Image: Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (1899) (14785036095)

Description: Identifier: journalofroyalso1899roya (find matches) Title: Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Year: 1849 (1840s) Authors: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Transactions Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Proceedings and transactions Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Proceedings and papers Subjects: Publisher: Dublin, Ireland : The Society Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center Digitizing Sponsor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: elatter measuring about 3 feet in length. There is another broken cross erect in an old burying-ground nearTarbert farm, and not far from it is a pillar-stone, 7 feet high. Still further to the north will be found what T. S. Muir considersthe most interesting spot in Gigha :— Conceive scattered over a weird-looking plot so many cyclopean-like cells, cromlechs, kistvaens, or whatever else or otherwise you may call them, each more or less slantingly roofed over with a ponderous slab, and showing in two or three of them appearances of passages, in all likelihood, to underground chambers. There are three hill forts, and some cup-marked sea rocks, north ofKilchattan, on the west side of the island. On Cara, a small island south of Gigha, there is a ruined chapel;it measures externally 29 feet in length; the east and west endsare nearly entire; there is no opening in the east end; the doorway wasin the middle of the north side. For an account of the Gigha Ogam, see page 346. Ran StearnojL Text Appearing After Image: /^ull of Ccira 308 KOYAL SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF IRELAND. SUPPLEMENTARY. Part I. The foregoing pages, descriptive of the places and objects visited, werewritten before the voyage was commenced, and were published in the formof an Illustrated Guide, for the use of the members of the party on tbetour. The adoption of the past tense instead of the future, and the intro-duction of some minor changes and corrections is all that was necessary totransform the matter, already in type, into a record of the proceedings,as fortunately the programme originally settled on, after much care anddeliberation, was carried out in a surprisingly faithful manner, takinginto account the distances traversed and the difficulty of access both bysea and land, of the greater portion of the places visited. Some newillustrations, taken from sketches and measurements made on the journey,have been introduced, and. others in the Guide withdrawn where theywere found to have been defective. Advantage is now taken of Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (1899) (14785036095)
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