Image: The culture of Christian manhood; Sunday mornings in Battell chapel, Yale university (1897) (14576732958)

Description: Bishop John H. Vincent Identifier: cultureofchristi00sall (find matches) Title: The culture of Christian manhood; Sunday mornings in Battell chapel, Yale university Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Sallmon, Henry William, 1866-1938, ed Subjects: Universities and colleges Sermons, American Publisher: New York, Chicago (etc.) Fleming H. Revell company Contributing Library: Princeton Theological Seminary Library Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: of no lasting use to fight thebeast with the beast, in the world, in thosewho are specially near and dear to us, or inourselves. As for the beast that is abroad inthe world, he is still rampant, terrible; but there are signs everywhere that the Lamb is 247 Manhoods Struggle and Victory on the field, and his patient work grows, likea dawn upon the darkness. As for the beastin those around us, there must be no heat ofanger, no resentment of the beastliness.Cudgeling will only make a cur more cur-rish. We must carry toward them a bleed-ing lamb in our hearts. As for the beast inourselves, ** If we walk in the Spirit, says theapostle, ** we shall not fulfil the lusts of theflesh. And walking in the Spirit is noth-ing more or less than letting the gentleness,the purity, the tenderness, and grace of Godsslain Lamb enter in and possess and dominionour souls. He asks each one of us, as he askedone of old, ** Wilt thou ? And to the assentheartily given he responds, * I will; be thouclean. 248 Text Appearing After Image: ^J-^)^ou.J^ 0-Uc.c.t^Jt:^. The Sabbath By Bishop John H. Vincent Topeka, Kan. And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made forman, and not man for the Sabbath: so that the Son ofman is lord even of the Sabbath.—Mark ii. 2y, 28. JESUS himself kept, in his own way, theSabbath of the Jews. It was his customon that day to attend the services of thesynagogue. In the lesson of the day wehave a hint as to his habit from boyhood inthe town where he had been brought up.In the record from which the text is takenwe find him and his disciples walking throughthe fields on the Sabbath day, plucking thebending wheat-heads as they passed. Jesusmore than once gave offense to his fellow-countrymen by his independence of ceremo- 249 The Sabbath nial requirements. He wrought works ofmercy and of necessity on Sabbath days whichif not specifically forbidden were to a faithfulPharisee of doubtful propriety. His enemiestried to entrap him, that they might condemnhim; but he claimed that good deeds wereprope Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The culture of Christian manhood; Sunday mornings in Battell chapel, Yale university (1897) (14576732958)
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