Image: The diocese of Limerick, ancient and medieval (1906) (14764772525)
Description: Identifier: dioceseoflimeric00begl (find matches) Title: The diocese of Limerick, ancient and medieval Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Begley, John Subjects: Catholic Church Limerick (Ireland : Diocese) Ireland -- Church history Publisher: Dublin : Browne & Nolan Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: of ornament.High up in the chancel wall at the gospel side there isthe figure of an ecclesiastic carved in stone clad in vest-ments holding in his left hand a crozier with the crookturned out, the sign of jurisdiction, and the right handraised in blessing. Judging from the round shaped mitreit looks like the effigy of a Pope. Further down at thesame side there was a transept running north. At theepistle side, and near the altar on the chancel wall, thereis an elaborate monument to the Stephenson family, nowmuch injured, and about which we may have much to sayat some future time, as its history is outside the scopeof this work. The cloister, which is composed of a beautiful seriesof arches, forms a quadrangle, measuring 51^ feet square,and is the most pleasing feature of the building. At thenorth-east end of the cloister there is a statue of St.Francis in a recess, the face of which is partly worn awayby the kisses of devout pilgrims. The Chapter-room is 1 See B.B.L., p. 144, 4 FRACMCr Text Appearing After Image: ORIGINALADDITIONS Ii MODERN n FOUNDATIONS PLAN OF ASKEATOX ABBEY. (1 Sod i la. Lr, >aiMl > jluiL. ,,„.,j ■„ f>or.oco C, Sedilia D, Passage. H, Garderobes. L, Readers Recess. ( face page 358. MEDIEVAL RELIGIOUS FOUNDATIONS. 359 in a good state of preservation, and contains a tomb ofthe Nash family. The other buildings were the refectory and kitchen.The upper rooms of dormitory are in a very dilapidatedcondition. The Franciscan Convent of -Adare.This convent i was founded in the year 1464 by ThomasEarl of Kildare, and his wife Johanna, daughter of JamesEarl of Desmond, who built the church and fourth partof the cloister at their own expense. They also furnishedthe windows of the church with glass and presented thebell and two silver chalices. The friars took possessionof the convent on the feast of All Saints the same year.The church was dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel,and consecrated on his feast in the year 1466. Theother parts of the building were built by pious Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The diocese of Limerick, ancient and medieval (1906) (14764772525)
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