Image: Nature (1922) (14763835032)
Description: Identifier: nature1101922lock (find matches) Title: Nature Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Lockyer, Norman, Sir, 1836-1920. edt Subjects: Science Science Sciences Biologie Physique Natuurwetenschappen CIENCIA NATURAL HISTORY BIOLOGY SCIENCE Publisher: (London, etc., Macmillan Journals Ltd., etc.) Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Smithsonian Libraries View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: uences, and we judge from his last paragraphthat he agrees with this view.—Editor, Nature.) July 15, 1922J NA TURE 79 Science and Education at South Kensington.1 By. T. Ll. Humberstone. A LARGE part of the area shown in the accom--^ *- panying photograph was at one time BromptonPark, a fine estate famous for its snipe-shooting andfor its mild and salubrious air. In 1675 the parkbecame a market-garden, the first of its kind in England.A short distance eastwards was Knightsbridge, anoutlying hamlet of London, the scene of frequentskirmishes during the Civil War. Cromwells associa- started from Hyde Park Corner at regular intervalsin bands for mutual protection, and a bell was run-to warn pedestrians when the party was about to setout. Thus the effective history of the district for ourpurpose begins in 1851, when the great InternationalExhibition was opened in Hyde Park. Its initiationand success were largely due to the Prince Consort,and appropriately, therefore, the estate, which was Text Appearing After Image: ,-? Mus D = Royal Co J = R0YA (Photo ■ IH. B = V*ICTOKIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. C = SdENCE MUSEUM. ng). E = Science Library. F = Imieriai (nstitute ind University of London, ework. H = 1ndia Museum. I = Citv and Guilds Engineering College.School of Mine-. K= Imperial College. L = Roval College of Music. M = Royal Albert Hall. N = Royal College of Science (Botany) and Imperial College Union. 0 = Brompton Oratory. P = Roval College of Science (Old Building). Q = Serpentine in Hide Park. atural H Si ib ice (New BiSchool of Art N tion with the district—there is a tradition that he livednear what is now Queens Gate—is preserved in thename Cromwell Road. Knightsbridge and Bromptonmaintained their sequestered character until com-paratively recent times. It is recorded that until themiddle of the nineteenth century, which must be wellwithin the memory of the oldest inhabitant, people 1 It is fitting that Nature should take advantage of the method of obtain-ing birds-eye views by means of ae Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Nature (1922) (14763835032)
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