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President of Nicaragua facts for kids

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Co-Presidents of the
Republic of Nicaragua
Coat of arms of Nicaragua.svg
Coat of arms of Nicaragua

since 10 January 2007 (Ortega)
since 30 January 2025 (Murillo)
Residence Casa Naranja
Seat Managua
Term length Six years
renewable indefinitely
Constituting instrument Constitution of Nicaragua
Precursor Supreme Director of Nicaragua
Formation April 30, 1854
(170 years ago)
First holder Fruto Chamorro
Deputy Vice President of Nicaragua (to 2025)
Salary 116,768 Nicaraguan córdobas/US$3,193 per month

The co-presidents of Nicaragua (Spanish: Co-presidentes de Nicaragua), officially known as the Presidency of the Republic of Nicaragua (Spanish: Presidencia de la República de Nicaragua), are the heads of state and government of Nicaragua.

The office was created in the Constitution of 1854. From 1825 until the Constitution of 1839, the head of state of Nicaragua was styled simply as Head of State (Jefe de Estado), and from 1839 to 1854 as Supreme Director (Supremo Director).

In 2025, the Constitution of Nicaragua was amended to provide for the powers of the presidency to be exercised by two co-presidents rather than a single officeholder. A male and female co-president are elected by universal suffrage to a six-year term. When the amendment was passed, the incumbent president Daniel Ortega and his wife and vice-president Rosario Murillo were declared to be the inaugural co-presidents. Ortega had previously served as president since 2007.

Constitutional basis

In 2009, the Supreme Court of Nicaragua ruled that the constitutional ban on immediate reelection was unenforceable. In 2014, the National Assembly amended the constitution to allow the President to run for an unlimited number of five-year terms.

In 2025, the assembly extended the presidential term to six years and declared incumbent president Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, co-presidents. The revised constitution provides for the powers of the presidency to be exercised by a male and female co-president elected by universal suffrage. Candidates for election must have resided in Nicaragua for at least six years prior to the election, must hold only Nicaraguan nationality, and must not have been declared "traitors to the homeland" (Spanish: traidores a la patria). The qualifications effectively disqualified leading opposition candidates from standing for election, as they had been exiled and stripped of their citizenship in February 2023.

Heads of state of Nicaragua

Heads of the state of Nicaragua within the Federal Republic of Central America (1822–1838)

Name Political party Dates in office Notes
Manuel Antonio de la Cerda Conservative Federalist 22 April 1825 – 22 April 1826 1st time, from León.
Juan Argüello Liberal Federalist 22 April 1826 – 14 September 1827 1st time, from León.
Pedro Benito Pineda Conservative Federalist 17 September 1826 – 26 February 1827 In rebellion, from Granada.
Manuel Antonio de la Cerda Conservative Federalist 27 February 1827 – 7 November 1828 In rebellion, 2nd time.
Pedro Oviedo Liberal Federalist 14 September 1827 – December 1827 Provisional, from Chinandega, León and Granada.
Liberal Juntas Liberal Federalist December 1827 – August 1828 From León and Granada.
Juan Argüello Liberal Federalist 5 August 1828 – November 1829 2nd time, from León.
Juan Espinosa Liberal Federalist 8 November 1829 – 10 May 1830 Acting.
Dionisio de Herrera Liberal Federalist 10 May 1830 – December, 1833
Benito Morales Legitimist December, 1833 – 10 March 1834 Acting.
José Núñez Legitimist 10 March 1834 – 23 April 1835
José Zepeda Liberal Federalist 23 April 1835 – 25 January 1837 Assassinated.
José Núñez Legitimist 25 January 1837 – 12 January 1838 2nd time, acting.
Francisco Jiménez Rubio Legitimist 12 January 1838 – 13 March 1838 Acting.
José Núñez Legitimist 13 March 1838 – 30 April 1838 3rd time.

Supreme directors (1838–1854)

Portrait Name Political party Dates in office Notes
No image.png José Núñez Legitimist 30 April 1838 – 5 January 1839 First Transitional Government
Joaquin-Cosio.jpg Joaquín del Cossío Legitimist ? 1839 – 15 May 1839 Second Transitional Government
No image.png Evaristo Rocha Legitimist 5 January – 30 June 1839 Second Transitional Government, Acting
Patricio rivas.jpg Patricio Rivas Democratic 30 June 1839 – 27 July 1839 Second Transitional Government, Acting
Joaquin-Cosio.jpg Joaquín del Cossío Legitimist 27 July 1839 – 20 October 1839 Second Transitional Government
No image.png Hilario Ulloa Legitimist 20 October 1839 – 7 November 1839 Acting
No image.png Tomás Valladares Democratic 7 November 1839 – 21 September 1840 Acting
Patricio rivas.jpg Patricio Rivas Democratic 21 September 1840 – 4 March 1841 Acting
Pablo Buitrago Benavente 2.jpg Pablo Buitrago Legitimist 4 March 1841 – 1 April 1843 1841 Nicaraguan Supreme Director Elections
No image.png Juan de Dios Orozco Legitimist 1 April 1843 – 31 May 1843 Acting
No image.png Manuel Pérez Democratic 31 May 1843 – 4 November 1844 Elected by Parliament, resigned due to Salvadoran Invasion
No image.png Emiliano Madriz Democratic 4 November 1844 – 24 January 1845 Acting until 26 December, then Interim in León
No image.png Silvestre Selva Legitimist 16 December 1844 – 20 January 1845 Appointed by invading forces of Francisco Malespín, in Masaya
No image.png Blas Antonio Sáenz Legitimist 20 January – 4 April 1845 Provisional in Masaya until January 24, Acting until elections
Jose Leon Sandoval.jpg José León Sandoval Republican 4 April 1845 – 12 March 1847 1845 Nicaraguan Supreme Director Elections
No image.png Miguel Ramón Morales Legitimist 12 March – 6 April 1847 Acting
JoseMariaGuerrero.jpg José María Guerrero Republican 6 April 1847 – 1 January 1849 Lost the 1847 Nicaraguan Supreme Director Elections, but Legislative Assembly appointed him unanimously
No image.png Toribio Terán Legitimist 1 January – 8 March 1849 Acting
No image.png Benito Rosales Legitimist 8 March – 1 April 1849 Acting
Amnistia 7 - Norberto Ramírez.jpg Norberto Ramírez Legitimist 1 April 1849 – 1 April 1851 1849 Nicaraguan Supreme Director Elections
No image.png Justo Abaunza Legitimist 1 April – 5 May 1851 Provisional Government in León. 1st time, Acting Senator.
JoseLaureanoPinedaUgarte.jpg Laureano Pineda Democratic 5 May – 4 August 1851 1st time. Deposed by José Trinidad Muñoz's military coup.
No image.png Justo Abaunza Legitimist 4 August – 11 November 1851 2nd time. Acting senator under the authority of José Trinidad Muñoz, General in Chief, leader of the military coup.
JoseLaureanoPinedaUgarte.jpg Laureano Pineda Democratic 5–11 August 1851 In dissent, 2nd time.
No image.png José Francisco del Montenegro Legitimist 5–11 August 1851 Government in Granada, died after assuming command.
No image.png José de Jesús Alfaro Democratic 11 August – 2 November 1851 In dissent. Government in Granada, Acting Senator.
Fulgencio Vega Santos 2.jpg Fulgencio Vega Legitimist 11 November 1851 – 1852, Appointed by the Assembly with the support of: Fruto Chamorro Brigadier General, victorious against José Trinidad Muñoz.
JoseLaureanoPinedaUgarte.jpg Laureano Pineda Democratic 11 November 1851 – 1 April 1853 In rebellion until 2 November 1851. 3rd time.
01 Fruto Chamorro Pérez 1854-1855.png Fruto Chamorro Legitimist 1 April 1853 – 30 April 1854 Government in Granada.
Francisco castellon.png Francisco Castellón Democratic 11 June 1854 – 2 September 1855 Provisional in rebellion, from León to 1 April 1855.
No image.png Nazario Escoto Democratic 2 September – 30 October 1855 Provisional in rebellion, from León.

Presidents of the Republic of Nicaragua (1854–present)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political party
(at time of election)
Election Ref.
Took office Left office Time in office
Fruto Chamorro
Fruto Chamorro
30 April 1854 12 March 1855 316 days Conservative
José María Estrada
José María Estrada
12 March 1855 22 October 1855 224 days Conservative
Patricio Rivas
Patricio Rivas
30 October 1855 24 June 1857 224 days Democratic 1856
William Walker
William Walker
12 July 1856 1 May 1857 293 days Democratic
Máximo Jerez and Tomás Martínez
Government Junta
Máximo Jerez and Tomás Martínez
24 June 1857 15 November 1857 144 days Non partisan
Tomás Martínez
Tomás Martínez
15 November 1857 1 March 1867 9 years, 106 days Conservative 1857
Fernando Guzmán Solórzano
Fernando Guzmán Solórzano
1 March 1867 1 March 1871 4 years Conservative 1867
José Vicente Cuadra
José Vicente Cuadra
1 March 1871 1 March 1875 4 years Conservative 1871
Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Alfaro
Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Alfaro
1 March 1875 1 March 1879 4 years Conservative 1875
Joaquín Zavala
Joaquín Zavala
1 March 1879 1 March 1883 4 years Conservative 1879
Adán Cárdenas
Adán Cárdenas
1 March 1883 1 March 1887 4 years Conservative 1883
Evaristo Carazo
Evaristo Carazo
1 March 1887 1 August 1889 2 years, 153 days Conservative 1887
Nicolás Osorno
Nicolás Osorno
1 August 1889 5 August 1889 4 days Conservative
Roberto Sacasa
Roberto Sacasa
5 August 1889 1 January 1891 1 year, 149 days Conservative
Ignacio Chaves Tellería
Ignacio Chaves Tellería
1 January 1891 1 March 1891 59 days Conservative
Roberto Sacasa
Roberto Sacasa
1 March 1891 11 July 1893 2 years, 132 days Conservative
Salvador Machado
Salvador Machado
11 July 1893 15 July 1893 4 days Conservative
Joaquín Zavala
Joaquín Zavala
16 July 1893 25 July 1893 9 days Conservative
José Santos Zelaya
José Santos Zelaya
25 July 1893 21 December 1909 16 years, 149 days Liberal 1902
José Madriz
José Madriz
21 December 1909 20 August 1910 242 days Liberal
José Dolores Estrada
José Dolores Estrada
20 August 1910 27 August 1910 7 days Liberal
Luis Mena
Luis Mena
27 August 1910 30 August 1910 3 days Conservative
Juan José Estrada
Juan José Estrada
30 August 1910 9 May 1911 252 days Liberal
Adolfo Díaz
Adolfo Díaz
9 May 1911 1 January 1917 5 years, 237 days Conservative 1912
Emiliano Chamorro Vargas
Emiliano Chamorro Vargas
1 January 1917 1 January 1921 4 years Conservative 1916
Diego Manuel Chamorro
Diego Manuel Chamorro
1 January 1921 12 October 1923 † 2 years, 284 days Conservative 1920
Rosendo Chamorro
Rosendo Chamorro
12 October 1923 27 October 1923 15 days Conservative
Bartolomé Martínez
Bartolomé Martínez
27 October 1923 1 January 1925 1 year, 66 days Conservative
Carlos José Solórzano
Carlos José Solórzano
1 January 1925 14 March 1926 1 year, 72 days Conservative 1924
Emiliano Chamorro Vargas
Emiliano Chamorro Vargas
De facto
14 March 1926 11 November 1926 242 days Conservative
Sebastián Uriza
Sebastián Uriza
11 November 1926 14 November 1926 3 days Conservative
Adolfo Díaz
Adolfo Díaz
14 November 1926 1 January 1929 2 years, 293 days Conservative 1926
José María Moncada
José María Moncada
1 January 1929 1 January 1933 4 years PLN 1928
Juan Bautista Sacasa
Juan Bautista Sacasa
1 January 1933 9 June 1936 3 years, 160 days PLN 1932
Carlos Alberto Brenes
Carlos Alberto Brenes
9 June 1936 1 January 1937 206 days PLN
Anastasio Somoza García
Anastasio Somoza García
1 January 1937 1 May 1947 10 years, 120 days PLN 1936
Leonardo Argüello Barreto
Leonardo Argüello Barreto
1 May 1947 26 May 1947 25 days PLN 1947 (Feb)
Benjamín Lacayo Sacasa
Benjamín Lacayo Sacasa
26 May 1947 15 August 1947 81 days PLN
Víctor Manuel Román y Reyes
Víctor Manuel Román y Reyes
15 August 1947 6 May 1950 25 days PLN 1947 (Aug)
Manuel Fernando Zurita
Manuel Fernando Zurita
6 May 1950 7 May 1950 1 day PLN
Anastasio Somoza García
Anastasio Somoza García
7 May 1950 29 September 1956 † 6 years, 145 days PLN 1950
Luis Somoza Debayle
Luis Somoza Debayle
29 September 1956 1 May 1963 6 years, 214 days PLN 1957
René Schick
René Schick
1 May 1963 3 August 1966 † 3 years, 94 days PLN 1963
Orlando Montenegro Medrano
Orlando Montenegro Medrano
3 August 1966 4 August 1966 1 day PLN
Lorenzo Guerrero
Lorenzo Guerrero
4 August 1966 1 May 1967 271 days PLN
Anastasio Somoza Debayle
Anastasio Somoza Debayle
1 May 1967 1 May 1972 5 years PLN 1967
Liberal-Conservative Junta
Liberal-Conservative Junta 1 May 1972 1 December 1974 2 years, 214 days Non partisan
Anastasio Somoza Debayle
Anastasio Somoza Debayle
1 December 1974 17 July 1979 4 years, 228 days PLN 1974
Francisco Urcuyo
Francisco Urcuyo
17 July 1979 18 July 1979 1 day PLN
Junta of National Reconstruction
Junta of National Reconstruction
(Coordinator: Daniel Ortega)
18 July 1979 10 January 1985 5 years, 176 days Non partisan
Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega
(born 1945)
10 January 1985 25 April 1990 5 years, 105 days FSLN 1984
Violeta Chamorro
Violeta Chamorro
(born 1929)
25 April 1990 10 January 1997 6 years, 260 days National Opposition Union (Nicaragua, 1990) 1990
Arnoldo Alemán
Arnoldo Alemán
(born 1946)
10 January 1997 10 January 2002 5 years PLC 1996
Enrique Bolaños
Enrique Bolaños
10 January 2002 10 January 2007 5 years PLC
Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega
(born 1945)
10 January 2007 Incumbent 18 years, 62 days FSLN 2006
Rosario Murillo
Rosario Murillo
(born 1951)
30 January 2025 Incumbent 42 days FSLN


Rosario Murillo Enrique Bolaños Arnoldo Alemán Violeta Chamorro Daniel Ortega Junta of National Reconstruction Francisco Urcuyo Liberal-Conservative Junta Anastasio Somoza Debayle Lorenzo Guerrero Orlando Montenegro Medrano René Schick Luis Somoza Debayle Manuel Fernando Zurita Víctor Manuel Román y Reyes Benjamín Lacayo Sacasa Leonardo Argüello Barreto Anastasio Somoza García Carlos Alberto Brenes Juan Bautista Sacasa José María Moncada Sebastián Uriza Carlos José Solórzano Bartolomé Martínez Rosendo Chamorro Diego Manuel Chamorro Emiliano Chamorro Vargas Adolfo Díaz Juan José Estrada Luis Mena (Nicaraguan politician) José Dolores Estrada José Madriz José Santos Zelaya Salvador Machado Ignacio Chaves Tellería Roberto Sacasa Nicolás Osorno Evaristo Carazo Adán Cárdenas Joaquín Zavala Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Alfaro José Vicente Cuadra Fernando Guzmán Solórzano Tomás Martínez William Walker (filibuster) Patricio Rivas José María Estrada Fruto Chamorro

See also

Kids robot.svg In Spanish: Copresidente de Nicaragua para niños

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