Image: Through the wilds; a record of sport and adventure in the forests of New Hampshire and Maine (1892) (14586633610)

Description: Identifier: throughwildsreco00farrrich (find matches) Title: Through the wilds; a record of sport and adventure in the forests of New Hampshire and Maine Year: 1892 (1890s) Authors: Farrar, Charles Alden John, d. 1893 Subjects: New Hampshire -- Description and travel Maine -- Description and travel Publisher: Boston, Estes & Lauriat Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ? We are going to the lake, sir. We have a nice camp up here. Come over and see it: we willtake you right along and bring you back here. Is there room for all of us in your boats ? asked the Parson. Plenty. Jump in. The boys, nothing loath, accepted the invitation, and paid a visit totheir friends camp, where they passed a pleasant half-hour. Then thegentlemen had their guides ferry the boys back to where their boatswere. Now, said George, we have had a pleasant call, but have lostover half an hour in making it, and we must move quickly. Leaving everything in their boats they walked up to the camp, whichstood on the left side of the road hard by the borders of Sunday Pond,a trout preserve for the house. Three men were down to the pondfishing, and a gentleman stood in the doorway. He welcomed themcordially, asked them where they came from, who they were, and soforth. Introduced himself as Mr. Daniels of New York, and told themthe proprietor had gone up the lake, but would return soon. Text Appearing After Image: A REST ON PARMACHENEE CARRY. THROUGH THE WILDS. 355 Do you know whether there is a horse here now ? asked George. Yes, I do. There is no horse here this year, and the guides sackeverything across the carry on their backs. Then it will be easier for us, said George, turning to his compan-ions, to stick to the river. Its a pretty good tug to carry three boatsover this road, and we should have to make two trips, as we could notcarry but one at a time. Thats so, added Dick, and two more trips to get our luggageover. Have you any guides with you ? queried the gentleman. No, sir, answered George, we paddle our own canoe. So do we, returned Mr. Daniels. I expected to find SpoffFlint up here, who has been with us two or three times, but he is offwith another party, and we concluded to go it alone. Those gentlemendown to the pond are my friends, and we are stopping here for thepresent. We are going over to the lake next week. Do you think, asked George, that they could accommodate ushere to-ni Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Through the wilds; a record of sport and adventure in the forests of New Hampshire and Maine (1892) (14586633610)
Credit: Source book page:
Author: Farrar, Charles Alden John, d. 1893
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