Image: Houghton GC6 K6323 675a (A) - topographia paradisi
Description: Illustration: "Topographia paradisi" From Athanasii Kircheri è Soc. Jesu Arca Noë, in tres libros digesta, quorum I. De rebus quæ ante Diluvium; II. De iis, quæ ipso Diluvio ejusque diratione; III. De iis, quæ post Diluvium à Noëmo gesta sunt, quæ omnia nova methodo, nec non summa argumentorum varietate, explicantur, & demonstrantur, 1675. GC6 K6323 675a (A), Houghton Library, Harvard University
Title: Houghton GC6 K6323 675a (A) - topographia paradisi
Credit: Houghton Library at Harvard University
Author: Athanasius Kircher
Permission: This is a media file that Houghton Library believes to be in the public domain of the United States. This applies to a work published before January 1, 1923, or the unpublished work of an author who died more than 70 years ago. Houghton Library and Harvard University claim no rights in this photographic reproduction of the work, and the image is free to download and reproduce for any use, commercial or non-commercial, without any further permission required. We request that where these media files are used, the Houghton Library is credited as the source of the materials. Please include this citation: "GC6 K6323 675a (A), Houghton Library, Harvard University" as its source. In the event that any of the media files infringes your rights or the rights of any third parties, or file is not properly identified or acknowledged, we would like to hear from you so we may make any necessary alterations. In this event, please contact:
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