Image: Review of reviews and world's work (1890) (14743799896)
Description: Identifier: reviewofreviewsw31newy (find matches)Title: Review of reviews and world's workYear: 1890 (1890s)Authors: Subjects: Publisher: New York Review of Reviews CorpContributing Library: Robarts - University of TorontoDigitizing Sponsor: University of TorontoView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image:States citizen, Ion Perdicaris, perhaps the mostdistinguished private individual in the wholecountry, was kidnaped by an enterprising chief-tain, who, despite the intervention of the Fran-cophile family of Wazzan, equal in sanctity toany in Morocco, insisted on terms of releasethe acceptance of which revealed the utter im-potence of the Moorish Government to controlits own subjects at the very gates of its leadingseaport, the residence of the foreign plenipo-tentiaries ? The example set so energeticallyand with such complete success by Raissuliopened the eyes of the lawless tribes all overnorthern and central Morocco, with the resultthat brigandage, rapine, and murder have be-come of every-day occurrence throughout theland which native official correspondence de-scribes as the Happy Realm of his ShereefianMajesty. WHY FRANCE UNDERTAKES INTERVENTION. This is Frances locus standi for intervention :It is intolerable that in the twentieth century J MOROCCO AND THE FRENCH INTERFBNTION. 695Text Appearing After Image:GATE OF THE CITADEL, MARBAKSH. some eight thousand Europeans in Moroccoshould continue to exist in terror for their lives,and for their property, because the nominallord of the country is no longer able to makethe treaties respected by his subjects. We havethe mandate of the powers most interested. OfEngland, whose position as mistress of the rockbeyond the narrow straits, and of no little voicein Mediterranean affairs, cannot be ignored.Of Spain, your neighbor on the north, not tospeak of her sphere of influence Rio de Ouroway, beyond your southern borders. We our-selves are tired of your turbulent tribes nearthe Algerian frontier. The day of misrule musthave an end, and promptly. We are willing—nay, anxious—to help you govern your country,with all our influence, all our force. Accept ourassistance and we will guarantee your throne.If you decline it, we shall have, most reluctant-ly, to employ other measures. Between the two fires stands the poor youngSultan, surely one of the moNote About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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