Image: Sandstone (Greene Formation, Dunkard Group, Lower Permian; Clark Hill section, Long Ridge, Monroe County, Ohio, USA) 10 (31206070732)

Description: Sandstone in the Permian of Ohio, USA. The Upper Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian Dunkard Group of Ohio contains the youngest bedrock in the entire state. The unit consists of two stratigraphic formations: the Washington Formation (below) and the Greene Formation (above). This is a cyclothemic, nonmarine succession principally composed of shales, sandstones, lacustrine limestones, and thin coal beds. This photo shows a sandstone interval in the Greene Formation. It occurs about 5 to 6 feet above the Nineveh Limestone. The massive-weathering unit is a calcareous, micaceous, quartzose sandstone about 6 feet thick. Below it is about 5.5 feet of thin-bedded siltstones and argillaceous sandstones. Stratigraphy: sandstone interval at top of unit GR16 of Cross et al. (1950), Greene Formation, upper Dunkard Group, Lower Permian Locality: Clark Hill section - roadcut on the southeastern side of Long Ridge Road, south of Oppossum Creek, south-southeast of the town of Clarington, southeastern Alum Township, eastern Monroe County, eastern Ohio, USA (GPS: 39° 43.676’ North latitude, 80° 51.018’ West longitude) Reference cited: Cross et al. (1950) - Field guide for the special field conference on the stratigraphy, sedimentation and nomenclature of the Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian strata (Monongahela, Washington and Greene Series) in the northern portion of the Dunkard Basin of Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. 107 pp.
Title: Sandstone (Greene Formation, Dunkard Group, Lower Permian; Clark Hill section, Long Ridge, Monroe County, Ohio, USA) 10 (31206070732)
Credit: Sandstone (Greene Formation, Dunkard Group, Lower Permian; Clark Hill section, Long Ridge, Monroe County, Ohio, USA) 10
Author: James St. John
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
License: CC BY 2.0
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