Image: Henry David Thoreau - Dunshee ambrotpe 1861

Description: E.S. Dunshee took the last photographs of Thoreau — two slightly differing ambrotypes — on August 21, 1861, in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Late in the nineteenth century, the Concord Antiquarian Society (predecessor of the Concord Museum) held both copies of the Dunshee ambrotype, one a gift from Walton and Anna Ricketson (children of Thoreau’s New Bedford friend Daniel Ricketson), one from George Tolman, who had received it from Sophia Thoreau. The Sophia Thoreau/George Tolman copy disappeared from the society in 1910 and resurfaced at the auction of the Stephen Wakeman collection in 1924. Its present location is unknown.
Title: Henry David Thoreau - Dunshee ambrotpe 1861
Credit: Anna Ricketson (1902) Daniel Ricketson and his friends[1], Boston: Houghton Mifflin, OCLC 2952813
Author: Edward Sidney Dunshee (1823-1907)
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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