Image: Nobbys Head, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (1891)

Description: Nobbys Head, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Identifier: cassiersmagazi2719041newy Title: Cassier's magazine Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Subjects: Engineering Publisher: New York Cassier Magazine Co. Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Smithsonian Libraries View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: AN AUSTRALIAN COAL CITY 349 Text Appearing After Image: NOBBY S, ORIGINALLY AN ISLAND AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE PORT OF NEWCASTLE, BUT NOW CON-NECTED WITH THE MAINLAND BY A BREAKWATER, AS SHOWN in number, together with Mr. Clarke,the supercargo, attempted to reach PortJackson in the ships longboat, whichwas saved from the wreck. In this, how-ever, they failed, the boat being drivenashore near Cape Howe and lost. Thelittle party, led by Clarke, then set offfor the settlement at Sydney by land.The journey proved a difficult and ad-venturous undertaking, and only threeof the seventeen succeeded in reachingPort Jackson, the remainder either dy-ing on the way or being killed by thenatives. On the way along the coastClarke and his companions discovereda great deal of coal, and brought speci-mens of it to the settlement. Lieuten-ant-Colonel Collins, whose Account ofNew South Wales is one of the mostreliable histories of the beginning ofAustralia, writing in regard to this mat-ter, says:— Mr. Clarke, supercargo of the shipSydney Cove, having mentio Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Nobbys Head, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (1891)
Credit: Image from page 362 of "Cassier's magazine" (1891)
Author: Internet Archive Book Images
Permission: Internet Archive Book Images @ Flickr Commons
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