Image: Stories of American explorers - a historical reader (1906) (14779471795)

Description: Identifier: storiesofamerica00gord (find matches) Title: Stories of American explorers : a historical reader Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Gordy, Wilbur F. (Wilbur Fisk), 1854-1929 Subjects: Explorers America -- Discovery and exploration Publisher: New York : C. Scribner's sons Contributing Library: New York Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: were each in a separateboat, can-lullv concealed from the view of the Iro- i/ quo is. It was important that the enemy should notsir them. Therefore, after daylight, the French-men cither lay in the bottom of their boats or cov-ered themselves with Indian robes. Early in the morning Champlains allies landednot Car from the enemys position. A little laterthe Iroquois, with the steadiness of trained sol-diers, advanced from their barricades. They werestrong, fine-looking warriors, of noble bearing. When they approached Champlains party, thelatter became uneasy, and opened the way forUiamplain and the other two Frenchmen to ad-vanee to the front. They called Champlains at-tention to some of the Iroquois warriors who worelong plumes in their head-dresses. They told him & that these were chiefs and that he must aim at themhe shot his gun. As soon as he saw the Iro- Stunnel dc Champlain quois preparing to let ily their arrows, lie tooksteady aim at the- three chiefs. \\hen lie shot, two Text Appearing After Image: Two of them fell dead of them fell dead, and one of the warriors receiveda wound. nil. American Explorers The Iroijiiois were amazed at the sound of theomi and at the death of two of their chiefs, buttlicv hravely stood their ground and gave battleto UK- allies. In a few minutes the other two1 ivnehmeii shot and killed other Indians. Terri-lird hy the- strange weapons, the Iroquois soonturned and (led through the woods like frighteneddeer. They left their provisions and their canoes,and some of them, in their confusion, even threwauay their weapons. The Indians with Champlainthen set upon the fleeing forces, killing many andcapturing others. Hut these gunshots were unfortunate for theprospects of the French colonists in America, be-cause they made the Iroquois bitter enemies of theFmidi. Aside from the fighting of this expedi-tion, the discovery of the lake was most importantto (hamplain. He named it after himself, Lake(haniplain. This was in 1609. The party thenreturned to Quebec. Th Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Stories of American explorers - a historical reader (1906) (14779471795)
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