Circus Show was an entertainment show organised by the EBU, which took place in 2010, 2011 and 2012 in Geneva. Children aged between 7–14 representing eight countries within the EBU membership area performed a variety of circus acts at the Geneva Christmas Circus (French: Cirque de Noël Genève). The main show was also accompanied by the Magic Circus Show Orchestra.

Eurovision Choir

The inaugural Eurovision Choir, featuring non-professional choirs selected by EBU members, took place on 22 July 2017 in Riga, hosted by the Latvian broadcaster Latvijas Televīzija (LTV). Nine countries took part in the first edition. Carmen Manet from Slovenia was the first winner.

European Sports Championships

The European Sports Championships is a multi-sport event involving some of the leading sports in Europe. The European Governing Bodies for athletics, aquatics, cycling, rowing, golf, gymnastics and triathlon, coordinated their individual championships as part of the first edition in the summer of 2018, hosted by the cities of Berlin (already chosen as the host for the 2018 European Athletics Championships) and Glasgow (already chosen as the host for the 2018 European Aquatics Championships, and which concurrently also hosted the events of the other sports).

See also

Kids robot.svg In Spanish: Unión Europea de Radiodifusión para niños

  • African Union of Broadcasting
  • Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
  • Caribbean Broadcasting Union
  • Commonwealth Broadcasting Association
  • Commonwealth Press Union
  • Europe by Satellite
  • International Telecommunication Union
  • North American Broadcasters Association
  • Organización de Telecomunicaciones de Iberoamérica
  • Public Broadcasting System
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