Kacchu is a Japanese traditional armor. Japanese swords and scabbards are higher quality than swords from other countries. Therefore, Kacchu also needed to develop to protect the body from attack. Kacchu was also made to be worn by horses. It was made of leather, bronze and iron.
Among the samurai it was used only for protection. Kacchu is now often used in feasts, entertainment and festivals. It has become colorful, simple and luxurious. Because Japanese people are becoming interested in the samurai, kacchu is becoming more popular. Kacchu has a high popularity among couples on the birth of the boy.
When a boy is born, Kacchu is decorated on “Tango no sekku”(端午の節句), called “Children’s day”, is the festival which celebrates boy’s growing and children’s health. As charms, Kacchu and Katana(刀) are decorated on the inside with symbols which are meant to protect a boy’s body and soul.