Image: Wedge-tailed eagle and Australian raven Diamantina Developmental Road Boulia Shire Central Western Queensland P1080979

Description: The wedge-tailed eagle is a common sight along the Diamantina Developmental Road where it feasts on roadkill. It has benefited from human settlement but has also suffered persecution, being blamed for stock losses. Australian ravens are the common corvid of Boulia Shire. They are extremely intelligent and adaptable, being equally at home in town or countryside, exploiting the abundant resources provided by human settlement and development.
Title: Wedge-tailed eagle and Australian raven Diamantina Developmental Road Boulia Shire Central Western Queensland P1080979
Credit: Own work
Author: John Robert McPherson
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
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Attribution Required?: Yes
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