Image: The Times history of the war (1914) (14577979888)
Description: Identifier: timeshistoryofwa10lond (find matches) Title: The Times history of the war Year: 1917 (1910s) Authors: Subjects: Times history of the war Times history and encyclopaedia of the war World War, 1914-1918 Publisher: London Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: (I.afayeltc, Glaigow. SIR J. P. MACLAY.Shippinji Controller. mi.suiidnr.Htanding and misroproscntation of such anurrangcmont as we conHidored yesterday, make me atleail doubtful as to its f<uiHibiIity. UiiK^bh Ok-iinprossioitIh at onco corrccti-d that I am boiiig r(l<-gat(^d to thoposition of an irresponHiblo spectator of thv war 1 cannotpossibly go on. The passnge in The 7Vmfi« leading article to which Mr. Asquith niferred ran as follows ; The gist of hiH proposal (Mr. Lloyd Onorges) is iiiidcr-Mtood to bMU(:i\, fully charged with Ihr HUiiniiH rlircrtion ol tliowar. <Jf this Council Mr. Asquith himself is not to bo amciribur—th<i assunijition br^ing that ihd Irimo Ministfirhas HxiiVu-.u^ut cares of a rnorci giniTal cliuracter withoutdevoting liiirisolf wholly, as llie new (,oiiiieil must lie II 850 THE TIMES HISTOliY OF THE WAR. Text Appearing After Image: (Swaine, photo, MR. ARTHUR HENDERSON. (I lijayclte. photo. MR. BONAR LAW, THE WAR CABINET. THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. 357 devoted if it is to be effective, to the daily task oforganizing ^^cto^y. Certain of Mr. Asquiths colleaguesare also excluded on the ground of temperament from abody which can only succeed if it is harmonioiLs anddecisive. . . . On the top of all this comes the officialannouncement that the Prime Minister had decided uponreconstruction. ... It means, we assume, that heconsents in principle to Mr. Lloyd George-; proposals.The conversion has been swift, but Mr. Asquith has neverbeen slow to note political tendencies when they becomeinevitable. The testimony of his closest supporters . . .must have convinced him by this time that matterscannot po-sibly go on as at present. They must haveconvinced him, too, that his own qualities are fittedbetter ... to preserve the unity of the nation(though we have never doubted its unity) than to forcethe pace of a War Council. M Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The Times history of the war (1914) (14577979888)
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