Image: Seabreeze rc09056
Description: View down Ocean Blvd. (Seabreeze Blvd.), looking west from the ocean: Seabreeze, Florida. On the right (starting in the foreground): The Clarendon Inn; Ernest Mills' building (where he ran a barber shop); Mrs. Emma Trumbower's home; Mrs. Sidonia Jones Guthrie's home; the Shell House (later the Geneva Hotel); and Wilman's Opera House. On the left (starting in the foreground): Back of the Post Pavilion; home of Dick Lyle (who managed the Post Pavilion); some doors down, the Starkey home (later the site of Atlantic Bank); and the Colonnades Hotel windmill.
Title: Seabreeze rc09056
Author: State of Florida, Memory Project;
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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