National List of Threatened Terrestrial Fauna of the Philippines facts for kids
JREL is The National List of Threatened Terrestrial Fauna of the Philippines, also known as the Red List, is a list of endangered species endemic in the Philippines and is maintained by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) through its Biodiversity Management Bureau and the Philippine Red List Committee. The list is pursuant to Republic Act No. 9147, or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act. Species are assessed solely according to their population in the Philippines and hence may not be in line with other conversation lists such as the IUCN Red List which list the Crab-eating macaque (including subspecies the Philippine long-tailed macaque) as vulnerable but is not included in the 2019 release of the Philippines' national Red List.
The list was first released in 2004. In 2019, arachnids and insects were added to the list for the first time.
The following is the list of critically endangered (CR) and endangered (EN) species included in the National List of Threatened Terrestrial Fauna of the Philippines as per DENR Administrative Order 2019-09. The list below currently don't include fauna classified as vulnerable (VU) and other threatened species (OTS).
Common name | Scientific name | Status |
Tamaraw | Bubalus mindorensis | CR |
Visayan spotted deer | Cervus alfredi | CR |
Dugong | Dugong dugon | CR |
Dinagat hairy-tailed cloud rat | Crateromys australis | CR |
Ilin hairy-tailed cloudrat | Crateromys paulus | CR |
Golden-crowned fruit bat | Acerodon jubatus | CR |
Philippine bare-backed fruit bat | Dobsonia chapmani | CR |
Calamian deer | Cervus calamianensis | EN |
Philippine deer | Rusa marianna | EN |
Palawan pangolin | Manis culionensis | EN |
Panay bushy-tailed cloud rat | Crateromys heaneyi | EN |
Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat | Nyctimene rabori | EN |
Palawan flying fox | Acerodon leucotis | EN |
Giant flying fox | Pteropus vampyrus | EN |
Mindoro warty pig | Sus oliveri | EN |
Pig (unspecified Sus species from the Sulu Archipelago) | Sus sp. A from the Sulu Archipelago | EN |

Common name | Scientific name | Status |
Philippine eagle | Pithecophaga jefferyi | CR |
Speckled reed warbler | Acrocephalus sorghophilus | CR |
Indigo-banded kingfisher | Ceyx cyanopectus | CR |
Baer's pochard | Aythya baeri | CR |
Sulu hornbill | Anthracoceros montani | CR |
Walden's hornbill | Rhabdotorrhinus waldeni | CR |
Visayan hornbill | Penelopides panini | CR |
Red-vented cockatoo | Cacatua haematuropygia | CR |
Philippine leafbird | Chloropsis flavipennis | CR |
Mindoro bleeding-heart | Gallicolumba platenae | CR |
Sulu bleeding-heart | Gallicolumba keayi | CR |
Negros bleeding-heart | Gallicolumba menagei | CR |
Amethyst brown dove | Phapitreron amethystinus | CR |
Tawi-Tawi brown dove | Phapitreron cinereiceps | CR |
Negros fruit dove | Ptilinopus arcanus | CR |
Pink-bellied imperial pigeon | Ducula poliocephala | CR |
Black-hooded coucal | Centropus steerii | CR |
Cebu flowerpecker | Dicaeum quadricolor | CR |
Tablas drongo | Dicrurus menagei | CR |
Christmas Island frigatebird | Fregata andrewsi | CR |
Sarus crane | Grus antigone | CR |
Chinese crested tern | Thalasseus bernsteini | CR |
Celestial monarch | Hypothymis coelestis | CR |
Isabela oriole | Oriolus isabellae | CR |
Colasisi | Loriculus philippensis | CR |
Green racket-tail | Prioniturus luconensis | CR |
Blue-winged racket-tail | Prioniturus verticalis | CR |
Blue-naped parrot | Tanygnathus lucionensis | CR |
Blue-backed parrot | Tanygnathus sumatranus | CR |
Streak-breasted bulbul | Aypsipetes siquijorensis | CR |
Spoon-billed sandpiper | Eurynorhynchus pygmeus | CR |
Masked booby | Sula dactylatra | CR |
Pinsker's hawk-eagle | Nisaetus pinskeri | EN |
Japanese night heron | Gorsachius goisagi | EN |
Luzon rufous hornbill | Buceros hydrocorax | EN |
Mindoro hornbill | Penelopides mindorensis | EN |
Mindanao hornbill | Penelopides affinis | EN |
Beach stone-curlew | Esacus magnirostris | EN |
Oriental stork | Ciconia boyciana | EN |
Island collared dove | Streptopelia bitorquata | EN |
Nicobar pigeon | Caloenas nicobarica | EN |
Flame-breasted fruit dove | Ramphiculus marchei | EN |
Mindoro imperial pigeon | Ducula mindorensis | EN |
Spotted imperial pigeon | Ducula carola | EN |
Grey imperial pigeon | Ducula pickeringii | EN |
Black noddy | Anous minutus | EN |
Black shama | Copsychus cebuensis | EN |
Ashy-breasted flycatcher | Muscicapa randi | EN |
White-throated jungle flycatcher | Vauriella albigularis | EN |
Palawan peacock-pheasant | Palyplectron napoleonis | EN |
Yellow-faced flameback | Chrysocolaptes xanthocephalus | EN |
Red-headed flameback | Chrysocolaptes erythrocephalus | EN |
Montane racket-tail | Prioniturus montanus | EN |
Mindoro racket-tail | Prioniturus mindorensis | EN |
Calayan rail | Gallirallus calayanensis | EN |
Brown-banded rail | Lewinia mirificus | EN |
Tablas fantail | Rhipidura sauli | EN |
Far eastern curlew | Numenius madagascariensis | EN |
Spotted redshank | Tringa erythropus | EN |
Nordmann's greenshank | Tringa guttifer | EN |
Great knot | Calidris tenuirostris | EN |
Giant scops owl | Otus gurneyi | EN |
Palawan scops owl | Otus fuliginosus | EN |
Philippine eagle-owl | Bubo philippensis | EN |
Romblon hawk-owl | Ninox spilonota | EN |
Cebu hawk-owl | Ninox rumseyi | EN |
Camiguin hawk-owl | Ninox leventisi | EN |
Brown booby | Sula leucogaster | EN |
Black-faced spoonbill | Platalea minor | EN |
Worcester's buttonquail | Turnix worcesteri | EN |
Negros striped babbler | Zosterornis nigrorum | EN |
Flame-templed babbler | Dasycrotapha speciosa | EN |

Common name | Scientific name | Status |
Hawksbill turtle | Eretmochelys imbricata | CR |
Philippine crocodile | Crocodylus mindorensis | CR |
Indo-Pacific crocodile / Saltwater crocodile | Crocodylus porosus | CR |
Leatherback turtle | Dermochelys coriacea | CR |
Palawan forest turtle | Siebenrockiella leytensis | CR |
Panay forest monitor lizard | Varanus mabitang | CR |
Loggerhead turtle | Caretta caretta | EN |
Green turtle | Chelonia mydas | EN |
Olive ridley turtle | Lepidochelys olivacea | EN |
Spiny hill turtle | Heosemys spinosa | EN |
McGregor's pitviper | Trimeresurus mcgregori | EN |
Asian Leaf Turtle | Cyclemys dentata | VU |
Northern Sierra Madre Forest Monitor Lizard | Varanus bilatawa | VU |
Gray's Monitor Lizard | Varanus olivaceus | VU |
Southeast Asian Box Turtle | Cuora amboinensis | OTS |

Common name | Scientific name | Status |
Gigantes limestone frog | Platymantis insulatus | CR |
Negros limestone frog | Platymantis (Lupacolus) spelaeus | EN |
Common name | Scientific name | Status |
Tree snail | Helicostyla smargadina | CR |
N/A | Coneuplecta turrita | CR |
Angat common gem | Poritia solitaria | CR |
Masbate brush-footed butterfly | Tanaecia dodong | CR |
Cebu brush-footed butterfly | Tanaecia susoni | CR |
Jolo brush-footed butterfly | Tanaecia lupina | CR |
Miyazaki's nymphalid | Helcyra miyazakii | CR |
Leyte swallowtail | Chilasa osmana | CR |
Mindanao swallowtail | Chilasa carolinensis | CR |
Marinduque swallowtail | Menelaides luzviae | CR |
Damselfly | Protosticta plicata | CR |
Damselfly | Risiocnemis seidenschwarzi | CR |
Hagen's damselfly | Rhinocypha hageni | EN |
N/A | Amemboa (s.str.) philippinensis | EN |
Tindongan's oakblue | Arhopala tindongani | EN |
Simon's cave cockroach | Nocticola simoni | EN |
Antipolo blind cave cockroach | Nocticola caeca | EN |
Damselfly | Sulcosticta striata | EN |