Image: Passagem de Humaitá
Description: Passagem de Humaitá: episódio da guerra do Paraguai ocorrido em 1868, em que a esquadra brasileira forçou a travessia da posição fortificada, sob bombardeio inimigo. O quadro mostra o momento em que o Couraçado Bahia transpunha as amarras, seguido pelo terceiro par, o Tamandaré e Pará (aquarela).
Title: Passagem de Humaitá
Credit: Marinha do Brasil (MdB)
Author: Almirante Trajano Augusto de Carvalho.
Permission: This image was produced by the Brazilian Navy. The Navy's public relations service states that all the images from their website are free for use provided the source is cited. As of 6 February 2011, please do not use this licence as Navy of Brazil's copyright policy has changed (see template talk) To the uploader: Please provide a link to the original file and the authorship information if available.
License: Attribution
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