Image: Great Fire of London Monday

Description: Spread of the Great Fire of London, by Monday, Sept 3, 1666
Title: Great Fire of London Monday
Credit: This file was derived from: Fire thumb monday.png:
Author: Bunchofgrapes derivative work Tom Fish · · Fish Eye
Permission: If you wish to reuse this map outside Wikimedia Foundation projects, you should: credit us as the cartographers (place the notice "© Bunchofgrapes and Tom Fish" either below the image, or make sure it is displayed after clicking on the photo; for printed media or for videos it is sufficient to mention the authorship in the imprint section or the description respectively) I would appreciate being notified if you use my work outside of a Wikimedia Project. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing. More information about the copyright of the data used and the current licenses of this image can be found on the file discription page in #Licensing. While some of the data used in this map may be in the public domain and tagged as such, the final map is not. Please ignore the mediaviewer used on Wikipedia if it says this map is in the public domain. There is a known bug that the Wikimedia Foundation is uninterested in fixing that causes this behavior.
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
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