Image: Rod and gun (1898) (14770834104)
Description: Identifier: rodguncan11cana (find matches) Title: Rod and gun Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: Canadian Forestry Association Subjects: Fishing Hunting Outdoor life Publisher: Beaconsfield, Que. (etc.) Rod and Gun Pub. Co. (etc.) Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: rs were requiredto be handed over to the contest committee theday or evening preceding the contest. All repairsand adjustments were penalized in accordance witha penalization code. A technical committee ap-pointed by the association were to take charge ofthe cars at the end of the run, the route of whichwas selected by members of the association, andthe strictest examination made of the cars andtheir accessories. The winner, the car with theleast penalization, will receive the Oldsmobile tro-phy, and its owner made custodian of the sameuntil the next contest, or a period not exceedingone year. The person winning the trophy onthree consecutive occasions will become the per-petual owner of the same. The contest has caus-ed the greatest interest in motoring circles in Ot-tawa and district, and a feeling has been generallyexpressed to the effect that the Oldsmobile Com-pany desirves the thanks of all interested in mo-toring for their spirited and generous action. ROD AND GUX IX CANADA 1:9 Text Appearing After Image: 180 ROD AND GUN IN CANADA As a result of a visit paid to tlie store of Jo-seph Black, of Eganville, Ont., by Mr. Dan Blea,a provincial game and fisheries officer, liiree deerskins and an otter skin were secured, and Blacksappearance before Magistrate Matheson followed.A fine of $20 for each skin, with costs, amountingaltogether to over $80, was inflicted, and com-mendation of the conduct of the magistrate fromheadquarters was forwarded. Mr. Tinsley wrote:You did perfectly right in imposing the fine youdid, $20 in each case, as it is the only way to puta stop to work of this kind, and I am glad toknow we have a magistrate in Eganville who isnot afraid to do his duty. Mr. Blea was alsocongratulated for the manner in which he carriedout his instructions. This movement should havea distinct effect in checking the illegal traffic infurs. If once the traffic ceases to be profitable itwill be stoppcil. The accompanying illustration shows one of themany handsome trophies given by the Dunlop T Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Rod and gun (1898) (14770834104)
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