Image: John Webber Plate XVI The Fan Palm in the Island of Cracatoa
Description: Plate XVI. The Fan Palm in the Island of Cracatoa In "A Fan Palm" Webber heralds a new approach to landscape, closing the background and renouncing open vistas to present the viewer with a close-up of a kaleidoscopic array of stems, leaves, and branches. While he includes a young native woman, this seems almost to serve as merely pictorial embellishment or to stress the grand scale of the lush surroundings. In January 1780 the expeditions left for home, crossing the Indian Ocean, calling at Cape Town (April-May) and arriving back in Stromness, Orkney, in August but not returning to London until October 1780.
Title: John Webber Plate XVI The Fan Palm in the Island of Cracatoa
Credit: Webber, John (1751-1793) Views in the South Seas, from Drawings by the late James Webber, Draftsman on Board the Resolution, Captain James Cooke [sic], From the Year 1776 to 1780. London: Boydell & Co., 1808 [but 1820]
Author: John Webber (1751-1793)
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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