Oswald the Lucky Rabbit facts for kids
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is a cartoon character created in 1927 by Walt Disney for Universal Pictures. He starred in several animated short films released to theaters from 1927 to 1938
Although Oswald was originally created by Disney, the character was legally owned by Universal Studios. Then with a turn of events Disney breaks away from Universal Studios.
Disney came up with a new character named Mickey Mouse. The production of Mickey Mouse provided Walt Disney with the money he used to create Disney World.
Later on, Disney bought Oswald back. Disney then made the video-game Epic Mickey, Epic Mickey 2, and Epic Mickey power of illusion.
Images for kids
Al Michaels acknowledged that his contract negotiations had effectively traded him for Oswald, and spoke favorably of the deal.
See also
In Spanish: Oswald el conejo afortunado para niños