Image: Covenanters gravestones at Glencairn Churchyard, Dumfriesshire
Description: Covenanters gravestones at Glencairn Churchyard, Dumfriesshire. These gravestones within a railed enclosure are for four Covenanters, James Bennoch, Robert Edgar, John Gibson and Robert Mitchell. The four, along with Robert Grierson, were arrested by government soldiers and taken to Ingleston Mains Farm where after a short trial they were shot on 28th April 1685. Robert Grierson was buried at Balmaclellan. The best preserved inscription is on the slab on the left which reads:- HERE LYES JAMES BENNOCH SHOT DE AD BY COL. DOUGLAS AND LIVINGSTONS DRAGOONS AT ENG LSTON FOR ADHE REING TO THE WORD OF GOD CHRISTS KI NGLY GOVERMENT IN HIS HOUSE AND THE COVENTED WO RK OF REFORMATION AGAINST TYRANNY PERJURY AND PRELA CY APRIL 28 : 1685 REV. 12 : 11 HERE LYES A MONUMENT OF POPISH WRATH BECAUSE I’M NOT PERJURED I’M SHOT TO DEATH BY CRUEL HANDS OF MEN GODLESS AND UNJUST DID SACRIFICE MY BLOOD TO BABEISS LUST
Title: Covenanters gravestones at Glencairn Churchyard, Dumfriesshire
Author: Walter Baxter
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
License: CC BY-SA 2.0
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