Image: Sir Benjamin Stone's pictures; records of national life and history reproduced from the collection of photographs made by Sir Benjamin Stone, M.P (1906) (14592097948)

Description: Identifier: sirbenjaminstone02ston (find matches) Title: Sir Benjamin Stone's pictures; records of national life and history reproduced from the collection of photographs made by Sir Benjamin Stone, M.P Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Stone, John Benjamin, Sir, 1838-1914 MacDonagh, Michael, 1862-1946 Subjects: Great Britain. Parliament Statesmen Publisher: London : Cassell Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: -, in a penetrating voice; but when he isdeeply moved, or wishes to drive home some fiercethrust, there comes, with the glow of passion in hislanguage, a deej), inspiring swell in his otherwise evenand clear utterance. Above all, there is that highesttest of oratory—its in.stant effect upon the audience. Mr. Chamberlain has initiative and driving force—the two qualities which make most for success in publiclife. Text Appearing After Image: /■ THE PIGMIES. Surely extremes met when the little folk from the heartof the Ituri Fox-est, in Central Africa, mixed with theMembers on the Terrace of the House of Commons.They are siqjposed to be of the lowest type, mentally,as well as the smallest, physically, of the human race.What did they think of the greatest Legislature of theworld ? What dim conception did they fomi of its pur-poses and of its work ? Probably they said it is a goodplace for honey and lime-juice, the two things of civilisa-tion for which they cultivated the keenest zest. They left their native dress aside—beads, bracelets,earrings, nose-rings, anklets^on the day in the Sessionof 1905 when they came over from the Hippodi-ome tothe House of Commons, and were photog)-aphed on theTen-ace, with a background of Members of Parliament.They wore the less picturesque raiment of civilisation,the men being in boys sailor suits. But they werearmed to the teeth with theii- weapons of war, tinybows and arrows and spears. Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Sir Benjamin Stone's pictures; records of national life and history reproduced from the collection of photographs made by Sir Benjamin Stone, M.P (1906) (14592097948)
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Author: Internet Archive Book Images
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