Image: MapZonnebeke
Description: Map of Zonnebeke, West-Flanders, Belgium, neighbourhoods within the municipality and its neighbours. Zonnebeke: I. Zonnebeke II. Beselare III. Geluveld IV. Passendale V. Zandvoorde Neighbouring villages: a. Moorslede (with also the small village of Slypskapelle in the south) (Moorslede) b. Dadizele (Moorslede) c. Geluwe (Wervik) d. Wervik (with the village of Kruiseke) (Wervik) e. Comines (with the village of Ten Brielen) (Comines-Warneton) f. Houthem (Comines-Warneton) g. Hollebeke (Ieper) h. Zillebeke (Ieper) i. Ieper (Ieper) j. Langemark (Langemark-Poelkapelle) k. Poelkapelle (Langemark-Poelkapelle) l. Westrozebeke (Staden) m. Oostnieuwkerke (Staden) n. Roeselare (Roeselare) The orange/yellow areas are urban areas; the other areas are rural areas with lower density population.
Title: MapZonnebeke
Credit: Own work
Author: User:LimoWreck
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
License: CC BY 2.5
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