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Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures facts for kids
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures | |
![]() Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures international logo.
Country of origin | Japan |
No. of episodes | 49 (Japan) 48 (U.S.A.) |
Release | |
Original network | TV Tokyo |
Original release | October 5, 2017 | – October 14, 2018
The twenty-first season of the Pokémon animated series is known as Pocket Monsters: Sun & Moon (ポケットモンスター サン&ムーン, Poketto Monsutā: San & Mūn) in Japan and internationally as Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. This season follows the continuing adventures of Ash and his classmates at the Pokémon school in the Alola region.
The season originally aired in Japan from October 5, 2017 to October 14, 2018 on TV Tokyo and in the United States from March 24, 2018 to February 23, 2019 on Disney XD. The series is also available to stream on Netflix.
The Japanese opening songs are "Alola!!" (アローラ!!, Arōra!!) by Rika Matsumoto with Ikue Otani, "Future Connection" (未来コネクション, Mirai Konekushon) by ЯeaL and "Your Adventure" (キミの冒険, Kimi no Bōken) by Taiiku Okazaki. The ending songs are "Pose" (ポ-ズ, Pōzu), "Twerp, Twerpette" (ジャリボーイ・ジャリガール, Jari-bōi, Jari-gāru) by Taiiku Okazaki and "Breath" (ブレス, Buresu). The English opening song is “Under the Alolan Moon” by composer Ed Goldfarb, featuring Haven Paschall and Ben Dixon. Its instrumental version did serve as the end credit song.
J# | E# | English title Japanese title |
Original air date | English air date |
985 | 979 | "A Dream Encounter!" (Satoshi and Hoshigumo! Strange Meetings!!) Transliteration: "Satoshi to Hoshigumo! Fushigina deai!!" (Japanese: サトシとほしぐも! 不思議な出会い!!) |
October 5, 2017 | March 24, 2018 |
986 | 980 | "Now You See Them, Now You Don't!" (Hoshigumo Panic! A Sudden Teleport!!) Transliteration: "Hoshigumo panikku! Terepōto wa totsuzen ni!!" (Japanese: ほしぐもパニック! テレポートは突然に!!) |
October 12, 2017 | March 25, 2018 |
987 | 981 | "Deceiving Appearances!" (The Shapeshifting Metamon, Find that 'Mon!) Transliteration: "Henshin Metamon, sagasundamon!" (Japanese: 変身メタモン、探すんだモン!) |
October 19, 2017 | March 26, 2018 |
988 | 982 | "A Masked Warning!" (Glazio and Silvady! The Mask of Punishment!!) Transliteration: "Gurajio to Shiruvadi! imashime no kamen!!" (Japanese: グラジオとシルヴァディ! 戒めの仮面!!) |
October 26, 2017 | March 27, 2018 |
989 | 983 | "Night of a Thousand Poses!" (Full-Force Pose Sleepover!) Transliteration: "Zenryoku pozu deo tomarikai!" (Japanese: ゼンリョクポーズでお泊まり会!) |
November 2, 2017 | March 28, 2018 |
990 | 984 | "Mission: Total Recall!" (Lilie and Silvady, the Resurrected Memory!) Transliteration: "Rīrie to Shiruvadi yomi ga eru kioku!" (Japanese: ゼンリョクポーズでお泊まり会!) |
November 9, 2017 | March 29, 2018 |
991 | 985 | "Faba's Revenge!" (Sauboh's Counterattack! The Kidnapped Hoshigumo!!) Transliteration: "Zaobo no gyakushu! sarawareta Hoshigumo!" (Japanese: ザオボーの逆襲! さらわれたほしぐも!) |
November 16, 2017 | March 30, 2018 |
992 | 986 | "Family Determination!" (Effortful Lilie! A Determined Runaway Act!) Transliteration: "Ganba Ririe! Ketsui no iede!" (Japanese: がんばリーリエ! 決意の家出!!) |
November 23, 2017 | March 31, 2018 |
993 | 987 | "Revealing the Stuff of Legend!" (The Altar of the Sun! Solgaleo Descends!!) Transliteration: "Nichirin no saidan! Sorugareo kōrin!" (Japanese: 日輪の祭壇! ソルガレオ降臨!!) |
November 30, 2017 | April 7, 2018 |
994 | 988 | "Rescuing the Unwilling!" (Hurry Up! Operation: Rescue Lusamine!!) Transliteration: "Isoge! Ruzamīne kyūshutsu dai sakusen!!" (Japanese: 急げ! ルザミーネ救出大作戦!!) |
December 7, 2017 | April 14, 2018 |
995 | 989 | "10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!" (Shine, Z-Power Ring! Super Full-Force 10,000,000 Volts!!) Transliteration: "Kagayake Z pawa ringu! cho zenryoku no 1000 man boruto!!" (Japanese: 輝けZパワーリング!超ゼンリョクの1000まんボルト!!) |
December 14, 2017 | April 21, 2018 |
996 | 990 | "The Professors' New Adventure!" (Thank You, Solgaleo! You are Our Hoshigumo!!) Transliteration: "Arigato Sorugareo! oretachi no Hoshigumo!!" (Japanese: ありがとうソルガレオ!俺たちのほしぐも!!) |
December 21, 2017 | April 28, 2018 |
997 | 991 | "Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie!" (The Strong Sleeper, Nekkoala's Secret!) Transliteration: "Neru ko wa tsuyoi, nekkoala no himitsu!" (Japanese: 寝る子は強い、ネッコアラの秘密!) |
December 28, 2017 | May 5, 2018 |
998 | 992 | "The Dex Can't Help It!" (Rotom, Can't Stop the Form Change!) Transliteration: "Rotomu, Forumu Chenji Ga Tomaranai!" (Japanese: ロトム、フォルムチェンジが止まらない!) |
January 11, 2018 | May 12, 2018 |
999 | 993 | "Fighting Back The Tears!" (Don't Cry, Hidoide!) Transliteration: "Nakanaide Hidoide!" (Japanese: 泣かないでヒドイデ!) |
January 18, 2018 | May 19, 2018 |
1000 | 994 | "Tasting the Bitter With The Sweet!" (Mao and Suiren: Bittersweet Memories!) Transliteration: "Mao soshite Suiren : Amai omoide!" (Japanese: マオそしてスイレン: 甘い思い出!) |
January 25, 2018 | July 2, 2018 |
1001 | 995 | "Getting A Jump On The Competition!" (Lilie is Soaring Through The Air! The PokéSled Jump Tournament!) Transliteration: "kūki o tsukinuketeimasu ! pokeddojanputōnamento !" (Japanese: 空気を突き抜けています! ポケッドジャンプトーナメント!) |
February 1, 2018 | July 9, 2018 |
1002 | 996 | "A Mission of Ultra Urgency!" (Set Off! You Are Our Ultra Guardians!) Transliteration: "shuppatsu suru! anata wa watashitachi no urutora gadiandesu!" (Japanese: 出発する!あなたは私たちのウルトラガーディアンです!) |
February 8, 2018 | July 16, 2018 |
1003 | 997 | "Acting True to Form!" (The Evil Nyarth is an Alolan Nyarth!?) Transliteration: "aku no nyasu wa arora nyasu!?" (Japanese: 悪のニャースはアローラニャース!?) |
February 15, 2018 | July 23, 2018 |
1004 | 998 | "Pushing the Fiery Envelope!" (Blaze, Nyabby! Overthrow Gaogaen!!) Transliteration: "moeagare nyabby! dato gaogaen!!" (Japanese: 燃え上がれニャビー!打倒ガオガエン!!) |
February 22, 2018 | July 30, 2018 |
1005 | TBA | "Satoshi and Nagetukesaru! A Touchdown of Friendship!!" Transliteration: "Satoshi to Nagetsukesaru! Yujo no Tacchidaun!!" (Japanese: サトシとナゲツケサル!友情のタッチダウン!!) |
March 1, 2018 | Unaired |
1006 | 999 | "Turning Heads and Training Hard!" (Ilima and Eievui Make Their Entrance!!) Transliteration: "Irima to ibui ma irima su!!" (Japanese: イリマとイーブイまイリマす!!) |
March 8, 2018 | August 6, 2018 |
1007 | 1000 | "Smashing with Sketch!" (Smash with Sketch! The Fierce Poké-Ping Pong!!) Transliteration: "Sukecchi de sumasshu! gekito pokepinpon!" (Japanese: スケッチでスマッシュ!激闘ポケピンポン!) |
March 15, 2018 | August 13, 2018 |
1008 | 1001 | "Love at First Twirl!" (The Lover of Light! Bevenom Spins Round and Round!!) Transliteration: "Pikapika dai suki! kurukuru bebenomu!!" (Japanese: ピカピカだいすき!くるくるベベノム!!) |
March 22, 2018 | August 25, 2018 |
1009 | 1002 | "Real Life... Inquire Within!" (Work Experience! 24-Hour Pokémon Center!!) Transliteration: "O shigoto taiken! pokemonsenta 24 ji!" (Japanese: お仕事体験!ポケモンセンター24時!!) |
April 5, 2018 | September 1, 2018 |
1010 | 1003 | "Rise and Shine, Starship!" (The Shining Starship Tekkaguya!) Transliteration: "Kagayake hoshi fune tekkaguya!" (Japanese: 輝け星舟テッカグヤ!) |
April 12, 2018 | September 8, 2018 |
1011 | 1004 | "The Young Flame Strikes Back!" (Protect the Ranch! The Blue Flame's Counterattack!!) Transliteration: "Bokujo o mamore gyakushu no aoki hono!!" (Japanese: 牧場を守れ!逆襲の蒼き炎!!) |
April 19, 2018 | September 15, 2018 |
1012 | 1005 | "Dewpider Ascending!" (Shizukumo, Get Suiren!) Transliteration: "Shizukumo, daze!" (Japanese: シズクモ、スイレンゲットだぜ!) |
April 26, 2018 | September 22, 2018 |
1013 | 1006 | "Sours for the Sweet!" (Ta-ta-ta-dah! Fire it Up, Mao's Family!!) Transliteration: "Panpakapan! Moeyo mao famiri!!" (Japanese: パンパカパーン!燃えよマオファミリー!!) |
April 26, 2018 | September 29, 2018 |
1014 | 1007 | "Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?" (Rocket-dan's Island-Visiting!? Get the Z-Ring!!) Transliteration: "Rokettodan no shima meguri!? Z ringu o getto seyo!!" (Japanese: ロケット団の島めぐり!?Zリングをゲットせよ!!) |
May 3, 2018 | October 6, 2018 |
1015 | 1008 | "Tough Guy Trials!!!" (The Super Mean Old Man is an Island King!?) Transliteration: "Cho waru oyaji wa shima kingu!?" (Japanese: ちょーワルおやじはしまキング!?) |
May 10, 2018 | October 13, 2018 |
1016 | 1009 | "Some Kind of Laziness!!" (Kapu-Bulul! Intense Lazy Training!!) Transliteration: "Kapu-Bururu! Gu tara mō tokkun!!" (Japanese: カプ・ブルル!ぐーたらモー特訓!!) |
May 17, 2018 | October 20, 2018 |
1017 | 1010 | "A Battle Hand-Off!" (Super Decisive Battle! Pikachu VS Mimikkyu!!) Transliteration: "Sūpā kessen! Pikachū VS Mimikkyu!!" (Japanese: スーパー決戦!ピカチュウVSミミッキュ!!) |
May 24, 2018 | October 27, 2018 |
1018 | 1011 | "Guiding an Awakening!" (Kuchinashi's Grand Trial! Lugarugan Awakens!!) Transliteration: "Kuchinashi no dai shiren! Lugarugan kakusei!!" (Japanese: クチナシの大試練!ルガルガン覚醒!!) |
May 31, 2018 | November 3, 2018 |
1019 | 1012 | "Twirling with a Bang!" (Ultra Beast Clash! The Great Rumble Crash Operation!!) Transliteration: "Gekitotsu urutorabīsuto! Dondonbachibachi dai sakusen!!" (Japanese: 激激突ウルトラビースト!ドンドンバチバチ大作戦!!) |
June 7, 2018 | November 10, 2018 |
1020 | 1013 | "Showering the World with Love!" (Minior and Poipole, the Promise that Disappeared into the Starry Sky!) Transliteration: "Meteno to bevenom, hoshizora ni kieta yakusoku!" (Japanese: メテノとベベノム、星空に消えた約束!) |
June 14, 2018 | November 17, 2018 |
1021 | 1014 | "Not Caving Under Pressure!" (Sandshrew's Storm! Ice Cave Double Battle!!) Transliteration: "Sando no arashi! Kori ana no daburu batoru!!" (Japanese: サンドの嵐!氷穴のダブルバトル!!) |
June 28, 2018 | November 24, 2018 |
1022 | 1015 | "A Young Royal Flame Ignites!" (Alola's Young Fire! The Birth of Royal Satoshi!!) Transliteration: "Arora no wakaki hono! Roiyaru Satoshi tanjo!!" (Japanese: アローラの若き炎!ロイヤルサトシ誕生!!) |
July 5, 2018 | December 1, 2018 |
1023 | 1016 | "All They Want To Do Is Dance Dance!" (Dance Dance in Evolution?) Transliteration: "Dansu dansu de shinka sen ka?" (Japanese: ダンスダンスで進化せんか?) |
July 19, 2018 | December 8, 2018 |
1024 | 1017 | "Dummy, You Shrunk The Kids!" (Satoshi, Becomes Small) Transliteration: "Satoshi, chīsaku naru" (Japanese: サトシ、ちいさくなる) |
July 26, 2018 | December 15, 2018 |
1025 | 1018 | "The Shape Of Love To Come!" (The Shape of Family, Bevenom's Feelings!) Transliteration: "Kazoku no katachi, bebenomu no kimochi!" (Japanese: 家族のカタチ、ベベノムのキモチ!) |
August 2, 2018 | December 22, 2018 |
1026 | 1019 | "The Long Vault Home!" (Leap and Climb, Tundetunde!) Transliteration: "Toned no botte, Tundetunde!" (Japanese: トンデノボッテ、ツンデツンデ!) |
August 9, 2018 | December 29, 2018 |
1027 | 1020 | "I Choose Paradise!" (I Choose Here! Pokémon Hot Spring Paradise!!) Transliteration: "Koko ni kimeta! Pokemon yukemuri paradaisu!!" (Japanese: ココにきめた!ポケモン湯けむりパラダイス!!) |
August 16, 2018 | January 12, 2019 |
1028 | 1021 | "Filling the Light with Darkness!" (Alola's Crisis! The Darkness that Eats Radiance!! Transliteration: "Arōra no kiki! Kagayaki o kurau yami!!" (Japanese: アローラの危機!かがやきを喰らう闇!!) |
August 23, 2018 | January 19, 2019 |
1029 | 1022 | "Full Moon and Many Arms!" (Lunala VS UB:BLACK! A Full Moon Battle!!) Transliteration: "Runaāra tai UB: Burakku! Mangetsu no tatakai!!" (Japanese: ルナアーラ対UB:BLACK!満月の戦い!!) |
August 30, 2018 | January 26, 2019 |
1030 | 1023 | "The Prism Between Light and Darkness!" (Prism of Light and Darkness, Its Name is Necrozma!!) Transliteration: "Hikari to yami no purizumu, sononaha nekurozuma!!" (Japanese: 光と闇のプリズム、その名はネクロズマ!!) |
September 6, 2018 | February 2, 2019 |
1031 | 1024 | "Securing the Future!" (Connect to the Future! The Legend of the Radiant One!) Transliteration: "Mirai e tsunage! Kagayaki-sama no densetsu!!" (Japanese: 未来へつなげ!かがやきさまの伝説!!) |
September 13, 2018 | February 9, 2019 |
1032 | 1025 | "A Plethora of Pikachu!" (It's a Pikachu Outbreak! The Pikachu Valley!!) Transliteration: "Tairyō hassei-chū! Pikachū nota ni!!" (Japanese: 大量発生チュウ!ピカチュウのたに!!) |
October 7, 2018 | February 16, 2019 |
1033 | 1026 | "Turning the Other Mask!" (Kukui's Desperate Situation! Another Royal Mask!!) Transliteration: "Kukui zettaizetsumei! Mōhitori no roiyarumasuku!!" (Japanese: ククイ絶体絶命!もう一人のロイヤルマスク!!) |
October 14, 2018 | February 23, 2019 |
Home Media releases
Viz Media and Warner Home Video released the entire series on a single 6-disc boxset on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States in 2019. This is the first and so far, only Pokemon series to be released on the Blu-ray format in the United States.
See also
In Spanish: Anexo:Episodios de Pokémon (vigesimoprimera temporada) para niños