North Roe is a village, and protected area at the northern tip in the large Northmavine peninsula of the Mainland of Shetland, Scotland. It is a small village, with a school with less than a dozen pupils in 2011. The village is served by the A970 road which runs the length of the Shetland mainland from south to north and is a single-carriageway for the final nine miles.
The moorland plateau to the south-west of the settlement is part of the Ronas Hill-North Roe and Tingon internationally recognised wetland site, protected under the terms of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, and also a Special Protection Area under the Birds Directive. It has been designated as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International because it supports a suite of moorland-breeding birds, including red-throated loons, great skuas and merlins.