Image: Mars Pathfinder

Description: The Mars Pathfinder and mated PAM-D upper stage booster are ready for transfer from the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility-2 (SAEF-2) on KSC to Launch Complex 17 on Cape Canaveral Air Station. Uppermost is the Mars Pathfinder assembly, with its lander encased in a protective aeroshell attached to the circular cruise stage. Lowermost on the workstand is the PAM-D booster that will give the Pathfinder the final "kick" to send it on its way to Mars. Once at Launch Complex (LC) 17, the Pathfinder will be encased in a protective fairing before being mated to the Delta II expendable launch vehicle that will loft it into orbit. Mars Pathfinder is slated for liftoff from LC 17B on Dec. 2.
Usage Terms: Public domain
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