Image: The world's inhabitants; or, Mankind, animals, and plants; being a popular account of the races and nations of mankind, past and present, and the animals and plants inhabiting the great continents and (14784585485)

Description: Identifier: worldsinhabitant00bett (find matches) Title: The world's inhabitants; or, Mankind, animals, and plants; being a popular account of the races and nations of mankind, past and present, and the animals and plants inhabiting the great continents and principal islands Year: 1888 (1880s) Authors: Bettany, G. T. (George Thomas), 1850-1891 Subjects: Civilization Culture Publisher: London Ward, Lock Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Lothringen, and has Germany,become unified as a new and more coherent Germanic confederationunder the King of Prussia as Emperor; but a considerable portion ofGermany is excluded from it, being under Austrian rule. It is impossible to understand Germany in its present state withoutreference to the rise of Prussia. Originating in a march or Rise ofmarkland, formed to protect Germany from the Slavonic Wends, Prussia.Prussia has developed out of Brandenburg till at the present day it is B io8 THE INHABITANTS OB EUROPE. the name of two-thirds of the German Empire. For a long time theSlavs were in the ascendant, and the electors of Brandenburg waged afierce struorffle for existence, ending however in complete con-of quest, attended by a power of assimilating with the conquered,Brandenburg, ^j^-^,^ j^g^g given the Prussians their distinctive pecuharities,and has had much influence in making them masters of modern Germany..The greatness of modern Prussia may be dated from the grant of Bran- Text Appearing After Image: GERMAN CHRISTMAS TREE. denburg, in 1415, by the Emperor Sigismund to his strong supporterFrederick, burgrave of Nuremberg, a prince of the house of Hohenzollem,which for three centuries had been growing in influence and power.How the elector of Brandenburg inherited East Prussia, a fief of thecrown of Poland, how Prussia became independent of Poland, under thegreat elector Frederick William, acquired East Pomerania, Westphalia. i Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The world's inhabitants; or, Mankind, animals, and plants; being a popular account of the races and nations of mankind, past and present, and the animals and plants inhabiting the great continents and (14784585485)
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