Image: HarpersWeeklyIllustr10091869LandAuctionShippanPtStamfordCT
Description: Land auction at Shippan Point in Stamford, Connecticut, published October 9, 1869 in Harper's Weekly magazine. Ends of picture are cropped out. Store Web page states: "Original HARPER’S WEEKLY Illustrated Newspaper, (New York) dated October 9, 1869. COMPLETE in 16 pgs, Folio (16 1/4” x 11 1/2”). Featured in this issue is the article “SHIPPAN POINT” accompanied by a FULL PAGE image gallery containing THREE (3) original wood engraved views: “VIEW OF SHIPPAN POINT, OPPOSITE STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT” (3” X 9”), “SHIPPAN PONT-JOHNSON AND MILLER’S AUCTION SALE, SEPTEMBER 21, 1869” (6 3/4” X 9”), & “SHIPPAN POINT-VISITORS INSPECTING PROPERTY PRELIMINARY TO THE SALE OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1896” (4” X 9”). The article reads, Shippan a beautiful and fertile peninsula of 300 aces in extent, opposite Stamford, Connecticut. The surface slopes in every direction, and it is surrounded on all sides by the most exquisite scenery. In front, stretching westward and seaward for a long distance, lies Long Island Sound, with Long Island beyond. Through the groves and orchards of Shippan Point several miles of serpentine roads have been recently constructed, and other improvements are in progress. One of our illustrations...represents the sale at public auction of a portion of the property at the Point, by Johnson & Miller, on the 21st of September."
Title: HarpersWeeklyIllustr10091869LandAuctionShippanPtStamfordCT
Credit: eBay store Web page:
Author: published in Harper's Weekly
Permission: not needed, copyright expired
Usage Terms: Public domain in the United States
License: PD-US
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