Image: Hook Norton brewery steam engine - - 600052
Description: The Brewery, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire: stationary steam engine. This steam engine was installed in 1899 and is believed to be the last in country still in use for its original purpose. Through line shafts and gearing it powers pumps and machinery used in the brewing process and is also used to operate lifts and hoists within the brewery. Buxton & Thornley Limited of Burton on Trent supplied the engine on 18 October 1899 and cost of £175.00. It is a single horizontal cylinder engine able to develop 25hp. The main drive belt seen in the picture is believed to be the original installed at the same time as the engine.
Title: Hook Norton brewery steam engine - - 600052
Credit: From
Author: David Stowell
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
License: CC BY-SA 2.0
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