Image: Intensive extensive green roofs
Description: Schematic showing the setup of an intensive and an extensive green roof. For the thicknesses of the growing medium layer of both, we can make a distinction into 4 types[1][2]: Extensive green roofs: thickness range 1= 7,6 cm to 10,2 cm (suitable for sedums, herbs) thickness range 2= 12,7 cm to 17,8 cm (sedums, herbs, perennials) Intensive green roofs: thickness range 3= 25,4 cm to 30,5 cm (perennials, grasses, shrubs thickness range 4= 30,5 cm+ (grasses, shrubs, trees) Note that only tickness range 1 and 4 are shown in the schematic. Thickness range 3 was not drawn out, as it seems to be only practical for when designing sod roofs (which are not accessible roofs). Thickness range 4 instead are true intensive green roofs which are accessible[3] Note thate the membrane protection also works as root barrier, see this document, at page 2, it's marked as simply "root barrier" in the image Main references: ↑ Depths of extensive and intensive green roof media ↑ Depth of extensive and intensive green roof media, not that a minimum depth for intensive green roofs of 25,4 cm is given there ↑ Thicknesses of growing medium of intensive, extensive and semi-intensive roofs Other references:
Title: Intensive extensive green roofs
Credit: Own work
Author: Genetics4good
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
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