Image: WiltonWarringtonNovByLondonBreech
Description: New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: Corner of Wilton Drive and Warrington Drive, facing northeast, near lower breech of the London Avenue Canal, showing houses devastated by the surge from the Canal flood and water in the street still seeping from the Canal despite over 2 months of efforts by the Army Corps of Engineers. Photo by Infrogmation, November 2005. See Image:WarringtonSept06A.jpg for an image of this same corner in September of 2006.
Title: WiltonWarringtonNovByLondonBreech
Credit: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims).
Author: No machine-readable author provided. Infrogmation assumed (based on copyright claims).
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
License: CC BY 3.0
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