Image: Scottish gardens; being a representative selection of different types, old and new (1908) (14740189046)

Description: Identifier: scottishgarden00maxw (find matches) Title: Scottish gardens; being a representative selection of different types, old and new Year: 1908 (1900s) Authors: Maxwell, Herbert, Sir, 1845-1937 Wilson, Mary G.W., illus Subjects: Gardens Publisher: London : E. Arnold Contributing Library: University of British Columbia Library Digitizing Sponsor: University of British Columbia Library View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: if not impossible,to find a more characteristic exampleof Scottish domestic architecture ofthe sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesthan that presented in the old houseof Caruock. Originally built in 1548 by Sir RobertDrummond, whose arms and initials, with those ofhis wife, Margaret Elphinstone of Dunmore, stillremain over the principal entrance, it was addedto in 1634 when the property was acquired by SirThomas Nicolson, and remains unchanged in itsmain features, though outbuildings and offices havebeen erected to adapt the dwelling to the require-ments of a modern household. What a distance, observed Messrs. MGibbon and Ross, has been travelled over in the three centuries which haveelapsed from the time when Scottish nobles were content tolive in towers containing three apartments only—a groundfloor for cattle, a first floor for a hall in which the retainerslived and slept, and a top storey for the lord and his family!The introduction of a kitchen was at first hailed as an im- 156 Text Appearing After Image: CARNOCK portant innovation and improvement, all provisions havingbeen previously cooked in the hall or in the open air. Butin the seventeenth century people have become so refined thatthe kitchen, with what was formerly considered its sweet per-fumery, must be banished out of doors. The domestics arenow quite separated from the hall, while the proprietor andhis family, no longer huddled up in one room, enjoy thedelights of the modern dining-room and drawing-room, privatesitting-rooms and bedrooms, all provided with separate doors. Those who sigh for the good old times and repinebecause their lot was not cast in days of old whenknights were bold, may incline to think that thedomestic discomfort of a sixteenth century Scottishmansion is exaggerated in the passage above-quoted.They may agree that the knight and his familydined at the same table with the servants; whatcould be more picturesque and in keeping withfeudal custom ? But surely the lady had her bower,where she worked embroidery Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Scottish gardens; being a representative selection of different types, old and new (1908) (14740189046)
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