Image: Nordamerikaabteilung in Ethnological Museum Berlin 59
Description: Nordamerikaabteilung im Ethnologischen Museum, Berlin-Dahlem; Wooden fork and four steatite cooking stones. Miwok; Wilcomb collection; 1914; In most ares of California, cooking was done in watertight baskets. First, the acorn meal was mixed with water. By adding red-hot stones, the acorn mush was heated. After cooling, the stones were taken out with a wooden fork and replaced by new ones until the mush or soup was fully cookes.
Title: Nordamerikaabteilung in Ethnological Museum Berlin 59
Credit: Self-photographed
Author: Bin im Garten
Permission: Own work
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
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