Image: Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img17 Vaduz Landtag

Description: Building of the Landtag (national parliament) in Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Title: Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img17 Vaduz Landtag
Credit: Own work
Author: A.Savin
Permission: The Liechtenstein Copyright Act, in article 29, says that works may be depicted when they are permanently located at or on public ground. The depiction may be offered, sold, sent or otherwise distributed. The depiction must not be three-dimensional and not be usable for the same purpose as the original. Gesetz über das Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz, URG), LGBl. 1999 Nr. 160 (The Liechtenstein copyright act; in German) See COM:CRT/Liechtenstein#Freedom of panorama for more information.
Usage Terms: Free Art License
License: FAL
License Link:
Attribution Required?: Yes
Image usage
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