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List of Egyptian pyramids facts for kids

Kids Encyclopedia Facts

This list presents the vital statistics of the pyramids listed in chronological order, when available.

Dynasty Pharaoh Modern name
(ancient name)
Site Base length

2686–2613 BC

Djoser Pyramid of Djoser Saqqara 121×109 60 330,400 29°52′16.56″N 31°12′59.02″E / 29.8712667°N 31.2163944°E / 29.8712667; 31.2163944 Saqqara Pyramid Djoser.jpg
3rd Sekhemkhet Buried Pyramid Saqqara 120 7 33,600


Unfinished pyramid converted into a square mastaba. 29°51′58″N 31°12′47″E / 29.866°N 31.213°E / 29.866; 31.213 Sekhemkhet pyramid at Saqqara.jpg
3rd Khaba


Layer Pyramid Zawyet el'Aryan 84 20 47,040

(possibly unfinished)

The connection to king Khaba is disputed, since not a single artifact with any royal name was found in the underground chambers. 29°55′58″N 31°09′41″E / 29.932820°N 31.161262°E / 29.932820; 31.161262 Khaba pyramid at Zawyet el'Aryan.jpg

2613–2498 BC

Sneferu Pyramid of Meidum

(Snefru endures)

Meidum 144 65 638,733

(possibly unfinished)

51° 50' 35" Pyramid complex includes a satellite pyramid. The Meidum pyramid may have been originally built for Huni and continued by Sneferu. 29°23′17″N 31°09′25″E / 29.38806°N 31.15694°E / 29.38806; 31.15694 Pyramid of sneferu Meidum 01.jpg
4th Sneferu Bent Pyramid

(Snefru shines in the South)

Dahshur 188 105 1,237,040 54° 50' 35" /43° 22' The change of the angle have been made as a stability precaution in reaction to a catastrophic collapse of the Meidum pyramid while it was still under construction. 29°47′25″N 31°12′33″E / 29.79028°N 31.20917°E / 29.79028; 31.20917 Sneferu's Bent Pyramid in Dahshur
4th Sneferu Red Pyramid

(Snefru shines in the North)

Dahshur 220 105 1,694,000 43° 22' 29°48′30″N 31°12′21″E / 29.80833°N 31.20583°E / 29.80833; 31.20583 Egypt.Dashur.RedPyramid.01.jpg
4th Khufu The Great Pyramid of Giza

(Khufu's horizon)

Giza 230.3 146.6 2,583,283 51° 50' 40" 29°58′45″N 31°08′03″E / 29.97917°N 31.13417°E / 29.97917; 31.13417 Kheops-Pyramid.jpg
4th Djedefre Pyramid of Djedefre

(Djedefre's Starry Sky)

Abu Rawash 106.2 67 131,043

(possibly unfinished)

~52° 30°01′56″N 31°04′29″E / 30.03222°N 31.07472°E / 30.03222; 31.07472 Abu Rawash Pyramid.jpg




Northern Pyramid of Zawyet el'Aryan

(Star of ..?..-Ka)

Zawyet el'Aryan 200 (Never built) 29°56′24.44″N 31°9′5.6″E / 29.9401222°N 31.151556°E / 29.9401222; 31.151556
4th Khafre Pyramid of Khafre

(Khafre is great)

Giza 215.25 143.5 2,211,096 53°10' 29°58′34″N 31°07′51″E / 29.97611°N 31.13083°E / 29.97611; 31.13083 Khafre's Pyramid343.jpg
4th Menkaure Pyramid of Menkaure

(Menkaure is divine)

Giza 103.4 65.5 235,183 51°20′25″ Pyramid complex includes 3 queens pyramids. 29°58′21″N 31°07′42″E / 29.97250°N 31.12833°E / 29.97250; 31.12833 Menkaures Pyramid Giza Egypt.jpg

2498–2345 BC

Userkaf Pyramid of Userkaf

(The pure sites of Userkaf)

Saqqara 73.3 49 87,906 53°7'48" 29°52′25″N 31°13′08″E / 29.87361°N 31.21889°E / 29.87361; 31.21889 PyramidOfUserkaf.jpg
5th Sahure Pyramid of Sahure

(The personality (ba) of Sahure appears)

Abusir 78.75 47 96,542 50°11'40" 529°53′52″N 31°12′12″E / 29.89778°N 31.20333°E / 29.89778; 31.20333 SahurePyramid.jpg
5th Neferirkare Kakai Pyramid of Neferirkare

(Personality (ba) of Neferirkare)

Abusir 105 54 257,250 54°30' Originally built a stepped pyramid. 29°53′42″N 31°12′09″E / 29.89500°N 31.20250°E / 29.89500; 31.20250 Abousir Neferirkare 02.jpg
5th Neferefre Pyramid of Neferefre

(The power of Neferefre is divine)

Abusir 65 29,575


64°30' (intended)

78° (after mastaba conversion)

Unfinished pyramid converted into a square mastaba. 29°53′38″N 31°12′6″E / 29.89389°N 31.20167°E / 29.89389; 31.20167 Abousir Neferefre 01.jpg
5th Shepseskare Unfinished pyramid of North Abusir Abusir 100 Never built, earthwork just started 29°53′55″N 31°12′6″E / 29.89861°N 31.20167°E / 29.89861; 31.20167
5th Nyuserre Ini Pyramid of Nyuserre

(The seats of Niuserre will endure)

Abusir 79.9 51.68 112,632 51° 50' 35" Pyramid complex includes a satellite pyramid and 1 or 2 queens pyramids. 29°53′44″N 31°12′13″E / 29.89556°N 31.20361°E / 29.89556; 31.20361 Pyramid of Niuserre.jpg
5th Menkauhor Kaiu Headless Pyramid

(The divine places of Menkauhor)

Saqqara c. 52 n.d. n.d. 29°52′31″N 31°13′25″E / 29.87528°N 31.22361°E / 29.87528; 31.22361
5th Djedkare Isesi Pyramid of Djedkare-Isesi

(Beautiful is Djedkare)

South Saqqara 78.75 52.5 107,835 52° Pyramid complex includes a satellite pyramid and 1 queens pyramid. 29°51′04″N 31°13′15″E / 29.85111°N 31.22083°E / 29.85111; 31.22083 Pyramid of Djedkare, Saqqara, 1990ies.png
5th Unas Pyramid of Unas

(The places of Unas are beautiful)

North Saqqara 57.75 43 47,390 56° 29°52′6″N 31°12′53″E / 29.86833°N 31.21472°E / 29.86833; 31.21472 Sakkara C02-29.jpg

2345–2181 BC

Teti Pyramid of Teti

(The places of Teti are enduring)

North Saqqara 78.5 52.5 107,835 53° 7' 48" Pyramid complex includes a satellite pyramid and 2 queens pyramids. 29°52′31″N 31°13′18″E / 29.87528°N 31.22167°E / 29.87528; 31.22167 PiramideTeti.jpg
6th Pepi I Pyramid of Pepi I

(The beauty of Pepi may endure)

South Saqqara 78.75 52.5 107,835 53° 7' 48" Pyramid complex includes a satellite pyramid and 5 queens pyramids. 29°51′16″N 31°13′8″E / 29.85444°N 31.21889°E / 29.85444; 31.21889
6th Merenre Pyramid of Merenre

(The beauty of Merenre appears)

South Saqqara 78.75 52.5 107,835 57°7'48" 29°51′02″N 31°12′54″E / 29.85055556°N 31.215°E / 29.85055556; 31.215 Pyramid of Merenre, Saqqara, 1990ies.jpg
6th Pepi II Pyramid of Pepi II

(Pepi is established and living)

South Saqqara 78.75 52.5 107,835 53° 7' 48" 29°50′25″N 31°12′48″E / 29.8403°N 31.2133°E / 29.8403; 31.2133 PepiIIPyramid.jpg
8th Qakare Ibi Pyramid of Ibi South Saqqara 31.5 21? 53° 7′ Last pyramid built in Saqqara. 29°50′30″N 31°13′4″E / 29.84167°N 31.21778°E / 29.84167; 31.21778 Qakare-Ibi-Pyramid.png
First Intermediate Period Khui Pyramid of Khui Dara 146x136 n.d. n.d. Unclear if it was a step pyramid or a giant mastaba. 27°18′28″N 30°52′18″E / 27.30778°N 30.87167°E / 27.30778; 30.87167 Khui-Pyramid.png
10th Merikare Pyramid of Merikare

(Flourishing are the abodes of Merikare)

Unknown, possibly North Saqqara n.d. n.d. n.d. Archaeologically attested, but still unidentified.

1991–1803 BC

Amenemhat I Pyramid of Amenemhet I

(Amenemhat appears at his place)

Lisht 84 55 129,360 54° 27' 44" 29°34′30″N 31°13′31″E / 29.5749°N 31.2253°E / 29.5749; 31.2253 AmenemhetIPyramid.jpg
12th Senusret I Pyramid of Senusret I

(Senusret beholds the two lands)

Lisht 105 61.25 225,093 49° 24' Pyramid complex includes a satellite pyramid and 9 queens pyramids. 29°33′36.04″N 31°13′15.40″E / 29.5600111°N 31.2209444°E / 29.5600111; 31.2209444 Licht-senwsPyramids 01.jpg
12th Amenemhat II White Pyramid

(Amenemhat is provided)

Dahshur 50 29°48′20″N 31°13′22″E / 29.80556°N 31.22278°E / 29.80556; 31.22278 Complexe-amenemhatII.jpg
12th Senusret II Pyramid of Senusret II

(Senusret appears)

El-Lahun 106 48.6 185,665 42° 35' Pyramid complex includes a satellite pyramid or a queens pyramid. 29°14′N 30°58′E / 29.233°N 30.967°E / 29.233; 30.967 SenusretIIPyramid.jpg
12th Senusret III Pyramid of Senusret III Dahshur 105 78 288,488 56° 18' 35" Pyramid complex includes 7 queens pyramids. 29°49′8″N 31°13′32″E / 29.81889°N 31.22556°E / 29.81889; 31.22556 Pyramid of Senusret III 12.jpg
12th Amenemhat III Pyramid of Amenemhat III

(Amenemhat is beautiful)

Dahshur 105 75 274,625 56° 18' 35" 29°47′30″N 31°13′25″E / 29.79167°N 31.22361°E / 29.79167; 31.22361 BlackPyramidOfAmenemhetIII.jpg
12th Amenemhat III Pyramid of Hawara

(Amenemhat lives)

Hawara 105 58 200,158 48° 45' 29°16′27″N 30°53′56″E / 29.27417°N 30.89889°E / 29.27417; 30.89889 Pyramid of amenemhet hawarra 01.jpg
12th or 13th Amenemhat IV (?) Southern Mazghuna pyramid South Mazghuna 52.5 (unfinished) n.d. n.d. 29°45′42″N 31°13′15″E / 29.76167°N 31.22083°E / 29.76167; 31.22083 Mazghouna-sud-photo.jpg
12th or 13th Sobekneferu (?) Northern Mazghuna pyramid North Mazghuna >52.5 (unfinished) n.d. n.d. 29°46′3″N 31°13′15″E / 29.76750°N 31.22083°E / 29.76750; 31.22083 Piramide-mazghuna-nord.png

c. 1790 BC

Ameny Qemau Pyramid of Ameny Qemau South Saqqara 52 35 c 55° 29°46′54″N 31°13′17″E / 29.78167°N 31.22139°E / 29.78167; 31.22139 Plan-complexe-ameni-kemaou copie.jpg
13th Ameny Qemau

(possibly usurped)

n.d. Dahshur n.d. n.d. n.d.

c. 1760 BC

Khendjer Pyramid of Khendjer South Saqqara 52.5 37.35 34,300 55° Pyramid complex includes a satellite pyramid and two enclosure walls. 29°49′56″N 31°13′26″E / 29.83222°N 31.22389°E / 29.83222; 31.22389 Khendjer-complexe-1.jpg
13th unknown Southern South Saqqara pyramid South Saqqara 78.75 (unfinished) n.d. n.d. 29°49′50″N 31°13′20″E / 29.83056°N 31.22222°E / 29.83056; 31.22222 Plan-anonyme-saqqarah-sud.jpg

c. 1740 BC

Likely Neferhotep I Tomb S9 Abydos uncertain unknown Likely a pyramid, similar to Khendjer's, but possibly a mastaba 26°10′17″N 31°55′30″E / 26.17139°N 31.92500°E / 26.17139; 31.92500 S9 Abydos.png

c. 1730 BC

Likely Sobekhotep IV Tomb S10 Abydos uncertain unknown Likely a pyramid, similar to Khendjer's, but possibly a mastaba 26°10′16″N 31°55′27″E / 26.17111°N 31.92417°E / 26.17111; 31.92417 Abydos Tomb S10.png
17th Nubkheperre Intef Pyramid of Nubkheperre Intef Dra' Abu el-Naga' 11 13 n.d. 60°

(1550–1292 BC)

Ahmose I Pyramid of Ahmose Abydos 52.5 10 n.d. 60° Built as a cenotaph. It is the only royal pyramid in Abydos. 26°10′30″N 31°56′16″E / 26.17500°N 31.93778°E / 26.17500; 31.93778 Pyramid of Ahmose, Abydos, 1998.png

See also

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