Image: Grevillea baileyana

Description: Grevillea baileyana Family : Proteaceae Australian rainforest native tree Photographed in South Bank, Brisbane. Clustered racemes and have a strong nectar perfume which attracts myriad insects to the flower heads. Flowers are similar to Buckinghamia celsissima ('Ivory Curl) and to other grevilleas, but this palnt has leaves are rich green with the underside having a rusty or bronze sheen (you can see it better in the photo below). This is a particularly useful diagnostic point in the growing period. Juvenile leaves have 5-9 broad lobes but adult leaves are simple, glabrous above and finely silky beneath.
Title: Grevillea baileyana
Credit: Grevillea baileyana - 'Brown Silky Oak' Uploaded by berichard
Author: Tatiana Gerus from Brisbane, Australia
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
License: CC BY 2.0
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