Image: Illustrated album of Alameda County, California; its early history and progress-agriculture, viticulture and horticulture-educational, manufacturing and railroad advantages-Oakland and (14780879943)

Description: Identifier: illustratedalbum00colq (find matches) Title: Illustrated album of Alameda County, California; its early history and progress--agriculture, viticulture and horticulture--educational, manufacturing and railroad advantages--Oakland and environs--interior townships--statistics, etc., etc Year: 1893 (1890s) Authors: Colquhoun, Jos. Alex Subjects: Publisher: Oakland, Calif. : Pacific Press Contributing Library: San Francisco Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: California State Library Califa/LSTA Grant View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Physician, and must be at least thirty yearsof age and a graduate of a regular medical college.The Health Officer is the executive officer of theBoard, and must see that all laws and ordinances relat-ing to the public health and the rules and regulationsof the Board of Health are enforced. There are alsoSanitary and Plumbing Inspectors under the directionof the Health Officer and the Board of Health. PROPERTY VALUES IN AND NEAROAKLAND. While Oakland is all that could be desired as aplace of residence, it is a matter of fact that those seek,ing investment for the purpose of making it a perma-nent place of abode will find property values verymoderate and taxation comparatively light. The most valuable residence property in the city isheld at $150 a front foot. Medium property may behad from $50 to $75, and cheap lots which are access-ible by steam and street cars are sold at from ^20 to$dp a front foot, while suburban sites may be pur-chased at from $10 to ;g20 per front foot. PLATE 22, Text Appearing After Image: CHURCH OF ST FRANCIS oE S/\LES, CGKNER Of 21=^ AND GROVE 5ii OAKLAND CAL ILLUSTRATED ALBUM OF ALAMEDA COUNTY. 47 The following comparative tables were recently pre-pared b\^ Mr. A. A. Denison, showing that, notwith-standing the natural advantages of climate, location,etc., real estate is cheap in comparison with other citiesof California and Eastern States:— Price per foot of most valuable business property:—• Chicago ;5,ooo Minneapolis i.Soo Kansas City i>75o Los Angeles • Oakland 1.500 San Diego 2,000 San Francisco Price per front foot of cheapest business propert)-within one mile of center of business:— Chicago $300 Minneapolis 100 Kansas City 60 Los Angeles i5^ Oakland 4° San Diego 100 San Francisco 150 Price per front foot of most desirable residence prop-ert):— Cliicago $800 MinneapoHs 300 Kansas City 200 Los Angeles : 500 Oakland 100 San Diego 200 San Francisco 600 Price per lot (with size) of good medium residenceproperty:— Chicago, 25x150 $5,000 Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Illustrated album of Alameda County, California; its early history and progress-agriculture, viticulture and horticulture-educational, manufacturing and railroad advantages-Oakland and (14780879943)
Credit: Source book page:
Author: Colquhoun, Jos. Alex
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