Image: Imperial war cabinet 1917
Description: THE IMPERIAL WAR CABINET - LONDON, 1ST MAY, 1917 Back Row (Left to Right): Capt. L.S. Amery, M.P., Admiral Sir John Jellicoe (First Sea Lord of the Admiralty), Sir Edward Carson (First Lord of the Admiralty), Lord Derby (Secretary for War), Major-General F.B. Maurice (Director of Military Operations, Imperial General Staff), Lieut.-Col Sir M. Hankey (Secretary to Committee of Imperial Defence), Mr Henry Lambert (Secretary to the Imperial Conference), and Major Storr (Assistant Secretary). Middle Row: Sir S.P. Sinha (First Native Member of Viceroy's Council, India), The Maharajah of Bikanir (representing the Ruling Princes of India), Sir James Meston (Lieutenant-Governor of United Provinces of Agra and Oudh), The Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain (Secretary for India), The Rt. Hon. Lord Robert Cecil (Minister of Blockade), The Rt. Hon. Walter H. Long (Colonial Secretary), The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Ward (Finance Minister, New Zealand), The Hon. Sir George Perley (Minister of Canadian Overseas Forces), The Hon. Robert Rogers (Canadian Minister of Public Works), and The Hon. J.D. Hazen (Canadian Minister of Marine). Front Row: The Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson (Minister without portfolio), The Rt. Hon Lord Milner, (Minister without portfolio), Lord Curzon (Lord President of the Council), The Rt. Hon. Bonar Law (Chancellor of the Exchequer), The Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George (Premier), The Rt Hon. Sir Robert Borden (Premier of Canada), The Rt. Hon. W.F. Massey (Premier of New Zealand), and General The Hon. J.C. Smuts (Minister of Defence, South Africa).
Title: Imperial war cabinet 1917
Credit: Military History Journal
Author: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Public domain
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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