Image: Select essays, from the Batchelor; or, Speculations of Jeoffry Wagstaffe, esq (1772) (14594066819)

Description: Identifier: selectessaysfrom01cour (find matches) Title: Select essays, from the Batchelor; or, Speculations of Jeoffry Wagstaffe, esq Year: 1772 (1770s) Authors: Courtenay, John, 1738-1816 Jephson, Robert, 1736-1803 Subjects: Townshend, George Townshend, Marquis, 1724-1807 Ireland -- Politics and government 1760-1820 Dublin (Ireland) -- Social life and customs Publisher: Dublin : Printed by J. Hoey Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: IZTtTHn^^ETJ^ RE Text Appearing After Image: SELECT ESSAYS, FROM THE BATCHELOR; OR, SPECULATIONS OF Jeoffry Tf^agftaffe, Efq. DUBLIN: Printed by James Hoey, jun. at the Mercury mParliament-ftreet. M,DCC,l.XXII. i2>46T O Arthur Dawson, Efq. ^HESE felea Effays areinfcribed, by the Ad-mirer of his Witj and dif-tinguiftied Abilities, Jeoffry Wagflaffe. Dublin, z^tb O^ober, 1772. CONTENTS. No I. JT^AGSTJFFEs letter to Beckfont,^ on Mr. Bakers method of curing cows, N° z. On travelling, N° 3. Predi^ions for the year 1771. N° 4. Nicholas WeJVs letter, to the Rev. Mr. Bax-ter, at Corke, nvith an account of the mi-racles performed at Dr. Lucass tomb. N° 5. Peter Sceptics anfnxier. N° 6. Defence of Free-thinking. N 7. Imitation of the 2i,th Ode of the \Jl Book ofHorace, addrejfed to the Right Hon. J—nP—nf hy, Efq\ N° 8. Fffay on credulity. N 9. Account of the Swaddlers religious tenets. N° 10. Phocions letter to Mr. P—af ■ ■■ hj, on thefuljeSi of a land-tax. N° II. Rujlicuss letter, on the fame fuhjeS. N° 12. Phociselectessaysfrom01cour Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Select essays, from the Batchelor; or, Speculations of Jeoffry Wagstaffe, esq (1772) (14594066819)
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