Image: Roman, Fitting figurine (FindID 253806)
Description: Cast copper alloy pin head of Roman date 43-300 AD. The figure is that of a standing dog which is very finely cast and of good workmanship; it is uncertain as to what this example would have fitted to, but it is possible that it may be a figurine, pendant or suspended fitting. The example is remarkably small and well proportioned it consists of a hollow cast dog realised in three dimensions, standing on a slight sub-rectangular pedestal with a hollow faceted collar / tube like fitting beneath. The fitting measures 21.7mm length, is 5.1mm wide and stands 16.7mm high. It weighs 5.22 grams. The dog on the pedestal stands on four proportioned legs and is slightly stylised in form. The head has a slight snout and the ears are formed from sub-rectangular shaped projections, which have incised lines to demarc the ear. The eyes are positioned on the top of the head and are formed from annulets. Around the short neck is a collar of interlocked punched annulets, behind which the shoulders of the dog expand. There are no other incised areas of decoration present. The tail is turned back upon itself forming a slight loop, with a central internal diameter of 1.8mm. At the centre of the back (saddle) is an irregular hole; possibly originally circular but now irregular in shape. It is uncertain as to whether this hole is deliberate or worn. The inner area of the dog hollow with a distinct concave shape. The dog stands on a sub-rectangular pedestal which measures 11.5mm length 5.2 mm width. Beneath this a tapered faceted collar extends. This is decorated on the two long faces by double incised rows of pellets which respect the edge of the facets. There are eight facets in total. The base of the collar has a moulded ridge around it. The collar is also hollow with a tapering hole which extends throughout the length. This hole is broadly oval and has an internal measurement of 3mm x 2.4mm. This hole when viewed from beneath aligns directly with the irregular hole in the back, possibly suggesting that this was suspended. The dog is a mid grey green colour with a polished and relatively unabraded patina. Abrasion has affected the edges and here the surface patina has been removed and a light grey green coloured corrosion product is present. A direct parallel has not been found for this artefact. It bears some resemblance to a number of other dog headed terminals specifically from continental contexts RECEUIL DES BRONZES DE BAVAI. By Germaine Faider Feytmanns. Catre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris, 1957. pl. XLVIII, figure 301-303 and closely paralleled in Menzel III Koln (389 Hund aus Koln).Thanks are extended to Sally Worrell (Roman Finds Advisor) for information, identification and supply of published parallels.
Title: Roman: Fitting figurine
Credit: Catalog: Artefact:
Author: Birmingham Museums Trust, Peter Reavill, 2009-09-28 13:32:05
Permission: Attribution-ShareAlike License
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