Separatism in Russia facts for kids
Separatism in Russia refers to bids for secession or autonomy for certain federal subjects or areas of the Russian Federation. Historically there have been many attempts to break away from the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union but modern separatism took shape in Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the annexation of Crimea. Separatism in modern Russia was at its biggest in the 1990s and early 2000s. The topic became relevant again after the 2022-2023 Russian invasion of Ukraine.The primary causes of separatism are nationalism in the republics, economic dependency and geographic isolation. The promotion of separatism is illegal.
Major secessionist movements
Most of the major movements have existed before the collapse of the Soviet Union and attempted to break away in the 90s or 2000s. These movements have some levels of support among the local population, diaspora, local politicians and regional elites. Most of the movements are still small in size.
Northwestern Federal District
The main groups pushing for autonomy and separatism within the Northwestern Federal District are Finno-Ugric peoples, but other civic nationalist movements are also prominent in the region. The movements are mainly located in the Kaliningrad, Leningrad and Arkhangelsk Oblasts, as well as in the Karelian and Komi Republics. The movements in the Northwest are influenced by their close proximity to the European Union, NATO and Finland.
Baltic Republic
The Baltic Republic (or Land of Amber/Yantarny Krai) is a proposed state within the borders of Kaliningrad Oblast. The idea was mainly supported by the Baltic Republican Party which was dissolved in 2005 and was one of the few openly separatist parties, which were allowed to run in the elections. Currently, the idea is supported by Kaliningrad Public Movement, which is represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum, and the Respublika movement. Baltic separatists support decommunization and the use of German city names. In 2022, the Governor of Kaliningrad Oblast said that there was an attempt to create a “German autonomy” in Kaliningrad by western agents to destabilize the region. It was one of the first mentions of separatism in Russia by governors after the invasion of Ukraine. Baltic separatism is based on civic nationalism. The movement uses symbols based on the old flag of Königsberg.

Ingermanland or Ingria is a proposed state within the borders of Leningrad Oblast and the city of Saint Petersburg. Ingrian separatism began with Viktor Bezverkhy in the 1970s and 80s, but the concept only gained relative popularity in 1996 with the creation of the Movement for Autonomy of Petersburg and the Independent Petersburg movement. Currently, the idea is supported by the “Free Ingria” movement and "Ingria Without Borders" movement, which are represented in the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum. The main supporters of Ingermanland are Russians unhappy with the nation's centralization, although in recent times "various groups and movements of Ingria supporters" do not support complete Ingrian independence, while some movements still advocate for full independence. Ethnic Finns have unsuccessfully requested the movement to stop using their ethnic flag.
In 2022, Russian rapper Oxxxymiron mentioned Ingria in his anti-war song Oyda in which he says “Ingria will be free”, which gave the movement more popularity in the region.
Karelian separatism dates back to the early 1900s, with the creation of the Union of White Sea Kareliansunofficial status of the Karelian language in Karelia and the Russian economic collapse of 1991–92. The first attempt to break away was in 1992, when Sergei Popov, a member of the Supreme Council of the Republic proposed to include in the agenda the question of the possibility of secession of the Republic of Karelia from the Russian Federation. He was supported by 43 deputies out of 109. The main Karelian separatist organization in the 2010s was the Republican Movement of Karelia, which was legally dissolved in 2019: despite this, its founder, Vadim Shtepa , also affirms that before and during the dissolution of the Soviet Union there was a popular front in Karelia similar to the Popular Fronts of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, but this claim is unverified. In 2015, a trial began against Vladimir Zavarkin, a deputy of the city council of Suojärvi, who was accused of supporting separatism.
and Uhtua Republic. The idea saw a revival in the 90s and early 2000s due to theThe idea of Karelian separatism is currently supported by the Republican Movement of Karelia and the Karelian National Movement. The Karelian National Movement is represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum. The main difference between the movements lies in their treatment towards ethnic Russians and other non-Finno-Ugric peoples. The Republican Movement of Karelia supports the idea of a multi-ethnic state based on civic nationalism, while the Karelian National Movement opposes Russians and other non-Finno-Ugric peoples involving themselves in Karelian separatist movements and supports creation of an ethnostate.
In 2023, the Karelian National Movement organized a Karelian battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
In 2023 there have been arrests of people who planned to join or advocated others to join the Karelian National battalion and arrests over acts of domestic terrorism conntected to separatism.
Komi separatism primarily focuses on the preservation of Komi culture, language, and local ecology. Many cultural and language movements, such as Doryam asymös, have been labeled separatist by authorities and some of the members arrested. Komi separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Pomorie (sometimes referred to as Biarmia) is a proposed state within the borders of Arkhangelsk Oblast, some movements also include Murmansk Oblast and Nenets Autonomous Okrug as part of a proposed state. The Pomor Institute of Native Peoples supported the idea of a Pomor Republic. The name comes from the Pomor people, who historically inhabited the White Sea coast and Arkhangelsk Oblast. They also spoke the Pomor dialect which is considered a separate language by some Pomor nationalists. According to 2021 Russian Census, there are about 2,232 Pomors in Russia and particularly 1,297 in Arkhangelsk Oblast. Previos censuses show higher numbers of Pomor people, up to more than 6,500 in 2002. Most Pomor separatists focus on preservation of local culture and maintaining the ecological situation in the region.
During the Shies protests of 2018-2020 slogans "Pomorie is not a garbage dump" and "No to Moscow garbage" were popular not only in separatist groups but also in general population. Nevertheless, an Arkhangelsk journalist Dmitry Sekushin said that the official flag of Arkhangelsk Oblast isn't used by protestors because of potential accusations of separatism. Many Pomor cultural movements have been labeled as separatist for “disuniting Russian culture”. The former Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast Anatoly Yefremov considered himself a Pomor. In 2013, a Pomor human rights activist Ivan Moseev who worked in NArFU university in Arkhangelsk was accused of inciting hatred against ethnic Russians for his comment on the Internet. He was put on the Russian list of terrorists and extremists. In 2022, the ECHR recognized the case as an infringement of the freedom of speech and awarded him a payment of 8,800 euros.
In addition, the Pomor movement was periodically accused of links with Norwegian government and NATO. It is known that the father of NATO's Secretary General Thorvald Stoltenberg was an honorary member of the international Pomor organization "Pomor Brotherhood".
Pomor separatists were represented by the Karelian National Movement on the 5h Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Southern Federal District
Separatism in the Southern Federal District is primarily ethnic but some civic nationalist movements are also active. The movements are mainly located in Astrakhan Oblast, Crimea, Krasnodar Krai, Rostov Oblast and Kalmykia. Some political commentators believe that separatism in that region is funded by Ukraine.
Astrakhan separatism may refer to the idea of uniting with Kalmykia as an independent state or a creation of an independent Astrakhan Republic or Nogai Republic. Much of the territory of modern-day Astrakhan Oblast used to belong to the Kalmyk ASSR until the deportation of Kalmyk people. Currently those former territories, and the entire Oblast in some cases, are claimed by most Kalmyk separatist movements. Other ethnic minorities, such as Kazakhs, Tatars and Nogais, and Russians suggested creating an Independent multinational republic.
Cossack separatism originates during the Russian Civil War with the proclamation of Almighty Don Host existing from 1918 to 1920. Among a number of Cossack emigrants, the ideas of Cossack nationalism were widespread. Since the collapse of the USSR, several attempts have been made to revive the Don Republic. The Don Cossack Republic was proclaimed in the fall of 1991 and became part of the Union of Cossack Republics of Southern Russia, which planned to become one of the union republics. In March 1993, the Great Cossack circle of the Don approved an act on the transformation of the Rostov region into a state-territorial entity «Region of the Don Host Oblast».
Don Cossack separatists seeking the creation of the state of Cossackia are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Kalmyk separatism seeks the creation of an independent Kalmyk state and unification with Astrakhan Oblast. The biggest movement is the Oirat-Kalmyk People's Congress, which is represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum. Promotion of Kalmyk culture has been viewed as separatism by central authorities.
In 2022 Shajin Lama (the spiritual leader of Kalmyk Buddhists) of Kalmykia denounced the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Kuban separatism or Kuban Cossack separatism originates during the Russian Civil War with the proclamation of Kuban People's Republic. The idea saw revival in the 90s and early 2000s due to revitalization of the Cossack culture. The majority of Kuban separatists identify as Cossack, and, due to subsidization of many Cossack cultural movements, more and more people in Kuban identify as Cossack. In 2017 Kuban Liberation Movement proclaimed independence of Kuban People's Republic, but the stunt received no recognition. Some Russian political commentators believe that Kuban separatism is being founded and supported by Ukraine.
Kuban separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
North Caucasian Federal District
Separatism in North Caucasian Federal District is primarily ethnic. Almost all of the republics have an active separatist movement. The history of Caucasian separatism goes all the way back to the tsarst era and many of the movement see themselves as a continuation of that struggle. The movements have large support among diaspora.
Caucasus Emirate
Caucasus Emirate was a radical movement to create an Islamic state on the territory of North Caucasian Federal District. The group was active from 2007 to 2015, when most of the remaining forces joined in with the Islamic State.

Chechen separatism dates all the way back to the 1800s and the Caucasus war. Modern Chechen separatism began with the declaration of independence of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. After two wars Chechnya was reincorporated into the Russian Federation. After the war an insurgency movement to restore Chechen independence was started.
The government of Ichkeria is currently in exile. Ichkeria was recognized as “temporarily occupied” by Ukrainian parliament in 2022. Currently there are Chechen volunteers fighting for the Ukrainian army with the goal to restore independence. Other Chechen separatist movements, such as Adat People's Movement, operate independently from Ichkerian government. Chechen separatists are represented on the Post-Free Nations of Russia Forum.
Confederation of Peoples of the Caucasus
The Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus (or Confederation of Peoples of the Caucasus) is a proposed state within the borders of Russia's Caucasian republics, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The symbols used by the separatists are based on symbols of The Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus. The main movement of the separatists is the Confederation of Peoples of the Caucasus, a paramilitary organization that fought in Chechnya, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The organization became inactive after its leader, Yusup Soslambekov, was assassinated in 2002.
The idea of a unified Caucasian Republic is also supported by other movements.
Circassia is proposed state that covers the land which was historically inhabited by Circassian people, such as Adygeya (Part of Southern Federal District), north Kabardino-Balkaria, north Karachay–Cherkessia, south-east Krasnodar Krai, and south Stavropol Krai. The independence of Circassia has some support in the republics, but most of the support comes from the Circassian diaspora and International Circassian Association. After the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia the separatism in Circassian regions started to grow. Circassian separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Circassian nationalists protested the 2014 Sochi Olympiad due to the fact that Sochi used to be a Circassian city before the Circassian genocide.
Dagestan separatism can refer to the idea of an independent united Dagestan or disunited independent states, such as Aghulistan, Avaria, Lezgistan, Darginstan, Lakistan, Rutulstan and Tabarasanstan. Proponents of a united Dagestan want to create a multiethnic state. Some of the local separatist movements have been represented in the UNPO.

Ingush separatism has been growing after the collapse of the Soviet Union due to the fact that the borders between Chechnya, North Ossetia-Alania, and Ingushetia have not been decided upon. Some separatists suggested that Ingushetia should unite with Georgia.
Committee of Ingush Independence is represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
In 2023 a counter-terrorist operation began in the Republic after attacks on policemen and military personnel.
North Ossetia
Alanian (or Ossetian) separatism refers to the movement to create an independent united Ossetian nation by uniting with South Ossetia.
Volga Federal District
Separatism in Volga Federal District is primarily ethnic. All the republics have an active separatist movement. Just like in the Caucasus, the history of Volga separatism dates all the way back to the tsarist era and many of the national uprisings, such as the Bashkir uprising.

Modern Bashkir separatism began in the 90s and was influenced by Tatarstan. Just like most other movements, Bashkir separatism continued to grow in the early 2000s and even got some support from the local government. In 2020, separatists joined the protests against the occupation of the Kushtau mountain. Some Bashkir separatists, such as the Bashkort movement and Bashkir National-Political Center of Lithuania, support a creation of a multiethnic state for both Bashkirs and Russians. But some separatists support a creation of an ethnostate. Bashkir separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
After the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, there have been reports of armed resistance in Bashkortostan and a company of the Ukrainian armed forces was created with the goal of establishing an independent Bashkir state.
Chuvash separatism focuses on the preservation of Chuvash language of culture and the creation of an independent Chuvash Republic or Volga Bulgaria. The main organizations are the Union of Chuvash local historians, Suvar movement, Chuvash National Congress.
Chuvash paganists were criticized by the Russian Orthodox Church for being separatists.
Siberian separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Erzyan Mastor
Erzyan Mastor (Land of Erzya) is a proposed state by the Erzya National Congress. The movement claimed the territories of Republic of Mordovia, Penza, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan and Samara Oblasts. The movement wants to create a federative state with a Moksha autonomy.
The movement is represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.

The idea of a unified Idel-Ural began during the Russian Civil War with the creation of the Idel-Ural State. The name was later used by the Idel-Ural Legion of Nazi Germany during the invasion of the Soviet Union.
The main movement of modern Idel-Ural separatists is the Free Idel-Ural movement, which was registered in 2018 in Kyiv. The movement wants to create a multi-ethnic federal state. The Free Idel-Ural movement is represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Modern Mari separatism began with the collapse of the USSR. The biggest political organization of Mari nationalists is Mari Ushem, which is over 100 years old, while not separatist in nature, some of its members have expressed separatist ideas. Other movements include Kugeze mlande, a far-right separatist organization, Mari Mer Kagash, and the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples. Mari paganists were also criticized by the Russian Orthodox Church for being separatists.
Mari separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Modern Tatar separatism began in 1990, when Tatar ASSR declared its sovereignty from the USSR and the RSFSR. On October 18, 1991, the Republic of Tatarstan declared its full independence. In 1992 an independence referendum was held, in which more than 50% voted for full independence from Russia. In 1994 Tatarstan unified with Russia as an associated state, this agreement ended in 2017. In 2021 the government of Tatarstan refused to change the title of its president to the head of the republic, which was interpreted by some political commentators as separatism.
Many political scientists and commentators believe that Tatarstan is the leading separatist force in modern Russia and an example for other movements. The main Tatar separatist movements are All-Tatar Public Center and the Ittifaq Party. They are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Udmurt separatism focuses on protection of local culture, language and the creation of an Udmurt state. Udmurt separatism is supported by various Finno-Ugric organizations. The main organizations are Congress of Peoples of Udmurtia and Udmurt Kenesh movement. Many ethnic Udmurts were not allowed to have seats in local parliaments due to fears that they might cause more separatism in the republic.
In 2019, Udmurt linguist and activist Albert Razin committed self-immolation due to Russia's new laws on its native languages. He became a symbol of Udmurt separatists and activists.
Udmurt separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Ural Federal District
Separatism in the Ural Federal District is primarily represented by the Ural Republic separatists.
Ural Republic
The Ural Republic is proposed state within the border of Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Orenburg Oblasts and Perm Krai. Originally the idea was suggested by the Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast, Eduard Rossel, in 1992, but it was not separatist in nature. The main movements are the Ural Republic Movement, Free Ural and The Ural Democratic foundation. In 2019, Ural separatists participated in protests against the constriction of a church in Yekaterinburg city center.
In 2022, Russian TV personality and propagandist Vladimir Solovyov proclaimed that Yekaterinburg is “the center of such vile liberals, which has given rise to many scum, now hiding abroad”. He also blamed the current Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast Yevgeny Kuyvashev for separatism.
Ural separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Siberian Federal District
Separatism in the Siberian Federal District is primarily represented by the Siberian separatists and ethnic separatists in the republics.

Siberian separatism originates from the Siberian Oblastiniki movement of the Russian Civil War. Modern Siberian separatism began in the 90s, when Aman Tuleev suggested creating a Siberian Republic as an autonomous subject of the Russian Federation.
There are many Siberian regionalist movements, but the largest one was the March for Federalization of Siberia in 2014. The movement also coined the phrase “Stop feeding Moscow!”, which is now used by other separatists.
The main causes of separatism are economic dependence and Chinese influence over Siberian economy and ecology.
Siberian separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Tuvan separatism was at its strongest in the early 2000s, when various movements such as Free Tuva protested the new Tuvan constitution. The first modern Tuvan separatist organizations began in the 80s, with the creation of the Kaadyr-ool Bichildea movement. Other separatist organizations of pre-2000s include the People's Party of Sovereign Tuva and People's Front of Tuva.
Tuvan separatism is aided by the fact that Tuva is one of the poorest regions of Russia, and ethnic Russians are a very small minority in the Republic.
Tuvan separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Far Eastern Federal District
Separatism in the Far Eastern Federal District is primarily pushed for by Buryats, and Russians concerned about economic dependence on Moscow or economic exploitation.
Buryat separatism may refer either to the idea of an independent Buryat state or the idea of Buryatia uniting with Mongolia. The biggest Buryat separatist movement is the Free Buryatia Foundation, which, while not advocating for full independence, is represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Far Eastern Republic
The Far Eastern Republic is a proposed state within the border of the entire Far Eastern Federal District, excluding Sakha and Buryatia. The separatists see the proposed republic as the continuation of the Far Eastern Republic. The idea of an autonomous republic was supported by the former Governor of Khabarovsk Krai Viktor Ishayev. The biggest current movement is the Far Eastern Alternative which participated in various anti government protests. Other movements such as the Far Eastern Republican Party also existed. During the 2020–2021 Khabarovsk Krai protests, some people advocated for the independence of Khabarovsk Krai. Far Eastern separatism is primarily caused by economic dependence on Moscow.
Far Eastern separatists are represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Sakha or Yakut separatism seeks the creation of an independent Yakutian state. The primary cause of Yakut separatism is economic exploitation by the federal government. Some journalists and politicians suggested that Turkey supports Sakha separatism financially and politically.
The biggest movement is the Free Yakutia Movement, which is represented on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum.
Autonomist movements
Some movements in Russia advocate for autonomy as a part of the Russian Federation without full independence. Most of the movements are located in the former autonomus okrugs of Russia.
Former autonomus okrugs
Agin-Buryatia and Ust-Orda Buryatia
The two Buryat autonomies were liquidated in 2008, the decision was not supported by local Buryat population, which still wants the return of Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug and Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug. They are represented by the "Erhe" movement.
Evenk separatism refers to the idea of reestablishing the Evenk Autonomous Okrug within the borders of the current Evenk District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The idea is primarily supported by the native Evenk population and caused by economic isolation and cultural decline. The main organization is the Association of Indigenous peoples of Evenkia "Arun".
Koryak separatism refers to the idea of reestablishing the Koryak Autonomous Okrug within the borders of current Koryak Okrug of Kamchatka Krai. The idea gained big support among the local population in 2020, when the governor of Kamchatka, Vladimir Solodov, wanted to liquidate the existing autonomy of Koryakia by uniting it with another okrug. Other reasons include poverty and geographic isolation. Koryak separatists do not seek independence.
The biggest movements are "Koryakia" and "Palanken Ynet".
Komi-Permyak or Permyak separatism refers of the idea of reestablishing Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug within the borders of Komi-Permyak Okrug of Perm Krai. Komi-Permyakia became the first autonomous okrug of Russia that voted to join another federal subject. The primary cause of separatism is destruction of local culture and language and economic dependency on Perm. Local politicians and people believe that the Perm government has failed to modernize the region, as it still remains one of the poorest parts of Perm Krai.
Taymyr separatism or Dolgano-Nenets separatism refers to the idea of reestablishing Taymyr Autonomous Okrug within the borders of Taymyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The idea is supported by the local population and there have been more than 4 attempts to organize a referendum to leave Krasnoyarsk Krai. The main causes of separatism are economic exploitation by Krasnoyarsk, geographic isolation, poverty and lack of basic infrastructure, such as roads, school and cemeteries. The economic situation is so bad that some villages resorted to use barter economy due to lack of food and money. Taymyr separatists do not seek independence.
Other areas
Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia
There have been attempts to divide the binational republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia into separate Kabardey, Balkar, Karachay and Circassian republics or unite into Karachay-Balkaria. In 1992 the idea of disuniting Karachay-Cherkessia was rejected by a referendum.
Tver Karelia
Tver Karelian separatism refers to the idea of creating a Tver Karelian republic as a subject of the Russian Federation. The idea is supported by the Tver Karelia movement and Karelian Revivival movement. The founder of the movements, Mikhail Dron, was prosecuted by the Tver Oblast police over false claims in 2021, but was released.
Veps separatism refers to the idea of reestablishing the Veps National Volost within the Republic of Karelia. The idea is supported by the Karelian Congress and the Veps Culture Society.
Minor secessionist movements
Many smaller separatist movements have also existed in Russia. The majority of said movements have had little to no support from the local population. Many of them were founded after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
- People: Altai people
- Geography: Altai Republic
- Type of movement: Secessionist
- Representation on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum: No
Murmansk/Lapland/Sami Republic
- People: Russians, Samis
- Geography: Murmansk Oblast
- Type of movement: Secessionist
- Representation on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum: Yes
North Russian Republic
- People: Russians
- Geography: North-Western Federal District
- Group: North Russian Republic
- Type of movement: Secessionist
- Representation on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum: No
- Years of activity: 2000s – ???
Pskov Republic or Krivia
- People: Russians
- Geography: Pskov Oblast
- Group: Krivian Platform
- Type of movement: Secessionist
- Representation on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum: Yes
- People: Russians
- Geography: Sakhalin Oblast
- Type of movement: Secessionist
- Representation on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum: No
- People: Russians, Belarusians
- Geography: Smolensk Oblast
- Group: Smalandia
- Type of movement: Secessionist
- Representation on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum: Yes
- Years of activity: 2022 – Present
Zalessian Rus’
- People: Russians
- Geography: Central Federal District
- Group: Committee of National Democrats, National Democratic Alliance
- Type of movement: Secessionist and Autonomist
- Representation on the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum: Yes
- Years of activity: 2000s – Present
See also
In Spanish: Separatismo en Rusia para niños
- Russian irredentism