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List of YooHoo & Friends episodes facts for kids
YooHoo & Friends (Hangul: 유후와 친구들; RR: Yuhuwa Chingudeul) is a Korean animated children's television series based on the toyline of the same name, produced by Korean toy manufacturer Aurora World. The series debuted on the Korean broadcasting channel KBS2, and later on KBS1 from July 2, 2009 to April 9, 2015.
Series overview
Season | Segments | Episodes | Originally aired | |||
First aired | Last aired | Network | ||||
1 | 52 | 26 | July 2, 2009 | January 12, 2010 | KBS2 | |
2 | 56 | 28 | October 21, 2013 | May 24, 2014 | KBS1 | |
3 | 22 | 11 | January 11, 2015 | April 9, 2015 |
Season 1 (2009-2010)
No. | Title | Directed by | Written by | Original air date |
1 | "Chewoo as a Baby Bird" "아기새가 된 츄우" "Disappeared Yootopia" "사라진 그리닛" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | July 2, 2009 |
2 | "The Secret of Baobab Trees" "바오밥나무의 비밀" "Who Could Get Water First?" "누가빨리 물을 구해올까요?" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | July 10, 2009 |
3 | "Across the Victoria Falls" "빅토리아 폭포를 건너자" "The Lion with Blue Mane" "파란머리사자" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | July 17, 2009 |
4 | "Ahh! There's a Monster!" "으악, 괴물이 나타났다!" "Finding YooHoo!" "유후를 찾아라!" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | July 27, 2009 |
5 | "Catch the Green Seed!" "그린 씨앗을 잡아라!" "Meeting the Meerkat Brothers" "미어캣 삼형제를 만나다!" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | July 31, 2009 |
6 | "Nobody Can Stop" "미어캣 삼형제는 못 말려!" "The Stolen Encyclopedia" "백과사전을 도둑맞았어요!" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | August 7, 2009 |
7 | "Desert Paradise" "사막의 낙원을 찾아서" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | August 14, 2009 |
8 | "The Mysterious Pyramid" "피라미드의 수수께끼" "Finding the Fairy Chimneys" "요정들의 굴뚝을 찾아서" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | August 21, 2009 |
9 | "Spooky Vampire Bats" "흡혈박쥐는 무서워" "Green Seed in the Lake" "씨앗이 호수에 빠졌어요" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | August 28, 2009 |
10 | "Rooney the Musician" "음악가 루니" "Libee the Dandy" "멋쟁이 스라소니" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | September 4, 2009 |
11 | "Whose Pouch Is It?" "씨앗 주머니는 누구 것일까요?" "Secrets of the Altamira Cave" "알타미라 동굴의 비밀" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | September 7, 2009 |
12 | "Look for the Shiny Pebble" "반짝이는 돌 조각을 찾아라" "Chewoo Befriends the Youngest Meerkat" "막내 미어캣과 친해진 츄우" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | September 19, 2009 |
13 | "Sleeping Pammee" "잠자는 숲 속의 패미" "Over the Altai Mountains" "알타이 산맥을 넘다" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | September 24, 2009 |
14 | "RingRing the Panda" "판다 링링" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | September 25, 2009 |
15 | "The Fake Meditator" "인도의 엉터리 명상가를 만나다" "Roodee Leaves the Group" "루디, 친구들을 떠나다" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | October 19, 2009 |
16 | "Meerkat, the Great Inventor" "발명왕 미어캣" "Babysitting Time!" "아기 보기는 힘들어" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | October 23, 2009 |
17 | "Josh the Chatterbox" "수다쟁이 조시를 만나다" "To Find the Invisible Island" "보이지 않는 섬을 찾아서" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | October 23, 2009 |
18 | "Caught by Baboons" "눈 원숭이들에게 잡히다" "Another Paradise" "또 하나의 파라다이스" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | November 9, 2009 |
19 | "Secrets of the Paradise" "파라다이스의 비밀" "Two Seeds" "두 개의 씨앗" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | November 9, 2009 |
20 | "Cookie the South Pole Penguin" "남극의 꼬마펭귄 쿠키" "The Meerkat Conspiracy" "미어캣 삼형제의 음모" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | November 19, 2009 |
21 | "Play Ball in Machu Picchu" "마추픽추 공놀이 대회" "What a Spectacle Bear Needs" "눈이 나쁜 안경곰" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | November 27, 2009 |
22 | "Goodbye Pink Dolphin" "안녕, 분홍 돌고래!" "Roodee's Submarine" "루디의 잠수함" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | November 27, 2009 |
23 | "Cactus Desert" "선인장 사막" "Beware! It's Hot!" "뜨거워, 조심해!" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | November 27, 2009 |
24 | "The Lost Seed Pouch" "씨앗주머니를 빼앗기다" "The Sad Behind Story" "미어캣 삼형제, 씨앗주머니를 구하다" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | January 12, 2010 |
25 | "The Beaver Brothers" "비버 형제의 댐 쌓기" "Lemmee, Save Us!" "레미, 우리를 구해줘!" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | January 12, 2010 |
26 | "To the North Pole" "가자, 북극으로!" "Back to YooTopia" "다시 찾은 그리닛" |
Kyungjun Choi | Unknown | January 12, 2010 |
Season 2 (2013–14)
On Amazon, 4 episodes have not been included in the English release.
No. overall |
No. in season |
Title | Directed by | Written by | Original air date |
27 | 1 | "Genius is 1% Inspiration and 99% Humor" "천재는 1%의 영감과 99%의 장난기로 만들어진다" "Pammee the Superstar" "패미 마돈나" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | October 21, 2013 |
28 | 2 | "A Leader's Burden" "리더는 괴로워" "The Precious Water" "물은 소중해" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | October 28, 2013 |
29 | 3 | "The Greenet Fruit Festival" "착한 악당" "Utopia Carnival" "가짜 유토피아" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | November 1, 2013 |
30 | 4 | "Bell Around Caramel's Neck" "고양이 방울" "So Hot" "덥다 더워" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | November 8, 2013 |
31 | 5 | "Friends Forever" "우리는 친구" "Oops and Koops Fall in Love" "사랑에 빠진 웁스와 쿱스" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | November 16, 2013 |
32 | 6 | "The Treasure Ship Quest" "보물선을 찾아라" "Nothing to Eat" "먹을 것이 없어" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | November 25, 2013 |
33 | 7 | "Made by Roodee" "루디의 발명품" "The Sleepwalking Monster" "몽유병 괴물" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | December 6, 2013 |
34 | 8 | "A Magical Spring" "신비의 샘물" "Chewoo Catches a Cold" "감기에 걸린 츄우" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | December 12, 2013 |
35 | 9 | "크리스마스의 해프닝"
"The History of Oops and Koops" "웁스쿱스의 과거" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | December 17, 2013 |
36 | 10 | "Stop Being Lazy, YooHoo!" "개미와 유후" "Too Much Noise" "시끄럽지만 시끄럽지 않아!" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | December 23, 2013 |
37 | 11 | "모두 모두 해피뉴이어"
"The Ocean's Black Spring" "바다 속 검은 샘" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | January 2, 2014 |
38 | 12 | "The Dinosaur's Fury" "공룡 대소동" "We Can't Live Without Roodee" "루디 없인 못 살아" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | January 8, 2014 |
39 | 13 | "The Best of the Best" "내가 제일 잘 나가" "Roodie's Two Faces" "두 얼굴의 루디" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | January 21, 2014 |
40 | 14 | "Fake Friends" "가짜 친구들" "The Legend of the Penguins" "전설의 펭귄" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | January 29, 2014 |
41 | 15 | "Pammee's Disappearance" "사라진 패미" "Rescue Pammee" "패미를 찾아라" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | February 6, 2014 |
42 | 16 | "Oh Dear, It Really Stinks" "냄새가 지독해" "Mr. DJ and Pammee" "라디오DJ와 패미" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | February 10, 2014 |
43 | 17 | "Carmel, the Spy" "스파이가 된 카라멜" "A Gift Gone Wrong" "잘못된 선물" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | February 17, 2014 |
44 | 18 | "달콤한 발렌타인 보내기"
"Where are the Bees?" "소중한 꿀벌들" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | February 24, 2014 |
45 | 19 | "Chewoo's Dream" "츄우의 꿈" "I am the Older Brother" "누가 형이야?" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | March 4, 2014 |
46 | 20 | "Picasso - The Birth of Greenica" "피카소 - 그리니카의 탄생" "The Sun Has Disappeared" "사라진 태양" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | March 17, 2014 |
47 | 21 | "We Need Electricity" "전기가 부족해" "The Sea is Sick" "육지에 온 바다생물" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | March 24, 2014 |
48 | 22 | "그리닛의 바보는 누구?"
"Who is Big Boss?" "빅보스는 누구일까?" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | March 31, 2014 |
49 | 23 | "YooHoo's Ghost Friend" "꼬마유령" "We are Best Buddies!" "최고의 친구들" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | April 7, 2014 |
50 | 24 | "Dance with Roodee" "루디와 함께 춤을" "Lemmee's Dictionary of Complaints" "레미가 달라졌어요" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | April 14, 2014 |
51 | 25 | "Pammee, the Sleeping Beauty" "잠자는 숲속의 패미" "The Magic Springs are Contaminated" "오염된 신비의 샘물" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | April 28, 2014 |
52 | 26 | "Crossing the Dangerous Desert" "공포의 사막을 건너라" "Guard the Water Balloon" "물풍선을 차지하라" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | May 9, 2014 |
53 | 27 | "Greenet is Flooded" "비처럼 홍수처럼" "There are Holes in the Ground" "땅에 구멍이 생겼어" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | May 12, 2014 |
54 | 28 | "We Need a Vacation" "휴가가 필요해" "The Real Big Boss" "빅보스의 정체" |
Chey Lee and SeungHwa Kim | Unknown | May 24, 2014 |
Season 3 (2015)
Unlike the first two seasons, this season has not had an official English release on Amazon and Netflix.
No. overall |
No. in season |
Title | Directed by | Written by | Original air date |
55 | 1 | "인어의 전설"
"성화봉송 대작전" |
Unknown | Unknown | January 11, 2015 |
56 | 2 | "내 어릴 적 꿈"
"루디의 비밀책" |
Unknown | Unknown | January 18, 2015 |
57 | 3 | "박쥐는 누구 편일까?"
"할로윈 대소동" |
Unknown | Unknown | January 19, 2015 |
58 | 4 | "매일매일 추수감사절"
"돌아온 태권 호랑이" |
Unknown | Unknown | January 26, 2015 |
59 | 5 | "소원을 들어줘"
"이상한 호두까기 인형" |
Unknown | Unknown | February 2, 2015 |
60 | 6 | "달려라 유후"
"패션왕 웁스쿱스" |
Unknown | Unknown | February 11, 2015 |
61 | 7 | "나무를 지켜라"
"수다쟁이의 탄생" |
Unknown | Unknown | March 1, 2015 |
62 | 8 | "그리닛은우리땅"
"달팽이의꿈" |
Unknown | Unknown | March 9, 2015 |
63 | 9 | "그리닛이 최고야"
"고약한 향수" |
Unknown | Unknown | March 16, 2015 |
64 | 10 | "감기 대소동"
"나는 누구일까" |
Unknown | Unknown | March 24, 2015 |
65 | 11 | "이상한 소"
"빨리 빨리" |
Unknown | Unknown | April 9, 2015 |