Image: Men of Hawaii; a biographical reference library, complete and authentic, of the men of note and substantial achievement in the Hawaiian Islands v. 1-5 (1917) (14579185508)

Description: Identifier: menofhawaiibiogr00sidd (find matches) Title: Men of Hawaii; a biographical reference library, complete and authentic, of the men of note and substantial achievement in the Hawaiian Islands ... v. 1-5 Year: 1917 (1910s) Authors: Siddall, John William, ed Nellist, George Ferguson Mitchell, 1889- ed Subjects: Publisher: (Honolulu) Honolulu Star-bulletin Contributing Library: Brigham Young University Hawaii, Joseph F. Smith Library Digitizing Sponsor: Consortium of Church Libraries and Archives View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: y Board and Pub-lic Utilities Commission; Commer-cial Club and Oahu Country Club. GIVENS, WILLARD EARL, highschool principal, Honolulu; bornAnderson, Ind., Dec. 10, 1886; sonof John L. and Amanda (Hersh-berger) Givens; married Neva Lil-lian Galbreath at Oakland, Calif-Dec. 10, 1917; one child. WillardEarl, Jr. Graduated Indiana I^niv.,A. B., 1913; Columbia Univ., M. A.,1915; Union Seminary Diploma.1916. Business mgr. of CommunityChautauquas. New York City of-fice, 1916-17; Calif, representativeof Knox School of Salesmanship,1917; educational director. Armyand Navy Y. M. C. A., U. S. NavalTraining Camp, Mare Island. Calif..1917-19; (list, educational directorfor Army and Navy Y. M. C. A.,Honolulu. March-Sei)t.. 1919; prin.McKinley high school since Sept..1919: resigned 1921 to beconu^ prin-cipal Garlield high school. Oalxland.Calif. Member National lOduca-tion Association. Hawaii lOducation.\ssn.. Natl. Association of Sec-n(lar\- School Princii)als. .\c;ideniy 170 MEN OF HAWAII Text Appearing After Image: WALTER LE M. GIFFARD BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 171 of Political and Social Science, Ho-nolulu Rotary Club, Masonic lodge,Christian church. Republican. GOFF, ROY ALLEN, agricultur-ist, Hilo, Hawaii; born Nov. 21, 1890,at Mapleville, Nebr.; son of H. W.and L. A. Goff; married Mary N.Van Arsdall, at Hilo, June 16, 1917;graduated Lombard College, Gales-burg, 111., 1913; College of Agricul-ture. Univ. of Illinois., 1915. Agri-culturist Hilo Boarding School, 1915-17; supt. Glenwood Experiment Sta-tion, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1917 todate; extension agent, U. S. Dept.of Agr., 1919 to date. GOMEZ, ALFRED; business man,Waimea, Hawaii; born in Madeira,Portugal, Mar. 21, 1885; son of Johnand Josephine Gomez; grammarschool education; unmarried. Afterleaving school worked as commonlaborer in sugar cane fields for sev-eral years; went to Waimea Stablesas teamster, 1902, later becomingblacksmith helper, then chauffeur,and finally foreman and mgr., pres-ent position, which he has held sinceMay 1, 1 Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Men of Hawaii; a biographical reference library, complete and authentic, of the men of note and substantial achievement in the Hawaiian Islands v. 1-5 (1917) (14579185508)
Credit: Source book page:
Author: Siddall, John William, ed; Nellist, George Ferguson Mitchell, 1889- ed
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