Image: Eucalyptus rudis from "Eucalypts cultivated in the United States"; (1902) (14596489789)

Description: Identifier: eucalyptscultiva00mccl (find matches) Title: Eucalypts cultivated in the United States Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: McClatchie, Alfred James Subjects: Eucalyptus Forests and forestry -- United States Publisher: Washington : G.P.O. Contributing Library: NCSU Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: NCSU Libraries View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Tree 12 years i Eucalyptus rudis on Grounds of Minnewawa kanch l(i. Diameter of trunk. 2 feet. This species endures more heatin the Southwest. •r irosts than any tree 35, Bureau of Forestiy, U. S. Dept of , Plate XLIII. Text Appearing After Image: Eucalyptus rudis, on Minnewawa Ranch, Fresno. Cal. Truus l-J Vfiir- n\t\. Uiaiiiclrr of Iniiiks. l.i to ;;il inclu-. PRINCIPAL SPECIES OF EUCALYPTS GROWN IN AMERICA. 57 appearance, but frequently attaining a height there of over loOfeet and adiameter of 3 feet. The grayish or brownish bark of the entire trunkis conniionly rough, wrinkled, and persistent; that of the upper ))ranchessmooth and cream-oolored or reddish. (PI. XVI.) The leaves are somewhat leathery. \arying in shape from oval toslender lance-shaped. They are paler beneath and frequently mottledyellowish and green or red. The veins are numerous and spread likethe parts of a feather, giving the leaves quite a characteristic appear-ance. The 3oung leaves when torn asunder show the presence of arubber-like fluid by the fine glutinous threads that are drawn out.The bloom is very profuse from an early age. The flowers are whiteor creamy in color, above the average in size, in rather open, flat-topped clusters. They contain a lar Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Eucalyptus rudis from "Eucalypts cultivated in the United States"; (1902) (14596489789)
Credit: Source book page:
Author: McClatchie, Alfred James
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