Image: Mount Wollaston sketch

Description: Quoting from The new English Canaan of Thomas Morton, Charles Francis Adams, Jr.. ed. (Boston, 1883): "This View of Mount Wollaston is taken from Rev. Dr. William P. Lunt's Two Discourses on Occasion of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Congregational Church, Quincy, (p. 37) It represents the place very accurately as it appeared in 1840, and as it is supposed to have appeared from the time of the first settlement until recently. The single tree was a lofty red cedar. which must have been there when Wollaston landed, as it was a large tree of a long-lived species, and died from age about 1850. The trunk is still (1882) standing; and, though all the bark has dropped of, it measures some 66 inches in circumference. The central part of the above cut, including the tree, has been adopted as a seal for the town of Quincy, with the motto 'MANET'."
Title: Mount Wollaston sketch
Author: Rev. Dr. William P. Lunt
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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