Image: Historical Collections of Ohio- An Encyclopedia of the State; History Both General and Local, Geography with Descriptions of Its Counties, Cities and Villages, Its Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining (14772984405)

Description: Identifier: HistoricalCollectionsOfOhio1891V2 (find matches) Title: Historical Collections of Ohio: An Encyclopedia of the State ; History Both General and Local, Geography with Descriptions of Its Counties, Cities and Villages, Its Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining and Business Development, Sketches of Eminent and Interesting Characters, Etc., with Notes of a Tour over It in 1886 V 2 Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Howe, Henry, 1816-1893 Subjects: Ohio -- Biography Ohio -- History Ohio -- Local History Ohio -- Description and travel Publisher: Columbus : Henry Howe & Son View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: 0 volumes in its libraries. Lane Seminary, atheological institution, is at Walnut Hills, two miles from the centre of the city.It went into operation in 1833, has near 100 students, and over 10,000 volumesin its libraries. There is no charge for tuition. Rooms are provided and fur-nished at $5 per annum, and the students boarded at 90 and 62J cents per week.The Medical College was chartered and placed under trustees in 1825. It has alarge and commodious building, a library of over 2,000 volumes, 7 professors, andabout 150 students. The Cincinnati Law School is connected with CincinnatiCollege, has 3 professors and about 30 students. The Mechanics Institute,3 34 HAMILTON COUNTY. chartered in 1828, has a valuable philosophical and chemical apparatus, a libraryand a reading-room. The common free schools of the city are of a high order,with fine buildings, teachers, and apparatus. In the high schools there are notless than 1,500 pupils; in the common and private, 5,000; and, including the Text Appearing After Image: Drawn by Henry Hoive, in 1846. St. Xayiers College. students in the collegiate institutions, there are 7,000 persons in the variousdepartments of education. In 1831 a college of teachers was established, havingfor its object the elevation of the profession, and the advancement of the interestof schools in the Mississippi Valley, which holds an annual meeting in Cin-cinnati in October. The Young Mens Mercantile Library Association has afine library and reading-rooms. The library contains over 3,800 volumes, and Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Historical Collections of Ohio- An Encyclopedia of the State; History Both General and Local, Geography with Descriptions of Its Counties, Cities and Villages, Its Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining (14772984405)
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