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List of Aboriginal Reserves in New South Wales facts for kids

Kids Encyclopedia Facts
Children Boggabilla Station
Children outside some of the 27 houses at Boggabilla Station, November 1952.

Aboriginal reserves in New South Wales, together with Stations, and Aboriginal Missions in New South Wales were areas of land where many Aboriginal people were forced to live in accordance with laws and policies. The British government, which controlled the Australian colonies, and later the state governments had various policies of segregation and assimilation. The Aboriginal reserves were established by government authorities as portions of land set aside for the sole use of Aboriginal people, a practice that continued after Federation in 1901. Of the 85 Aboriginal reserves created from 1885 to 1895, 47 were initiated by Aboriginal families. The Register of Aboriginal Reserves 1875-1904 held by NSW State Archives includes a map of the locality and a description of the area and whether it is good for hunting and fishing.

The reserves were operated under the direction of various government authorities including the Aborigines Protection Board (1883–1940), the Aborigines Welfare Board (1940–1969) and the Aborigines Welfare Directorate (1969–1975).

Aboriginal reserves, like the missions and other institutions, had the effect of isolating, confining and controlling Aboriginal people. People who were relocated to these reserves lost the human rights of freedom of movement and work, control over their personal property and the custody of their children. In New South Wales, some reserves were created in response to complaints by white residents who objected to Aboriginal people living in towns or in fringe camps on the edges of towns. Aboriginal Reserves were gazetted in the Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales. There were two types of reserves, managed reserves which are frequently called stations were normally staffed by a manager or matron and residents were provided with rations and housing. Unmanaged reserves provided only rations and were under the control of the local police.

Following World War I, a number of reserves were revoked, which may be linked to the allocation of land to returned servicemen.

In 1945, there were more than 100 reserves under the control of the Aborigines Welfare Board. Between 1954 and 1964 more than 25 reserves were revoked, which may be due to policies of assimilation and the relocation of people to town reserves. In 1953 there were 19 reserves under the control of the board, and at least one (Moree) was being actively consolidated and housing expanded. Reserves were sometimes added to, enlarging the area or revoked in portions over time.

The system of reserves and stations was ended by the Aborigines Act 1969. The Aboriginal Lands Trust was established by the Aborigines (Amendment) Act 1973. The Trust assumed the corporate ownership of all Aboriginal reserves throughout New South Wales on behalf of, and for the benefit of Aboriginal people. Freehold title to the remaining reserves was transferred to the Trust, to maintain, develop or dispose of these reserves in the manner which would best serve the needs of the Aboriginal community. The Trust was also responsible for houses located on the reserves. The Aboriginal Lands Trust was abolished by the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983. The property was transferred to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and from there to Aboriginal Land Councils.

In 1997 a system of Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) was introduced in Australia. The remaining Aboriginal Reserves in New South Wales are not automatically part of this system.


Early history

In the 1870s and 1880s, land reserves were gazetted for specific individuals from Aboriginal clans including:

  • Amos Lewis and others (15 June 1875)
  • W. Campbell (13 July 1875)
  • Richard Bolway (aka Bolloway or Bollaway) (19 October 1877)
  • Merriman (19 October 1877)
  • Yarboro (19 October 1877)
  • Neddy (20 May 1878)
  • Henry Roberts (19 August 1878) No. 43 county of Wellington, parish of Tunnabidgee. Revoked 8 June 1882.
  • Mary Ann Willoughby (14 February 1879), 140 acres of No. 86, county of St.Vincent, parish of Mongarlowe.
  • James Murray (7 April 1879) No. 1,056 county of Ashburnham, parish of Canomodine
  • William Benson (22 November 1880)
  • Tommy Again (14 June 1880) No. 76 county of Wellington, parish of Tunnabidgee (24 July 1882) No. 76a county of Wellington, parish of Tunnabidgee
  • John Ambrose (11 August 1874) No. 1,209 county of Goulburn, parish of Vautier. Revoked 14 February 1881.
  • Henry Wedge (11 July 1881) and (28 February 1883)
  • Billy Billy (4 August 1884)
  • Margaret Bryant (20 May 1885), just under 9 acres of No. 133, county of St.Vincent, parish of Mongarlowe Revoked 29 April 1893.
  • John Bell (11 June 1887) and (09 February 1889)


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Allgomera Aboriginal Reserve AR 38,625 10/12/1904  ? near Macksville on Tom Mara's Creek Parish of Allgomera, County of Raleigh
Angeldool Aboriginal Reserve AR 41,025/6 07/11/1906 08/02/1944 appears to continue as a reserve from 22/10/1973 Parish of Birruma, County of Narran
Armidale Aboriginal Reserve AR 81,255 21/11/1958 13/06/1975 Parish of Armidale, County of Sandon
Armidale Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,623 16/01/1970 27/09/1973 Parish of Armidale, County of Sandon
Ashby Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,665 03/11/1900 05/08/1927 on the Broadwater and Clarence Rivers Parish of Ashby, County of Clarence
Ashford Aboriginal Reserve AR 17,800 27/05/1893 20/12/1957 Parish of Pindari, County of Arrawatta
Ashford Aboriginal Reserve AR 40,459 02/05/1906 20/11/1925 Sevington, Ashford area Parish of Blbonbah, County of Arrawatta
Ashford Aboriginal Reserve AR 69,118 21/05/1940 26/07/1974 Known as Deadbird Mission or Tarrangower Reserve Parish of Chapman, County of Arrawatta
Ashford Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,428 20/08/1965 27/09/1973 Cooke Street Parish of Ashford, County of Arrawatta
Ashford Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,126 28/03/1969 07/02/1975 Town Houses, Ashford Parish of Ashford, County of Arrawatta


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Ballina Aboriginal Reserve AR 5,081 14/01/1888  ? on Emigrant Creek Parish of Ballina County of Rous
Balranald Aboriginal Reserve AR 16,477 12/01/1910 08/08/1950 between Yanga Creek and the Murrumbidgee River and included AR 44,736 Parish of Mamang, County of Caira
Balranald Aboriginal Reserve AR 44,736 01/10/1892 080/8/1950 between Yanga Creek and the Murrumbidgee River Parish of Mamang, County of Caira
Balranald Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,805 13/03/1964 23/08/1974 Lot 21,Section 22 located on Piper and Sydney Streets Parish of Mamang, County of Caira
Balranald Aboriginal Reserve AR 66,640 19/03/1937 07/02/1975 DP4918 notified on 13/4/1892 and registered on 19/3/1937 Parish of Mamang, County of Caira
Barrington Aboriginal Reserve AR 35,673 31/01/1903 23/05/1958 known as Portion 21 and located north of Gloucester Parish of Fitzroy, County of Gloucester
Barrington River Aboriginal Reserve AR 36,574 1890 05/10/1905 at the junction of the Talbragar and Macquarie Rivers
Baryugil Aboriginal Reserve AR 82,681 05/08/1960 26/07/1974 located on the Clarence River, Grafton land district Parish of Yulgibar, County of Drake
Batemans Bay Aboriginal Reserve AR 112 09/01/1882 09/05/1975 on the Tomago River, also known as Moruya Parish of Bateman, County of St Vincent
Batemans Bay Aboriginal Reserve AR 34,759 19/07/1902 16/09/1927 Portions 139, 140 and 141 Parish of Bateman, County of St Vincent
Beemunnel Aboriginal Reserve AR 76,776  ?  ? Parish of Umangla, County of Ewenmar
Bega Aboriginal Reserve AR 17,616 1893  ? 55 acres at Blackfellows Lake (then called Cohens Lake), included part of the reserve created for Jack Hoskins and his family In some sources known as Cohens' Lake Aboriginal Reserve n/a
Bega Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,253 1955  ? 9 acres Parish of Bega, County of Auckland
Bellbrook Aboriginal Reserve AR 49,982 10/06/1914 06/06/1975 Initially a station north of Kempsey Parish of Nulla Nulla, County of Dudley
Bellingen Aboriginal Reserve AR 14,679 24/10/1891 17/12/1954 An island in the Nambucca River Parish of South Bellingen, County of Raleigh
Bellingen Aboriginal Reserve AR 73,990 26/01/1951 17/03/1975 2 miles from Nambucca Heads, were expanded in 1951 and 1969, total size of AR 73,990 and AR 87,256 was 42 acres Parish of Nambucca, County of Raleigh
Bellingen Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,084 10/03/1961 20/09/1974 in Coffs Harbour Parish of Coffs, County of Fitzroy
Bellingen Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,033 27/12/1968 20/09/1974 Parish of Coffs, County of Fitzroy
Bellingen Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,256 26/01/1951 24/04/1975 2 miles from Nambucca Heads, were expanded in 1951 and 1969, total size of AR 73,990 and AR 87,256 was 42 acres Parish of Nambucca, County of Raleigh
Bermagui Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,062 23/10/1964  ? on Hill Street, Bermagui Parish of Bermagee, County of Dampier
Bodalla Aboriginal Reserve AR 553 22/11/1880 070/9/1917 32 acres on the bank of Tuross Lake Parish of Congo, County of Dampier
Bodalla Aboriginal Reserve AR 345 19/10/1877 27/01/1922 40 acres at the mouth of the Tuross River Parish of Bodalla, County of Dampier
Bodalla Aboriginal Reserve AR 346 19/10/1877 16/12/1914 56 acres at the mouth of the Tuross River Parish of Bodalla, County of Dampier
Bodalla Aboriginal Reserve AR 347 19/10/1877 23/05/1969 40 acres at the mouth of the Tuross River Parish of Bodalla, County of Dampier
Boggabilla Aboriginal Reserve AR 14,210 08/08/1891 24/05/1918 457 acres Parish of Boggabilla,the County of Staplyton
Bokal-Ynee Aboriginal Reserve AR 42,950 05/08/1908 20/09/1974 Woodenbong area registered as AR 42,950 on 5/8/1908 and renotified as AR 66,508 AR 66,509 on 15/1/1937. Transferred to management by Mulli Mulli Aboriginal Land Council 9 March 1984. Parish of Lindsay, County of Bullar
Boorowa Aboriginal Reserve AR 33,675 21/12/1901 09/08/1974 Parish of Opton, County of King
Boorowa Aboriginal Reserve AR 64,379/80 02/02/1934  ? known as Portion 90 Parish of Opton, County of King
Bourke Aboriginal Reserve AR 72,021 30/08/1946 02/08/1974 a town reserve Parish of Bourke, County of Cowper
Bourke Aboriginal Reserve AR 78,457/8 06/04/1956  ? a town reserve in Cowper and Hope Streets Parish of Bourke, County of Cowper
Bourke Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,582 17/11/61 27/9/68 in Adelaide Street Parish of Bourke, County of Cowper
Bourke Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,544 27/09/1963  ? in Warrego Street Parish of Bourke, County of Cowper
Bowraville Aboriginal Reserve AR 168 17/11/1884 30/10/1912 O'Rourkes' Settlement on the Taylor's Arm of the Nambucca River Parish of Bowra, County of Raleigh
Bowraville Aboriginal Reserve AR 42,775 03/06/1908 09/05/1924 called Wirrimbi Island and included AR 57,051 Parish of Bowra, County of Raleigh
Bowraville Aboriginal Reserve AR 62,815

AR 62,816

17/07/1931 27/09/1973 36 acres Parish of Bowra, County of Raleigh
Box Ridge Aboriginal Reserve AR 41,808/9 10/07/1907  ? Parish of West Coraki, County of Richmond
Brewarrina Aboriginal Reserve AR 4 17/06/1885 28/10/1966 25/07/1975 with AR 3,152 gazetted on 5/3/1887 constituted the old Brewarrina Station Parishes of Goonoo and Cato, County of Narran
Brewarrina Aboriginal Reserve AR 77,614 20/05/1955 07/02/1975 in Church Street Brewarrina Parish of Brewarrina, County of Clyde
Brewarrina Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,764 21/02/1964  ? Parish of Brewarrina, County of Clyde
Brewarrina Aboriginal Reserve AR 71,410 26/01/1945 06/06/1975 17.2 hectares, portion 76 Plan N 476.1999 Parish of Cowga, County of Narran
Brungle Aboriginal Reserve AR 12,489 13/09/1890 12/08/1955 3 acres Parish of Brungle, County of Buccleuch
Brungle Aboriginal Reserve AR 44,288 15/09/1909 12/08/1955 an area of 31 acres was regazetted as AR 77,806 Parish of Brungle, County of Buccleuch
Bugilbar Creek Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,957 24/07/1964  ? 120 acres in the Grafton area including AR 69,558 which was revoked 24/7/1964 Parish of Ogilvie, County of Drake
Bulgandramine Aboriginal Reserve AR 41,699/700 29/05/1907 17/07/1959 on Goobang Creek near the Billabong Goldfield in the Parkes area Parish of Mungerie, County of Kennedy
Bulgandramine Aboriginal Reserve AR 59,878/9 12/08/1927 19/03/1943 34 acres Parish of Mungerie, County of Kennedy
Bundarra Aboriginal Reserve (Bushfield) AR 23,595 01/02/1896 23/12/1914 In the Tingha area on opposite sides of Moredun or Clerk's Creek Parish of New Valley, County of Hardinge
Bundarra Aboriginal Reserve AR 25,909 24/04/1897 23/12/1914 168 acres Parish of Chigwell, County of Hardinge
Burnt Bridge Aboriginal Reserve AR 20,865 09/06/1894 17/07/1956 Kempsey area on Rollands' Plains Road, Portion 40 on Euroke Creek Parish of Kalateenee, County of Dudley
Burnt Bridge Aboriginal Reserve AR 27,273 19/02/1892 17/07/1956 Kempsey area on Rollands' Plains Road, Portions 91, 92 and 93 Parish of Kalateenee, County of Dudley
Burnt Bridge Aboriginal Reserve AR 68,441

AR 68,442

30/06/1939 04/10/1974 Kempsey area on Rollands' Plains Road, originally AR 27,279 Parish of Kalateenee, County of Dudley
Buronga Aboriginal Reserve (Wentworth) AR 84,994 28/08/1964 23/08/1974 Buronga Village in Buronga township Parish of Mourquong, County of Wentworth
Burra Bee Dee Aboriginal Reserve AR 47,521 21/02/1912 26/11/1974 on the Castlereagh River in the Coonabarabran area included the following reserves revoked on the same date: AR 15,156 6/2/1892, AR 40,125 20/1/1906, AR 46,876 9/8/1911 see Mary Jane Cain Parish of Coonabarabran, County of Gowen
Burra Bee Dee Aboriginal Reserve AR 35,012 27/09/1902 1952? 30 acres Parish of Yarrawin, County of Gowen
Burragorang Aboriginal Reserve AR 17,023 23/12/1892 31/10/1924 Picton area on the north bank of the Cox's River opposite the junction of the Wollondilly and Warragamba Rivers included AR 10, AR 159 and AR 14,937 Parish of Cooba, County of Cook
Byron Bay Aboriginal Reserve AR 43,074/5 09/09/1908 10/03/1916 near Tallow Creek in Byron Bay Parish of Byron, County of Rous


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Cabbage Tree Island Aboriginal Reserve AR 52,180

AR 52,181

27/4/1917 19/9/1975


125 acre island in the Richmond River Parish ofBroadwater, County of Rous
Calino Aboriginal Reserve AR 27,506 1898  ? Deniliquin area, junction of the Edward River and Tumudgery Creek
Caroona Aboriginal Reserve AR 28,828 18/1/1899 27/09/1973 Originally Caroona Station near Quirindi Parish of Doona, County of Pottinger
Caroona Aboriginal Reserve AR 30,777 7/4/1900  ? Originally Caroona Station near Quirindi, Portion 214 Parish of Doona, County of Pottinger
Casino Aboriginal Reserve AR 72,945 7/1/1949 28/11/1975 Parish of Timbarra, County of Drake
Casino Aboriginal Reserve AR 72,484 31/10/1947 2/8/1974 Parish of Tallawudjah, County of Fitzroy
Collarenebri Aboriginal Reserve AR 29,330 13/5/1899 8/2/1924 159 acres Parish of Collarenebri, County of Finch
Collarenebri Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,194 24/2/1967  ? Church, Earl and High Streets Parish of Collarenebri, County of Finch
Condobolin Aboriginal Reserve AR 80,173

and AR 80,174

29/11/1957 7/08/1970 on Boona Road, part of 80,173 revoked on 7/08/1970 Parish of Condobolin, County of Cunningham
Condobolin Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,827 3/4/1964 20/09/1974 Gordon and Station Streets Parish of Condobolin, County of Cunningham
Condobolin Aboriginal Reserve AR 32,512 13/4/1901 9/05/1975 originally registered as AR 5,988 Parish of South Condobolin, County of Gibbs
Coomaditchie Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,896 29/6/1962 20/09/1974 Shellharbour Road at Warrawong Parish of Wollongong, County of Camden
Coonabarabran Aboriginal Reserve AR 72,169

AR 72,170

14/2/1947 20/09/1974 in the town area Parish of Coonabarabran, County of Gowen
Coonabarabran Aboriginal Reserve AR 77,160

AR 77,161

8/10/1954 20/09/1974 in the town area Parish of Coonabarabran, County of Gowen
Coonabarabran Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,539 20/9/1963 20/09/1974 in the town area Parish of Coonabarabran, County of Gowen
Coonabarabran Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,540 20/9/1963 2/8/1974 in the town area Parish of Coonabarabran, County of Gowen
Coonamble Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,713 20/10/1900 28/7/1922 65 acres at Wingadee on Teridgerie Creek Parish of Collinouie, County of Leichhardt
Coonamble Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,811 24/11/1900 31/10/1941 40 acres on the Castlereagh River Parish of Yarragoora, County of Leichhardt
Coonamble Aboriginal Reserve AR 43,948 2/6/1909 30/9/1921 20 acres Parish of Yoee, County of Leichhardt
Coonamble Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,570 29/12/1909  ? in King Street Parish of Moorambilla, County of Leichhardt
Cootamundra Aboriginal Reserve AR 61,007/8 8/3/1929  ? included AR 13915/6 and Cootamundra Home Parish of Cootamundra, County of Harden
Cootamundra Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,239 16/6/1961  ? may have been called Bimbadeen Parish of Cootamundra, County of Harden
Crookhaven Aboriginal Reserve  ? 7/1/1879  ? 201 acres
Cubawee Aboriginal Reserve AR 63,335 13/5/1932  ? Parish of South Lismore, County of Rous
Cubawee Aboriginal Reserve AR 71,667 21/9/1945  ? Parish of South Lismore, County of Rous
Cumeroogunya (or Cumeragunja) Aboriginal Reserve AR 3,045 9/4/1883 31/10/1975 1,800 acres Parish of Bama, County of Cadell
Cumeroogunya (or Cumeragunja) Aboriginal Reserve AR 8,997 AR 8,998 18/5/1899 20/09/1974 90 acres Parish of Bama, County of Cadell
Cumeroogunya (or Cumeragunja) Aboriginal Reserve AR 17,180 28/1/1893 31/10/1975 403 acres Parish of Bama, County of Cadell
Cumeroogunya (or Cumeragunja) Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,120 20/6/1900 20/09/1974 320 acres Parish of Bama, County of Cadell
Curlewis Aboriginal Reserve AR 81,340 9/1/1959  ? Gunnedah area Parish of Curlewis, County of Pottinger
Currowan Creek Aboriginal Reserve AR 17,546 15/4/1893 9/5/1956 also known as Currawong, 60 acres on the Clyde River Parish of Currawan, County of St Vincent


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Dandaloo Aboriginal Reserve AR 30,499 13/1/1900 26/07/1974 25 acres Parish of Yarradidgerie, County of Narromine
Dareton Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,140) 16/5/1969 1/08/1975 11 acres, continues as Dareton Local Aboriginal Land Council's Namatjira settlement. Parish of Mourquong, County of Wentworth
Darlington Point Aboriginal Reserve AR 7,304/5 29/9/1888 29/10/1937 on the Murrumbidgee River renotified as AR 67,083/4 on 29/10/1937 Parish of Colaragang, County of Cooper
Delegate Aboriginal Reserve AR 15,784) 11/6/1892 18/1/1957 10 acres on the Delegate River Parish of Currawong, County of Wellesley
Deniliquin Aboriginal Reserve AR 704 9/4/1883 21/2/1947


Parish of Bama, County of Cadell
Deniliquin Aboriginal Reserve AR 73,248 12/8/1949  ? Portion 5 Parish of South Deniliquin, County of Townsend
Deniliquin Aboriginal Reserve AR 73,284 9/09/1949 20/09/1974 Parish of South Deniliquin, County of Townsend
Deniliquin Aboriginal Reserve AR 79,410

AR 79.411

15/3/1957 20/09/1974 2 acres Parish of South Deniliquin, County of Townsend
Deniliquin Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,135 11/1/1963 20/09/1974 Macauley St, Deniliquin Parish of South Deniliquin, County of Townsend
Deniliquin Aboriginal Reserve AR 88,048 11/12/1970 20/09/1974 Parish of South Deniliquin, County of Townsend
Dubbo Aboriginal Reserve AR 15,784 22/1/1960  ? a hostel in Dubbo Parish of Dubbo, County of Lincoln
Dubbo Aboriginal Reserve AR 28,481 5/11/1898 26/07/1974 Parish of Dubbo, County of Lincoln
Dunoon Aboriginal Reserve AR 35,824/5 25/3/1903 16/8/1935 420 acres on the Lismore-Tweed Road Parish of North Lismore, County of Rous


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Enngonia Aboriginal Reserve AR 79,636 31/5/1957  ? 10 acres Parish of Enngonia, County of Culgoa
Erambie Aboriginal Reserve AR 11,634 7/6/1890 20/09/1974 Portions 261 to 263 on the Boorawa Road Parish of Mulyan, County of Forbes
Erambie Aboriginal Reserve AR 72,706 21/5/1948 20/09/1974 Portions 123 and 187 on the Boorawa Road Parish of Mulyan, County of Forbes
Euabalong Aboriginal Reserve AR 44,783/4 27/1/1910 1954 north of Lake Cargellico on the Lachlan River Parish of Gumbagunda, County of Dowling
Eugowra Aboriginal Reserve AR 9,386 20/7/1889  ? In 15/9/1922, a section of the reserve called Portion 9 (Goolagong) was revoked. Parish of Eugowra, County of Ashburnham
Eungau Aboriginal Reserve AR 39,584/5) 26/8/1905 7/5/1920 Macksville area Parish of Allgomera, County of Raleigh
Eurabba Aboriginal Reserve  ? 24/9/1898 20/8/1926 on Garah-Boomi Road Parish of Tyrell, County of Benarba
Evans Head Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,775 23/3/1963 4/10/1974 Heath Street Parish of Riley, County of Richmond


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Forbes Aboriginal Reserve AR 43,462/3 20/1/1909 1/12/1915 20 acres on the Lachlan River Parish of Forbes, County of Ashburnham
Forster Aboriginal Reserve AR 22,946 3/5/1911  ? 19 acres Parish of Forster, County of Gloucester
Forster Aboriginal Reserve AR 81,522 10/04/1959  ? Parish of Forster, County of Gloucester
Forster Aboriginal Reserve AR 13,438 21/2/1891  ? village of Forster Parish of Forster, County of Gloucester
Forster Aboriginal Reserve AR 13,439 21/2/1891  ? village of Forster Parish of Forster, County of Gloucester


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Gilgai Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,182 18/4/1964  ? Parish of Clive, County of Gough
Gilgandra Aboriginal Reserve AR 79,198 / AR 79,190 14/12/1956 27/09/1973 there may have been an earlier reserve AR 57,420 Parish of Bobarah, County of Ewenmar
Gingie Aboriginal Reserve AR 23,077 19/10/1895  ? 320 acres on the Barwon River in the Walgett area Parish of Gingie, County of Finch
Gingie Aboriginal Reserve AR 69,691 22/11/1940  ? 20 acres on the Barwon River in the Walgett area Parish of Gingie, County of Finch
Glen Innes Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,876 15/6/1962 4/10/1974 Mosman Street Parish of Glen Innes, County of Gough
Glennies Creek Aboriginal Reserve AR 1890  ? 58 acres, Hunter Valley
Glenreagh Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,929 26/6/1964 2/8/1974 Parish of Tallawudjah, County of Fitzroy
Goodooga Aboriginal Reserve AR 16,047 / AR 16,048 8/8/1892  ? 42 acres Parish of Cowra, County of Narran
Goodooga Aboriginal Reserve AR 44,303 / AR 44,304 1/9/1909 26/1/1945 80 acres on the Bokhara River Parish of Cowra, County of Narran
Goodooga Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,734 7/4/1966  ? 3 acres 2 roods, allotments 7 and 8, section 9, allotment 10, section 17, allotments 2 and 5, section 2, and allotments 1 and 10, section 11, village of Goodooga. Plans Bookara 1, 4 and 6

2,216. Papers W.L.C. 65-1,708. P. 66-933.

Parish of Cowra, County of Narran
Gosford Aboriginal Reserve AR 71,027 5/11/1943 24/4/1975 for preservation of Aboriginal carvings and drawings Parish of Narara, County of Northumberland
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 82,733 12/08/1960 9/08/1963 Parish of Yamba, County of Clarence
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,951 15/1/1887 12/6/1925 80 acres near Bunyip Creek Parish of Great Marlow, County of Clarence
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 14,493 26/9/1891 12/6/1925 120 acres Parish of Great Marlow, County of Clarence
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 17,794 27/5/1893 12/6/1925 105 acres Parish of Great Marlow, County of Clarence
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,954 12/1/1887 17/6/1921 north bank of Whiteman's Creek Parish of Eaton, County of Clarence
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 15,679 21/5/1892  ? near Blaxland's Creek (burial site) Parish of Elland, County of Clarence
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,953 / AR 6303 15/1/1887 28/4/1888 160 acres on the Mitchell River near Copmanhurst Parish of Cangai, County of Drake
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,958 15/1/1887 23/9/1921 on the Nymboida River near Cloud's Creek Parish of Jardine, County of Fitzroy
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,952 15/1/1887 31/3/1916 58 acres at Iluka Creek Parish of Nanegai, County of Clarence
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 42,532 18/3/1908 13/5/1913 50 acres south-east of the Clarence River Parish of Clarenza, County of Clarence
Grafton (Nymboida) Aboriginal Reserve AR 45,162 / AR 45,163 20/4/1910 4/07/1975 Parish of Shannon, County of Fitzroy
Grafton (Nymboida) Aboriginal Reserve AR 50,790 23/6/1915  ? Parish of Shannon, County ofFitzroy
Grafton Aboriginal Reserve AR 50,988 22/9/1915 11/9/1964 5 acres near Lawrence, included Camira Reserve (1887) and Orara Reserve (1887) Parish of Lawrence, County of Clarence
Greenhills Aboriginal Reserve AR 79,176 7/12/1956 4/10/1974 Kempsey area Parish of Yarravel, County of Dudley
Greenhills Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,710 30/6/1967 26/07/1974 Kempsey area (some sources date revoked 8/08/1975) Parish of Yarravel, County of Dudley
Grenfell Aboriginal Reserve AR 50,887 11/8/1915 10/9/1965 5 acres on the Lachlan River Parish of Binda, County of Forbes
Griffith Aboriginal Reserve (Three Ways) AR 76,685 AR 76,686 7/5/1954 5/09/1975 Parish of Jondaryan, County of Cooper
Grong Grong Aboriginal Reserve AR 410 23/6/1884  ? 1,280 acres near the Murrumbidgee River, see also AR 130 Parish of Grong Grong, County of Cooper
Gulargambone Aboriginal Reserve AR 16,640 5/11/1892 20/1/1913 70 acres Parish of Gulargambone, County of Gowen
Gulargambone Aboriginal Reserve AR 67,671 / AR 67,672 17/6/1938  ? Parish of Gulargambone, County of Gowen
Gulargambone Aboriginal Reserve AR 57,945 / AR 57,946 9/5/1924 13/1/1956 50 acres Parish of Warrie, County of Ewenmar
Gulargambone Aboriginal Reserve AR 72,180 / AR 72,181 21/2/1947 26/07/1974 Coonamble land district Parish of Warrie, County of Ewenmar
Gulargambone Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,617 14/1/1966 4/10/1974 5 acres on Mendooran and Kirban Streets Parish of Gulargambone, County ofGowen
Gunnedah Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,480 1/10/1965 4/10/1974 on Carroll Street Parish of Gunnedah, County of Pottinger
Guyra Aboriginal Reserve AR 76,430 11/12/1953 19/4/1968 11 acres Parish of Elderbury, County of Hardinge
Guyra Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,884 29/6/1962 27/09/1973 on Stevenson and Sandon Streets Parish of Falconer, County of Sandon


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Hillston Aboriginal Reserve AR 37,903 / AR 37,904 2/7/1904 1/10/1926 98 acres on the Lachlan River Parish of Redbank, County of Nicholson.
Hunter River Aboriginal Reserve AR 24,331 4/7/1896  ? in lieu of AR 13,791 Parish of Darlington, County of Durham


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Ilford Aboriginal Reserve AR 30,112 18/11/1899 27/10/1933 On Crudine Creek Parish of Rylstone, County of Roxburgh
Inglebar Aboriginal Reserve (Walcha) AR 17,780 27/5/1893 2/8/1974 107 acres Parish of Cobrabald, County of Vernon
Inverell Aboriginal Reserve AR 18,210 15/2/1952  ? 20 acres near Pindari Creek Parish of Clive, County of Gough
Inverell Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,943 25/9/1970 2/4/1971 Hindmarsh Street Parish of Inverell, County of Gough
Inverell Aboriginal Reserve AR 77,053 17/09/1954 9/08/1974 Parish of Darby, County of Hardinge
Iron Pot Creek Aboriginal Reserve AR 6,269 28/4/1888  ? 3,000 acres 35 miles from Casino County of Rous, Parishes of Toonumbar and Babyl


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Jervis Bay Aboriginal Reserve AR 101 26/9/1881 18/2/1916 also referred to as an Aboriginal mission Parish of Beecroft, County of St Vincent


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Kahibah Aboriginal Reserve AR 88,398 12/11/1971  ? in the Newcastle area Parish of Kahibah, County of Northumberland
Kangaroo Valley Aboriginal Reserve AR 12,445 1890  ? 370 acres
Karuah Aboriginal Reserve AR 27,957 6/7/1898 3/8/1923 Sawer's Point, the balance was revoked on 7/2/1975 Parish of Tarean, County of Gloucester
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 174 23/4/1883  ? on the Macleay River Parish of Arakun, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 251 25/11/1885  ? known as Pelican Island Parish of Arakun, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve (Shark Island) AR 10,187 23/11/1889 3/9/1920 Shark Island Aboriginal Reserve Parish of Arakun, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 12,998 29/11/1890  ? partly in lieu of reserve AR 10,031 County of Dudley, parish of Kullatine
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 57,397 / AR 57,398 29/8/1924  ? 30 acres revoking AR 29,616 Parish of Arakun, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 82,168 / AR 82,169 20/11/1959  ? Parish of Arakun, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 88,638 16/6/1972 7/2/1975 on the Macleay River Parish of Clybucca, County of Dudley
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve (Kinchela Home) AR 17,537 15/4/1893 25/4/1919 reserve and Kinchela Home Parish of Kinchela, County of Macquarie OR Parish of Clybucca, County of Dudley
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 173A 28/7/1884  ? on Dingo Creek Parish of Kinchela, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 252 4/4/1906 16/9/1960 14 acres in Kempsey Parish of Beranghi, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 40,391 22/12/1957  ? 10 acres on Yarravel Street Parish of Beranghi, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 79,442 24/5/1968 20/09/1974 Parish of Beranghi, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 82,773 and AR 83,090 26/8/1960 20/09/1974 West Kempsey Parish of Beranghi, County of Macquarie
Kempsey Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,751 24/05/1968 20/09/1974 West Kempsey Parish of Beranghi, County of Macquarie
Kiah Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,736 1/5/1970  ? Parish of Nullica, County of Auckland
Kyogle Aboriginal Reserve AR 27,158 22/1/1898 16/10/1964 included AR 24,791 often referred to as Runnymede Parish of Runnymede, County of Rous


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Lake Cargellico Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,284 5/4/1965 10/12/1976 Parish of Gurangully, County of Dowling
La Perouse Aboriginal Reserve AR 22,358 30/3/1895  ? in the Sydney area on Botany Bay Parish of Botany, County of Cumberland
La Perouse Aboriginal Reserve AR 82,060 2/10/1959  ? in the Sydney area on Botany Bay Parish of Botany, County of Cumberland
Llandilo Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,272 26/3/1956  ? at Penrith Parish of Londonderry, County of Cumberland


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Maclean Aboriginal Reserve (Hillcrest) AR 7,840 16/3/1956  ? Parish of Taloumbi, County of Clarence
Maitland Aboriginal Reserve AR 24,533 22/8/1896 5/6/1959 one of four reserves in the Hunter Valley, located in East Maitland on Broughton Creek Parish of Shenstone, County of Durham
Mallanganee Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,119 21/2/1962 27/09/1973 Parish of Sandilands, County of Drake
Mallanganee Aboriginal Reserve AR 88,413 3/12/1971 26/07/1974 Casino land district Parish of Sandilands, County of Drake
Manilla Aboriginal Reserve AR 35,745 23/3/1903 17/3/1961 20 acres on the Darling River Parish of Keepit, County of Darling
Megalong Aboriginal Reserve AR 25,296 9/11/1897 14/1/1916 on Burranbarrack or Pulpit Hill Creek in the Blue Mountains Parish of Megalong, County of Cook
Menindee Aboriginal Reserve AR 64,562 re-registered as AR 89,531 1933 1949 formerly the Old Menindee Station
Menindee Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,277 18/7/1969 and 29/5/1970 23/8/1974 in the town of Menindee Parish of Perry, County of Menindee
Milparinka Aboriginal Reserve AR 66,592 19/02/1937 23/08/1974 Western Division Parish of Hermitage, County of Tongowoko
Moama Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,278 19/5/1967 27/09/1973 Parish of Moama, County of Cadell
Moama Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,610 19/2/1968 26/07/1974 originally AR 18,665 gazetted 4/11/1914 Parish of Moama, County of Cadell
Mongarlowe Aboriginal Reserve AR 51 14/2/1879 25/2/1916 near Braidwood Parish of Mongarlowe, County of St Vincent
Moonacullah Aboriginal Reserve AR 27,506 / AR 27,507 16/10/1964 245 acres partly revoked on 16/10/1964 Parish of Colimo, County of Townsend
Moonacullah Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,479 23/4/1898  ? includes a cemetery Parish of Colimo, County of Townsend
Moree Aboriginal Reserve AR 87,907 17/7/1970 20/09/1974 Moree; Moree Station and Moree Mission Aboriginal School existed there around 1933 Parish of Moree, County of Courallie
Moruya Aboriginal Reserve AR 13,939 13/6/1891  ? Parish of Noorooma, County of Dampier
Moruya Aboriginal Reserve AR 378  ?  ? 40 acres Parish of Bodalla, County of Dampier
Moruya Aboriginal Reserve AR 90,560 29/11/1974  ? Village of Mogo Parish of Goba, County of St Vincent
Mossgiel Aboriginal Reserve AR 41,386/7 27/2/1907 17/12/1937 40 acres Parish of Carowra, County of Mossgiel
Mossgiel Aboriginal Reserve AR 41,384/5 27/2/1907 17/12/1937 230 acres Parish of Carowra, County of Mossgiel
Moulamein Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,795 3/5/1966 22/08/1975 a cemetery Parish of Moulamein, County of Wakool
Moulamein Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,526 11/1/1967  ? Parish of Moulamein, County of Wakool
Mullumbimby Aboriginal Reserve AR 14,606 10/10/1891 22/12/1915 Parish of Brunswick, County of Rous
Mungindi Aboriginal Reserve AR 28,403 29/10/1898 22/3/1929 100 acres Parish of Yarouah, County of Benarba
Mungindi Aboriginal Reserve AR 80,927

AR 80,928

8/8/1958 4/10/1974 5 acres Parish of Yarouah, County of Benarba
Murrin Bridge Aboriginal Reserve AR 71,163 25/2/1944 12/3/1948 on the Lachlan River Parish of Eribendery, County of Blaxland
Murwillumbah Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,787 6/04/1962 27/09/1973 Parish of Cudgen, County of Rous


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Nambucca Heads Aboriginal Reserve AR 140 14/5/1883 22/4/1922 Stewart's Island or Brushy Island Parish of Nambucca, County of Raleigh
Nambucca Heads Aboriginal Reserve AR 19,667 17/2/1894 2/11/1962 25 acres Parish of Nambucca, County of Raleigh
Nambucca Heads Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,243/4 17/2/1894 4/4/1952 40 acres Parish of Nambucca, County of Raleigh
Nanima Aboriginal Reserve AR 45,426/7 29/6/1910 8/08/1975 included AR 87,975 in the Wellington area Parish of Wellington, County of Wellington
Nanima Aboriginal Reserve AR 80,144 22/1/1957 31/8/1964 20 acres near Spring Flat Parish of Wellington, County of Wellington
Narrabri Aboriginal Reserve AR 28,093 3/9/1898 11/6/1920 800 acres Parish of Cooma, County of White
Narrabri Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,416 1/9/1961  ? 2 acres Parish of Cooma, County of White
Narrabri Aboriginal Reserve AR 3,274 25/5/1901 12/4/1918 800 acres Parish of Baan Baa, County of Pottinger
Nowendoc Aboriginal Reserve AR 68,391 9/6/1939 E? Walcha district Parish of Ward, County of Hawes
Nowra Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,442 8/9/1900  ? located at Roseby Park Parish of Wollumboola, County of St Vincent
Nowra Aboriginal Reserve (Seven Mile) AR 29,911 23/9/1899 25/1/1953 43 acres Parish of Coolangatta, County of Camden


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Oban River Aboriginal Reserve AR 17,553 15/4/1893 19/8/1927 Oban River near Ward's Mistake, east of Guyra Parish of Oban, County of Clarke
Oban River Aboriginal Reserve (Tim's Gully) AR 44,560 17/11/1909 19/8/1927 215 acres Parish of Oban, County of Clarke
Orara Aboriginal Reserve AR 4,164 17/9/1887  ? Grafton area County of Fitzroy, Parish of Moonee


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Parkes Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,785 28/06/1968 20/09/1974 Parish of Mingello, County of Narromine
Peak Hill Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,195 14/7/1900 3/7/1912 30 acres Parish of Mingello, County of Narromine
Peak Hill Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,081 6/11/1964 20/09/1974 Parish of Mingello, County of Narromine
Peak Hill Aboriginal Reserve AR 8,678 28/6/1968  ? Parish of Mingello, County of Narromine
Picton Aboriginal Reserve AR 26 9/12/1878 19/4/1942 300 acres Parish of the Peaks, County of Westmoreland
Picton Aboriginal Reserve AR 27 9/12/1878 1928 100 acres Parish of the Peaks, County of Westmoreland
Picton Aboriginal Reserve AR 14,937 19/12/1891 22/9/1954 50 acres Parish of the Peaks, County of Westmoreland
Picton Aboriginal Reserve AR 40,798 15/8/1906 24/9/1954 277 acres Parish of the Peaks, County of Westmoreland
Pilliga Aboriginal Reserve AR 33,753/4 18/1/1902 30/10/1959 60 acres on Bubbo Creek Parish of Talluba, County of Baradine
Pilliga Aboriginal Reserve AR 42,571/2 25/3/1908 30/10/1959 Parish of Talluba, County of Baradine
Pooncarie Aboriginal Reserve AR 44,656 22/12/1909 10/5/1946 re-registered as AR 48942 on 11/6/1913 Parishes of Pooncarie and Timpunga, County of Perry
Portland Aboriginal Reserve AR 23,598 25/3/1896 17/5/1946 150 acres Parish of Meehan, County of Cook
Portland Aboriginal Reserve AR 28,546 26/11/1898 17/5/1946 40 acres Parish of Meehan, County of Cook
Port Macquarie Aboriginal Reserve AR 19,681 17/2/1894 28/10/1921 Parish of Killawarra, County of Macquarie
Port Macquarie Aboriginal Reserve AR 40,391 4/4/1906 16/9/1960 10 acres Parish of Killawarra, County of Macquarie
Port Macquarie Aboriginal Reserve AR 19,474 13/01/1894  ? 10 acres on Wilson River Parish of Cairncross, County of Macquarie
Port Macquarie Aboriginal Reserve AR 3,167 12/03/1887  ? Parish of Cairncross, County of Macquarie
Port Macquarie Aboriginal Reserve AR 3,994 27/08/1887 26/07/1974 30 acres Parish of Cairncross, County of Macquarie
Port Macquarie Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,596  ?  ? Parish of Cairncross, County of Macquarie
Primbee Aboriginal Reserve AR 78,373 2/3/1956  ? Illowra Crescent Parish ofWollongong, County of Camden
Purfleet Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,598 6/8/1900  ? near Taree Parish of Bohnock, County of Gloucester
Purfleet Aboriginal Reserve AR 64,070/1 21/7/1933 5/09/1975 Portion 25 revoked 1/12/1961 Parish of Bohnock, County of Gloucester


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Quambone Aboriginal Reserve AR 63,088 11/12/1931 22/08/1975 later registered as AR 82,413 Parish of Mobal, County of Gregory
Queanbeyan Aboriginal Reserve AR 23,076 19/10/1895 1898 within Cuppacumbalong Holding near Naas Creek Parish of Cuppacumbalong, County of Cowley
Quirindi Aboriginal Reserve AR 84,767 21/2/1964  ? Parish of Quirindi, County of Buckland


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Rollands Plains Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,598 30/10/1886 27/5/1960 Wauchope area Parish of Cogo, County of Macquarie
Roseby Park Aboriginal Reserve AR 31,442 8/9/1902  ? Parish of Wollumboola, County of St Vincent
Roseby Park Aboriginal Reserve AR 42,274 18/12/1907  ? Parish of Wollumboola, County of St Vincent


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Sackville Reach Aboriginal Reserve AR 23,957 25/3/1896 15/12/1900 near Windsor Parish of Meehan, County of Cook
Sackville Reach Aboriginal Reserve AR 23,958 25/3/1896 17/5/1946 near Windsor Parish of Meehan, County of Cook
Sackville Reach Aboriginal Reserve AR 28,546 26/11/1898 17/5/1946 near Windsor Parish of Meehan, County of Cook
St Clare Aboriginal Reserve AR 18,034 1/7/1893 22/8/1896 Hunter Valley area Parish of Shenstone, County of Durham
Southgate Aboriginal Reserve AR 29,829 2/9/1899 13/5/1921 Parish of Southgate, County of Clarence
South West Rocks Aboriginal Reserve AR 63,426 / AR 63,427 8/7/1932  ? town of Arakoon Parish of Arakoon, County of Macquarie
South West Rocks Aboriginal Reserve AR 82,168 20/11/1959 26/07/1974 Parish of Arakoon, County of Macquarie


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Tenterfield Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,307 9/6/1967 2/8/1974 also called Leech's Gully Reserve Parish of Tenterfield, County of Clive
Terania Creek Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,959 15/1/1887 28/8/1925 near Lismore Parish of Blakebrook, County of Rous
Terry-Hie-Hie Aboriginal Reserve AR 22,505 / AR 22,506 25/5/1895  ? on Wee Waa Creek Parish of Moree, County of Courallie
Terry-Hie-Hie Aboriginal Reserve AR 43,581 19/5/1909  ? cemetery Parish of Moree, County of Courallie
Tibooburra Aboriginal Reserve AR 1,993 9/2/1937  ? includes Milparinka AR 66,592 and AR 66,593 Parish of Hermitage, County of Tongowoko
Tingha Aboriginal Reserve (Sutherland Waters) AR 64,833 17/9/1954  ? Parish of Darby, County of Hardinge
Toomelah Aboriginal Reserve AR 66,833

AR 66,834

2/7/1937 4/10/1974 Boggabilla area Parish of Merriwa, County of Stapleton
Trial Bay Aboriginal Reserve AR 217 5/11/1883  ? Parish of Arakoon, County of Macquarie
Tinonee (Turonee) Aboriginal Reserve AR 13,011 29/11/1890  ? in the township of Tinonee near Taree Parish of Tinonee, County of Gloucester


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Ulgundahi Island Aboriginal Reserve AR 38,639 10/12/1904  ? near Maclean Parish of Harwood, County of Clarence
Ulgundahi Island Aboriginal Reserve AR 41,619 8/5/1907  ? 35 acres near Maclean Parish of Harwood, County of Clarence
Uralla Aboriginal Reserve AR 25,220/1 12/12/1896 12/12/1924 100 acres on Kentucky Creek Parish of Uralla, County of Sandon
Uralla Aboriginal Reserve AR 67,856/7 26/8/1938 18/07/1975 an Aboriginal cemetery on 9 acres Parish of Uralla, County of Sandon
Uralla Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,414 30/7/1965 9/08/1974 2 acres Parish of Uralla, County of Sandon


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Walcha Aboriginal Reserve (Summervale) AR 3 16/1/1886 present re-registered as AR 81,426 on 27/2/1959 Parish of Walcha, County of Vernon
Walgett Aboriginal Reserve AR 67,377 18/02/1938 3/11/1939 Parish of Collarindabri, County of Finch
Walgett Aboriginal Reserve AR 75,350 26/9/1952 26/07/1974 106 acres Parish of Walgett, County of Baradine
Walgett Aboriginal Reserve AR 9,656 14/9/1889  ? within the boundaries of Ulambie Holding Parish of Walgett, County of Baradine
Walgett Aboriginal Reserve AR 79,550 / AR 79,551 3/5/1957  ? Parish of Walgett, County of Baradine
Walgett Aboriginal Reserve AR 82,141

AR 82,142

13/11/1959 20/09/1974 Parish of Walgett, County of Baradine
Walgett Aboriginal Reserve AR 83,809 19/4/1962 20/09/1974 Parish of Walgett, County of Baradine
Walgett Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,741 17/5/1968 20/09/1974 Allotment II section 23 revoked 18/06/1971 Parish of Walgett, County of Baradine
Walgett Aboriginal Reserve AR 68,969 26/1/1940 28/11/1975 Parish of Pokataroo, County of Denham
Wallaga Lake Aboriginal Reserve AR 13,939 13/6/1891  ? Parish of Narooma, County of Dampier
Wallaga Lake Aboriginal Reserve (Snake Island) AR 40,698 4/7/1906  ? Parish of Bermaguee, County of Dampier
Wallaga Lake Aboriginal Reserve (Merriman Island) AR 43,648 3/3/1909 31/12/1931 Parish of Bermaguee, County of Dampier
Wanaaring Aboriginal Reserve AR 81,037 29/8/1958  ? Parish of Wanaaring, County of Ularara
Wanaaring Aboriginal Reserve AR 86,633 7/6/1968  ? Parish of Wanaaring, County of Ularara
Wantabadgery Aboriginal Reserve AR 37,729 28/5/1904 9/1/1925 near the Murrumbidgee River Parish of Wantabadgery, County of Clarendon
Wantabadgery Aboriginal Reserve AR 46,116 21/2/1910 9/1/1925 near the Murrumbidgee River Parish of Wantabadgery, County of Clarendon
Warangesda Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,684 6/12/1880 16/4/1926 near Darlington Point, also referred to as an Aboriginal station Parish of Waddi, County of Boyd
Warangesda Aboriginal Reserve AR 3,160 21/12/1883 16/4/1926 near Darlington Point, also referred to as an Aboriginal station Parish of Waddi, County of Boyd
Warren Aboriginal Reserve AR 32,752 18/5/1901 18/8/1922 on the Bulgerara Creek Parish of Gregory, County of Ninia
Warren Aboriginal Reserve AR 81,167 24/10/1958  ? on the Bulgerara Creek Parish of Warren, County of Oxley
Wee Waa Aboriginal Reserve AR 19,783 1/9/1894 26/9/1975 re-registered in 1971 Parish of WeeWaa, County of White
Wee Waa Aboriginal Reserve AR 37,420 12/3/1904 31/3/1939 at the junction of Coghill Creek and the Namoi River Parish of Bulgarra, County of White
Wilberforce Aboriginal Reserve AR 22,502 25/5/1895  ? In lieu of AR 9,856 and AR 9,857 notified 18/9/1889 and revoked 25/5/1895 Parish of Wilberforce, County of Cook
Wilcannia Aboriginal Reserve AR 64,562 25/05/1934  ? Approx 1,000 acres Parish of Blenheim, County of Livingstone
Wilcannia Aboriginal Reserve AR 89,518 25/7/1975  ? about 43 hectares Parish of Wilcannia, County of Young
Wilcannia Aboriginal Reserve AR 73,514  ? 5/5/1950 Parish of Wilcannia, County of Young
Wilcannia Aboriginal Reserve AR 75,222 25/07/1952 25/07/1975 Parish of Wilcannia, County of Young
Wilcannia Aboriginal Reserve AR 89,531 8/8/1975 12/3/1976 Parish of Blenheim, County of Livingstone
Wingham Aboriginal Reserve AR 19,681 19/3/1920  ? 80 acres Parish of Killawara, County of Macquarie
Wirajarai Aboriginal Reserve AR 72,574 / AR 72,575 24/12/1947 20/09/1974 Moree area Parish of Moree, County of Courallie


Reserve Gazette number Date gazetted Date revoked Notes Parish and county References
Yamba Aboriginal Reserve AR 2,955 15/1/1887 31/1/1958 Wooloweyah Estuary on 180 acres Parish of Yamba, County of Clarence
Yamba Aboriginal Reserve AR 85,628 21/6/1966  ? Parish of Yamba, County of Clarence
Yass Aboriginal Reserve AR 43 15/6/1875 16/1/1925 This reserve became part of AR 17624 and was located near Blakney Creek on 80 acres. It operated from 15/6/1875 to 16/1/1925. The reserve AR 17623/4 formed part of this also and occupied 187 acres. It functioned as an Aboriginal Reserve from 29/4/1893 to 16/1/1925. Parish of Opton, County of King
Yass Aboriginal Reserve AR 9,537 17/8/1889  ? 2.5 acres in lieu of part of the reserve 7,366 Parish of Yass, County of King
Yass Aboriginal Reserve AR 153 11/7/1881 2/8/1940 2 miles from Blakney Creek on 160 acres. This reserve operated from 11/7/1881 and again from 28/2/1883 until 2/8/1940. Parish of Opton, County of King
Yass Aboriginal Reserve AR 3,758 11/6/1887 16/5/1924 AR 8,531 was also part of it and operated from 26/10/1895 to 10/11/1912. Parish of Opton, County of King
Yass Aboriginal Reserve AR 23,106 9/2/1889  ? 100 acres on Brickey's Creek and included AR 31,113 Parish of Boambolo, County of Murray
Yass Aboriginal Reserve AR 68,669 / 68,670 22/9/1939 29/3/1963 Parish of Hume, County of Murray
Yass Aboriginal Reserve AR 73,585 30/6/1950 4/10/1974 AR 73,583 was located within this reserve Parish of Opton, County of King
Yass Aboriginal Reserve AR 75,320 15/9/1952 4/10/1974 Parish of Opton, County of King
Yellow Rock Burials Aboriginal Reserve (Bellingen) AR 83,153 28/4/1961  ? Set aside for the preservation of graves. Parish of South Bellingen, County of Raleigh

See also

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